Software > Find And Run Robot
RichEdit line insertion error...
i saw that on google too but i couldn't figure out why it would be writing so much info as to show that error...
does it happen EVERY time you bring up about box? if not, do you have any clues when it does?
i really need to find this problem and fix it. does it happen on all programs about boxes?
can you explain a little more the issue with window sizing?
this richedit bug really needs to get fixed otherwise you (and anyone with same problem) willl have no way to enter license key..
or did you already enter a license key and maybe thats the cause of the issue?
lanux regarding the about box problem, could you try going to your find and run robot directory and moving the file DonationCoder_findrunrobot_Key.dat out of that directory and restarting F&R and then go to about box and see if you get the error?
maybe there is something in the license key that is upsetting the program..
and with regard to F&R window size - does autoshrink mode properly set the window size when showing results normally - and it's only when you close and re-open that has those bad scrollbars?
and if you resize the window by just one pixel taller or wider does everything fit and scrollbars go away?
hi there mouser,
sorry, "real life" kept me back... ;-)
ok, to answer your questions...
lanux regarding the about box problem, could you try going to your find and run robot directory and moving the file DonationCoder_findrunrobot_Key.dat out of that directory and restarting F&R and then go to about box and see if you get the error?-mouser
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the error still recurs, as you can see from the screen-shot...
RichEdit line insertion error...
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and with regard to F&R window size - does autoshrink mode properly set the window size when showing results normally - and it's only when you close and re-open that has those bad scrollbars? and if you resize the window by just one pixel taller or wider does everything fit and scrollbars go away?
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yes, only when i close & re-open does the scrollbars appear & yes, if i resize then the scrollbars disappear.
and can you try latest version and see if the window size problem is still there with this version
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man, that was fast! but sorry mouser, the sizing problem is still persistent. anyway it's okay, it's a minor annoyance that i can live with... ;-)
best regards,
we don't live with such problems - we fix them!
don't worry we will get it fixed, as long as you are still willing to test fix attempts.
one of things i've learned is that for every 1 person who reports a bug, probably 100 others experience it and just get mad and uninstall, so i treat all bug reports as things that need to be fixed.
let me prepare another test version to try.
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