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IBM Lotus Symphony

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Disclaimer:  I work for IBM so I may be biased but:

IBM just released Lotus Symphony a free office suite (word processor, spreadsheet, presentation program) which handles Open Document Format and compatible with M$oft products.  Although in beta, it's very polished and professional.  I've been using Microsoft products for years and this is the first free alternative that I can actually see myself using (even if I didn't work for IBM).  Having opened may presentation and spreadsheets files created in Microsoft (with formulas and extensive formatting), it seems to work just as if opened in MS.

You must register first to download but's free.

johnfdeluca, nice knowing about this.. maybe i will have a go.. anyway, some screenshots would be nice.. :)

Beth UK:
Looks interesting...

Bit confusing though as this release comes just days after IBM apparently joined up with OpenOffice:

 10 September 2007 -- The community today announced that IBM will be joining the community to collaborate on the development of software. IBM will be making initial code contributions that it has been developing as part of its Lotus Notes product, including accessibility enhancements, and will be making ongoing contributions to the feature richness and code quality of Besides working with the community on the free productivity suite's software, IBM will also leverage technology in its products.
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And then on September 18th:

NEW YORK, September 18, 2007 - IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced IBM Lotus Symphony, a suite of free software tools for creating and sharing documents, spreadsheets and presentations.
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 :D What a wonderfully dualistic world we live in!

johnfdeluca, nice knowing about this.. maybe i will have a go.. anyway, some screenshots would be nice.. :)
-lanux128 (September 19, 2007, 08:27 PM)
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I posted a pic but there are many other pics via the link

I'll probably try it out at some point, but not until it has been optimized.
* Supported Windows platforms: Windows XP, Windows Vista
* Supported Linux platforms: SLED 10, RHEL 5, Redhat5
* 900MB disk space minimum
* 1GB RAM memory minimum
* US English locale

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I may have 2GB of RAM in my PC, but to require 1GB minimum of it for these types of applications is beyond insane!

Also, just hearing the name "Lotus" again makes me crawl up in a dark corner while screaming out of fear.


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