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Automatic license application and full catalog


Appologies if both these suggestions already posted. It's too slow to scroll through all messages, which is a lame excuse, I know..

1) I'd like if it would download a full description (pad) of all programs once, and then be able to download only changes, etc. I saw the other post about downloading just the version. My point is that the program have a complete catalog of all programs to browse offline as it were. It's hard for me to visit the site often.

2) If I saw a new program, I'd like to be able to download it (it's an "update" from nothing, right?) and then automatically apply my license file to it.

I'd like if it would download a full description (pad) of all programs once -tabletguy (August 10, 2007, 04:15 AM)
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That's a great idea -- it's actually why I came to the website today. :)  Wouldn't it be cool to just have a clickable link in the line for each program to be updated that was user editable? That way you could keep the current DC discussion thread linked with the program's version history. I'm always interested in "what's new" before deciding whether to update.

Or, maybe there's a way to auto-update the link when the developer opens a new thread?


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