News and Reviews > Mini-Reviews by Members
Messy Desktop? Hate Clicking To Hide Icons?
Iconoid!!! Free open source app. Very, very cool desktop utility! :up:
* Only Iconoid hides and shows the icons when you need them.
* Only Iconoid insures that when you restore icon positions, the saved positions do not overlay other icons. Iconoid goes to great lengths to insure that all Icons are visible when you restore Icon positions.
* Iconoid can be completely hidden or live in the system tray.
* Iconoid is customizable. For example, you can decide what options appear in the tray popup so that you don't have to see a cluttered list of items you don't use.
* Iconoid can determine the optimal text background color whenever the wallpaper changes -- automatically.
* Iconoid comes with complete source.
My review:
Pure Serendipity!
Pros: Anyone who tries to keep their desktop clean probably doesn't for long as things get messy fast. I was using Desksweeper to hide my icons and Iconsaver to save my icon positions. I was thinking "Hey, wouldn't it be cool if there was a program that would auto hide my desktop icons" so that I wouldn't have to click on a tray icon everytime I wanted to hide/show them.
So I searched Google not really expecting to find anything and stumbled apon Iconoid...and so much more! It is incredibly configurable with a large array of options. You can save your icon positions or auto arrange them according to the programs built in presets. What a great find. This program is a keeper. I can't believe it's free.
Cons: Doesn't come standard with windows! ;)
nighted these are fantastic posts - i love em!
may i recommend you post future mini-reviews like these in the "user mini-review" section:
i will move this post over to that section in a bit.
this "software in the wild" section is also appropriate for what you are posting, but your posts are more full and complete than most, and with screenshot and website and recommendation, they are the kind of little reviews that deserve to be in their own section. i'm making you honorary member and i hope you will keep making these kinds of posts, they are really nice to read. :beerchug:
Thanks for moving it mouser. :)
This looks really good. I see I already had an earlier version installed, but I've not used it before - one of those rainy afternoon downloads I never get around to using! ;)
There is another little app that does something similar, which I have used for about a year - the cool thing about this one is that it also opens Windows Explorer when you click the left margin of the screen. It appears to be lighter on resources that Iconoid, too. You can find it here: There's another version that also autohides the taskbar - find it at the same place.
But for now I'm running Iconoid - let's see how it measures up. Thanks for the pointer, Nighted.
nighted, when you get a chance, pick out an avatar from your forum profile :)
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