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Best, Best Audio File Tagger Period.
As much as I like MP3Tag, I don't use it very often these days. Why? Because MusicBrainz' Picard takes care of all my tagging work.. and automatically, at that. I mean, shit, you can't beat automatic, now, can you :)
If I do have to edit something specific in multiple MP3 files that is tag-related, nothing else but MP3Tag is what I'd use.. but since these days all I have is albums in MP3 form, really, Picard is nothing short of amazing for taking care of the tagging job for that :)
I still love MP3Tag just as much as I ever have. I'm just saying Picard does everything automatically, so the manual editing I *would* do with MP3Tag just falls away as a consequence ;)
:huh: I could never get familiar with the work flow of MP3Tag. (..for most ToDo's you have to define an "Action" first, right?)
I like to see wath's happens immediately... with one view (here OLD, there NEW next beside) :(
I had found MB3BookHelper (OpenSource) as my power tagger.
Also i like the freeware Media Tagger and MP3Renatager.
All of this use INIs to store there settings...great for my thump drive
Got to give my vote to Picard from MusicBrainz... its audio fingerprinting is fantastic.
I like Tag & Rename. Registered it many years ago, got all updates for free. Development slowed down, but I guess there's just nothing else to add. I'm so used to it I'm unable to switch to a different software. I see no need to use something different. I can tag anything with ease, no matter how messed up the tags are. I really started to appreciate the copy/paste tags feature lately.
Best, Best Audio File Tagger Period.
--- End quote ---
If it would be the best, it would have folder view... like T&R offers. :P
Anyway, giving my "vote", I think the best tagger is probably The Godfather (
Actually hirudin did a nice minireview of The Godfather and it sparked a lot of discussion:
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