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Messages - scancode [ switch to compact view ]

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Living Room / Re: Show us the View Outside Your Window
« on: August 05, 2010, 07:53 AM »

The last two pictures were very natural and looks very good. But they are too small in size.

Try clicking on them :)

Circle Dock / Re: Change of Licensing from Version 2 (Cancelled)
« on: August 05, 2010, 07:29 AM »
The GPL might be unenforceable, but keep in mind it was a matter of respect. You're basically not giving a damn about what the original author wanted.
 :down: from me.

So long, and thanks for [the lack of] all the fish.
To be honest, I expected more from a DC member.

Circle Dock / Re: Change of Licensing from Version 2 (Cancelled)
« on: August 04, 2010, 02:56 PM »
Um, you'd also have to offer sourcecode for YOUR binary build (aka latest circle dock!)
That's how it works, unfortunately. It was kind of expected, tho.

Not if he stops working on it and removes it from the market.  And also not if he removes all GPL code from any new build of CD that he does.

I just downloaded the latest version. Am I not entitled to the source? It is not posted anywhere on the site.

Circle Dock / Re: Change of Licensing from Version 2 (Cancelled)
« on: August 04, 2010, 02:24 PM »
Um, you'd also have to offer sourcecode for YOUR binary build (aka latest circle dock!)
That's how it works, unfortunately. It was kind of expected, tho.

Also, weren't you aware that the project was GPL'd when you began working on it?

Circle Dock / Re: Change of Licensing from Version 2 (Cancelled)
« on: August 04, 2010, 11:13 AM »
read the site and it outlines them all quite clearly.... well if CD uses the GPLv2 license you should be pretty safe from people that would modify it and re-release it.
-Archon of Fate (August 04, 2010, 09:28 AM)

How exactly? Also, it's GPLv3'd...

Your quote is irrelevant to the matter at hand.

Circle Dock / Re: Change of Licensing from Version 2 (Cancelled)
« on: August 04, 2010, 07:04 AM »
This is one of the reasons why I'm so hesitant to release any of my stuff as open source. It all becomes so complicated.

http://sheehantu.wor...enses-in-a-nutshell/ <- That's pretty much it. Software licenses are great bathroom reading material, tho :)

Circle Dock / Re: Change of Licensing from Version 2 (Cancelled)
« on: August 04, 2010, 12:01 AM »
Um, wasn't CD GPL'd?

Circle Dock is open source software licensed under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE V3. Use it as you wish, but you must share your source code under the terms of use of the license.
-Original CD License

Unless the original author gave you another license in written, you're required to release source to all binaries/modified versions. You _CAN_ charge what you want and add all limits you want, but we should be able to recompile without them.

[for an example shareware GPL'd app, see http://www.verypdf.c.../pdf2word/index.html]


May be opening a can of worms here, but if you don't use the screen at that time for anything else (like showing a question to the class, for example), maybe you could take the kid's picture and have it rotate through the pictures?  The program logic would be the same, just the data would show up differently (like flipping through a photo album at high speed looping through and stopping at a random picture).  Just a thought if you are making it "visual".

When I first heard about this snack, I thought about something like this.

I'm gonna torture my less favourite designer/flash coder tomorrow to see what 'visually impressive' animation he can come up with.

Also UI teaser time:

Are you looking for something that would run full-screen, or as a small sidebar, or as a normal window?
How many names should it support?

General Software Discussion / Read locked file
« on: June 26, 2010, 06:07 PM »
Hey codies, I need your help.

I need to copy a file that's constantly "locked" by the application that's using it, WHILE it's using it. I tried patching the app to pass ShareMode = FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE on every call to CreateFile, but it doesn't work.

Any ideas that do NOT involve VSS?

Help would be greatly appreciated.

Update: the patch worked, *I* wasn't closing the fucking file when I had to. I deserve to be shot.

Living Room / I'm gonna need some grief counseling...
« on: June 25, 2010, 09:22 AM »
Just found that my favourite podcast (gadgettes) is being cancelled.


An acquaintance of an acquaintance of a friend

I smell trouble.

is asking if I will set up their web site for them


and I realized I have no idea what to charge for an old fashioned setup-the-domain-and-stick-a-few-static-pages-on-there-for-them site.
There's a reason for that!

There will be no ongoing maintenance,
That's what you think!

no shopping cart (or any other) scripting to deal with.
That's what you think! (2.0)

Design effort on my part will be minimal, if any (will probably consist mostly of convincing them not to use some eye-watering background image they think is beautiful). 

Do I have to say that again? :)

Any suggestions for a fair price ballpark?

Ask a pro designer, charge 75% of that.

ConvertXToDVD did the trick for me the very few times I had to do that.

Here in Australia most public 'puters are set up with limited rights i.e. not admin so you can't actually launch apps from a usb. Similar in the USA /Europe?

Here you have full admin rights and comuters are protected with Faronics Deep Freeze, so you get a fresh-installed desktop each time, at least on most cybercafé/school networks.

General Software Discussion / Re: Best MP3 to MIDI Converter.
« on: June 16, 2010, 08:14 AM »
Yes, the MIDI rendition really sucks.

And it's one of the BEST automated midi thinglets.

After A LOT of filtering (the original FLAC recording) this is what I could get.
* CYFTLT-SOLO MELODIA SAXO2.mid (4.68 kB - downloaded 340 times.)

It has a LOT of note velocity problems, but at least you can recognize some of the notes, LOL.

If someone has a better example, please enlighten us!

General Software Discussion / Re: Best MP3 to MIDI Converter.
« on: June 15, 2010, 10:40 PM »
None. Really. They work, at best, with a single voice as input, and they suck at it.

I tried Intelliscore with a very simple track to transcribe (John Tesh, Can you feel the love tonight,
) and uploaded the result for you to check.

I recommend having a good ear and transcribing by hand :(

Living Room / Re: Need to Convert .wav to .aac
« on: June 13, 2010, 01:08 PM »

Developer's Corner / Re: "Rites of Passage" applications
« on: June 13, 2010, 12:18 PM »
no coding rite of passage would be complete without a game or two.

Every. Programmer. Must. Write. A. Tetris. Clone!

Where's yours? I wanna play it. :D

I'm not a programmer. I'm a Software Developer (trademark)

Living Room / Re: I'm not George Jetson anymore!
« on: June 10, 2010, 08:52 PM »
You are hereby dubbed: The guy formerly known as George Jetson!


scancode knows assembler? Holy crap!

Code: ASM [Select]
  1. mov [JOSH], 0

  - the Win9x series didn't so much run on top of DOS as used it as a boot loader - once the Windows VMM took over, DOS was pretty much out of the picture unless you had a DOS device driver the system depended on, in which case the VMM would still make calls to it. But by 1998 that was a pretty rare situation (and I think that WinME might have stopped supporting that option).  Running a DOS box did run an actual copy of MS-DOS in a virtual machine.

then why did this simple assembly program:
Code: ASM [Select]
  1. 0CE8:0100 FA            CLI            ;clear interrupt flag
  2. 0CE8:0101 EBFD          JMP     0100   ;do it again and again and again
managed to completely freeze win9x? Not so isolated methinks :P

Say someone can connect over a internet cafè provided Wi-Fi, but don't fully trust the connection, fearing that there may be sniffers around.

For me, a SSH tunnel to a $5/mo VPS proved more than enough.
I have used both Burst.NET and VPSVille with great success.

N.A.N.Y. 2011 / NANY 2011 Pledge: Teddy Pro
« on: June 03, 2010, 12:40 PM »
NANY 2011 Entry Information

Application Name Teddy Pro
Version TBD
Short Description MIDI controlled Drum Machine / Sampler
Supported OSes Win7
Web Page N/A
Download Link N/A
System Requirements
  • Computer
  • Midi Controller
Version History
  • Idea
Author Jellyfish Systems

A pro version of Teddy. More details to follow.

Porn. And a sampler!

Planned Features


You don't.

Using the Application
You don't.

You don't.

Known Issues
App does not exist yet.

Developer's Corner / Re: "Rites of Passage" applications
« on: May 30, 2010, 10:14 PM »
no coding rite of passage would be complete without a game or two.

Every. Programmer. Must. Write. A. Tetris. Clone!

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