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Messages - scancode [ switch to compact view ]

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About piracy, I was thinking of preventing it by being a nice guy and encouraging people to not crack it  :-*

That's good enough for me <3
Nice app, by the way.

Do you plan to include the effects of piracy in your experiment? *smirk*
By the way, nice app!

Living Room / Re: is Harmful to Your Reputation
« on: April 19, 2010, 11:00 AM »
I'm a fan of when you try to shorten a shortened link you get this

Sorry, the URL you entered is either on our blacklist or is of a type not supported by Often this means you tried to link to itself or another URL shortening site. Links to these sites are disabled to stop spammers hiding abusive links behind a chain of shortened URLs.

And if you use the api you get
Error: The URL you entered is on our blacklist or of a type not supported by (links to URL shortening sites or itself are disabled to prevent misuse)

Tehy be teh smrat! :P

Living Room / Re: Pure Boredom Post: The 3 Word Story Game
« on: April 18, 2010, 06:07 PM »

Go and look at sites like to see which services can be disabled.

I love Black Viper's site. His advice has brought in quite a lot of money for me when I have to fix what his advice broke on clients' PCs.

Amen to that, brother!

I did not spend that much on the software I don't know where you got your info from. I'm not recomending that you buy all the software. The average person would only need up to 3 programs. Since I'm a hard core gamer I need all the speed that I can get on my computer. Process Lasso is only $8,95 bt the way. And you have not even tried any of the software out to know or to back up your predictions, you're not a psychic.
-clairvoyant christopher (April 17, 2010, 02:00 PM)

I looked at each app's official site. I have only tried Process Lasso.
I'm not a hardcore gamer, however I use my computer for realtime audio processing and I need every drop of performance it can get (and prevent it from crashing mid-gig :)) and I'm also a programer and reverser. I can assure most of the 'accelerator' apps are snake oil at best.

Priority Master$14.95
Process Lasso$19.95
Abexo Process Tweak$29.95
PC Speeduper$19.99
Wlording Speedup PC$19.95
System Speedup Wizard$19.95
Optimum XP$19.95
Resource Optimizer$19.95
PC Boost 4$29.95
MCS System Optimizer$16.00
GREAT TOTAL :tellme:$250.49

Give Me A Break!

I think I just saw the Big Dog in The Sky...


My arm feels numb...

Finished Programs / Re: ZIP to PHP converter
« on: March 26, 2010, 09:20 AM »
This is amazing, but it doesn't delete the file after its used, maybe auto deletes OR maybe rewrite from .php to .txt or .done (fake extention but still there) or no extension what so ever.

I'll add that option.

also maybe a file for options, if i wanna have it delete afterwards, or rename it (blah.php to blah.bak)
and looking for something that takes whats in the directory and makes it into zip (in linux servers)

Sure thing.



And you can only install it on Tuesdays, when it is the month of December, and the wind is less than 3 mph, and you use a cassette tape to load the program after downloading it via a 300-baud acoustic coupled modem.


Having purchased this software title through Softwrap Limited you are free to use it on your PC only, however you may also transfer your license free of charge once to your laptop or any other machine. This can be done by re-installing the software title on your new machine, running it, selecting "Reinstall" and entering your License Holder name and Reference number details as provided above.

It can, and does get worse.

5. Installation. The Wrapped Title can only be installed once on the User's computer, and hard drive failure, or installation on a new computer, may render the Wrapped Title unusable. In such an event, the User must phone the Softwrap toll free number and show proof of purchase via a transaction number to unwrap the Title for further use or alternatively the User may show proof of purchase online via the Softwrap wizards and transaction number in order to unwrap the Title for further use. This will only be done once for the transfer to a new computer or disk, and thereafter the licence must be re-purchased.

Luckily, Softwrap is easy to get rid of.


Seriously tho, if you find any glitches, pm steph or me.


Living Room / Re: Pirate vs. Paying Customer illustrated
« on: March 13, 2010, 09:16 AM »
Interesting OpEd article on the UbiSoft debacle -
Why do you use instead of direct links? please stop it.

Maybe he got it from twitter?
Damn tinyurls :P

er status bar, and wouldn't mind having the WinXP style copy/replace dialog back. Does this thing let m

You can install the start menu and the explorer addon separartely AND once they're installed they're pretty customizable. I'm in love.

Tried it, instantly fell in love with it. I hate you, 40hz.  :Thmbsup:

Living Room / Re: Pirate vs. Paying Customer illustrated
« on: March 08, 2010, 12:23 PM »
"You wouldn`t download a car!"

- Fuck you!, I would if I could!


And keygen the gas, and just download another one if you crash that one... After all, donwnloading only makes a copy ;)

I'll have to say... the turbo switch and the hardware keyboard lock.

Post New Requests Here / Re: IDEA: EDID Emulator
« on: February 25, 2010, 03:04 AM »
Awesome  :Thmbsup:

Thanks for the links.
Seems I'll be able to do something about it, stay tuned!

[and my monitors will finally be widescreen, again <3]

Post New Requests Here / Re: IDEA: EDID Emulator
« on: February 24, 2010, 02:24 PM »
From what little I've managed to unearth about EDID, it seems like all that's actually needed is some registry manipulations - it seems it's possible to override EDID via the registry, and I'm just looking for a utility to ease that process.

Can I haz links please?

Post New Requests Here / Re: IDEA: EDID Emulator
« on: February 24, 2010, 10:35 AM »
Dunno why, but I smell some driver haxx0ring is in order :(
That something I'd kill (and been looking) for.  :up:

Finished Programs / Re: DONE: Warning that I'm on Battery power
« on: February 24, 2010, 10:05 AM »
Okay, I'm gonna install Windows on my laptop (argh) and I'll get back to you ASAP

Finished Programs / Re: DONE: Warning that I'm on Battery power
« on: February 23, 2010, 09:56 PM »
pay for this program by spending one hour petting one or several cats.

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :Thmbsup:

:( I'm allergic to cats. Now I can't use this software. ;)

At your option, you can abide to the terms of the WTFPL

Finished Programs / Re: DONE: Warning that I'm on Battery power
« on: February 23, 2010, 09:08 PM »

Can you provide the option to have the warning appear:

1. only on battery, or
2. only on AC, or
3. both

I don't currently have a laptop running windows, so this was done blindly...

Please report back with your results.

Wait, that means that there are people who willingly learn C++?

Nice try google, but if what I 'buzz' can't be posted to Facebook/Twitter/FF I'm staying away from it. As in _very_ far away.


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