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Messages - scancode [ switch to compact view ]

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Mini-Reviews by Members / Re: Mini Review: Install Creator Pro
« on: February 08, 2010, 12:41 PM »
How does it compare to our beloved NSIS?

Hi and thanks for the feedback. I've tried all relevant winamp plugins I've found, including those in that thread, but can't get it to work (alternatively, not working without delay). Also tried AudioRepeater last time I looked for a solution to this but got delay problems. The speaker positions for the two soundcards will be close enough for it to sound weird. I've also searched for some foobar plugin but can't find one that fits the bill. That's why I'm now more leaning towards trying to get two separate mediaplayers instances in sync.

Have you tried the Kernel Streaming version? If you use the same settings in both soundcards you shouldn't have any latency issues...

Is getting a 4ch (or more) soundcard out of the question?

Is a few msec latency a problem? If not, Virtual Audio Cable [$30] available at might do the trick for you.

Simply output whatever you want to play to a virtual cable, and use the KS version of AudioRepeater [] to output to both soundcards.

Disclaimer: I have no relationship whatsoever with the named products or coders or aliens.

You ass, you're doing the LOUD part WRONG!

Mini-Reviews by Members / Re: Web-Browser Review: Opera 10.00
« on: February 01, 2010, 08:39 PM »
u CAN make addons for Opera... :huh:

Are you talking about that 'widgets' thing? C'mon, you can't modify the browser's UI >.>

Mini-Reviews by Members / Re: Web-Browser Review: Opera 10.00
« on: February 01, 2010, 08:09 PM »
how is user-made add-ons a con? nobody makes you install them lol
I was talking about the lack of them.

Mini-Reviews by Members / Re: Web-Browser Review: Opera 10.00
« on: February 01, 2010, 07:51 PM »
No cons? What about user-made addons? >.>
* scancode hugs fx

Basic Info

App NameDJ Legend
App Version ReviewedV6.01 Trial
Test System SpecsIntel Pentium E5200 @ 2.5GHz
2.0 GB RAM
Windows XP Professional SP3
nVidia GeForce 8600
Realtek HD Audio Onboard Sound
C-Media USB Audio Interface
Breakaway Live 0.90.90
Supported OSesWinALL
Support Methods
Upgrade Policy?
Trial Version Available?Yup. You can't control deck 2, 7-day trial.
Pricing Scheme€25/license
Reviewer Donation LinkDonate to scancode, the reviewer
Relationship btwn. Reviewer and Product None at all, thankfully!


This application is, by far, the worst DJ software I had the pleasure (?) of trying. The user interface is obnoxious (buttons look disabled when they aren't, took me a few minutes to figure out the playback controls), the help file seems written by a trained monkey, the effects are clichéd and can't be configured, and it looks as if the main purpose of the program was to remind you about your trial period. The BPM engine is a joke, and fails even on the simplest dance music.

DJ Legend.PNG

Who is this app designed for:

Masochists and anyone who'd like to waste €25.

The Good

It didn't destroy my computer after installing it.

The needs improvement section

Everything. Seriously.

Why I think you should use this product

Because I hate you.

How does it compare to similar apps

It doesn't.


Waste of money and time. Worst app so far.

Links to other reviews of this application

I found none so far.

I like this Great idea!
Now I have restart2hibernate.cmd file on my desktop with following command lines:
REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce /v HIBERNATE /t REG_SZ /d "rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState"
shutdown -r -t 00

I'm seeking for how to make possible to call hibernation on logon screen, using any possible programming method.

Are you using Windows XP (won't work on Vista/7)?

If so, make a Winlogon Notification Package



General Software Discussion / Re: Best PLAY-LIST EDITOR, please?
« on: January 31, 2010, 03:42 AM »
Well, I use MP3Tag Pro, it's a multifunctional tool that allows to create playlists as well

And has a good on-line based playlist creator function

More, do you happen to be related to With only three posts, you've already recommended two of their tools.

Just wondering.

ASRock motherboards come with a tool that does exactly that: ASRock Instant Boot

Been using it for a while, works great.

I was slightly worried at the 'poison your friends' one... Turns out to be salt on cookies. BORING BOOK! [I think we all did all of those]

General Software Discussion / Re: Scumbags Hall of Shame
« on: January 26, 2010, 12:29 PM »

I think sothinkmedia is a spinoff...

No, the link is from the bottom of Sothink's homepage, "Sothink Sites:..."

I stand corrected. >.>

General Software Discussion / Re: Scumbags Hall of Shame
« on: January 26, 2010, 12:25 PM »

I think sothinkmedia is a spinoff... Sothink/Sourcetec definitely seems webdev for me :)

Living Room / Re: I hate Valentine's Day!
« on: January 23, 2010, 08:47 AM »
I'd buy love that. Please visit my website at

Bugger - you got me!


Now that I think about it, making such a website is not a bad idea :-]

How about a day for sad and depressed singles?

I'd buy love that. Please visit my website at

You didn't get this from me, but start up the installer on giveaway day [today]
After the key wrapper dissapears and the installation starts, run

attrib -r -h -s %temp%\we*.*
for %i in (%temp%\we*.*) do copy %i C:\GAOTD
ren C:\gaotd\*.tmp *.exe

then check C:\GAOTD for results :]
Thanks for the CMD scancode, havn't used it but renaming the Temporary file did the job of actually getting the Original Installer, very cleverly concealed .Was figuring that for many weeks but anyways thank you. Sometimes , sometimes i feel why even let the setup.exe be archived another Setup.exe  :Thmbsup: :Thmbsup: :Thmbsup:

Why? To only allow the exe to run on giveaway date, ofc!

You didn't get this from me, but start up the installer on giveaway day [today]
After the key wrapper dissapears and the installation starts, run

attrib -r -h -s %temp%\we*.*
for %i in (%temp%\we*.*) do copy %i C:\GAOTD
ren C:\gaotd\*.tmp *.exe

then check C:\GAOTD for results :]

« on: January 21, 2010, 10:26 AM »
Action shots:
Default InstallationRidin' the fadersBearing the bear

General Software Discussion / Re: Good parental control software
« on: January 14, 2010, 11:29 PM »
Protip: To defeat the Cyberdemon, shoot at it until it dies.
There's a board called Announce Your Software/Service/Product where you can post about (or advertise) your own software. By the way, noone can see your sig.

DC Website Help and Extras / Re: is the chatroom borked?
« on: January 13, 2010, 12:27 AM »
If you don't want to install a client, just select the browser you're using here:

Have fun!

nice try, but I get a 'too many connections' response from both the IE and FF links...

and FWIW, I'd ideally prefer not to install a client here...

It works for me...

Do you happen to be in Australia?
If so:

[03:16] * n00b998 ([email protected]) has joined #donationcoder
[03:16] * n00b998 ([email protected]) Quit (Client Quit)
[03:17] * n00b918 ([email protected]) has joined #donationcoder
[03:17] * n00b918 ([email protected]) Quit (Client Quit)
[03:18] * n00b010 ([email protected]) has joined #donationcoder
[03:18] * n00b010 ([email protected]) Quit (Client Quit)

Try clicking on the link only ONCE and waiting for it to load (I don't think you can have multiple tabs of it open either)

DC Website Help and Extras / Re: is the chatroom borked?
« on: January 12, 2010, 11:55 PM »
If you don't want to install a client, just select the browser you're using here:

Mozilla Based Browsers


Konqueror / IE for Mac

Internet Explorer

Have fun!

PS: mouser, why don't you use efnet's interface like this:

General Software Discussion / Re: MIDI to MP3
« on: January 11, 2010, 09:56 AM »
a better way may be to purchase *today's* Bits du Jour offer: Spider Pro ($9.95)
Among many other features, it is offering to handle a wide spectre of MIDI sound fonts.


read about it: (see attachment in previous post)

What's your favourite General Midi soundfont?
Mine's the free FluidR3 GM

Also: imho the best way to convert MIDI to * is loading it in a DAW/Sequencer (FL Studio?) and mapping the instrument to sampled ones or good VSTis


This reminds me of "The Typing of the Dead" video game (for PC). It was a FPS that required you to type the word on the zombie's chest to kill it.

Epic Game.

An idea could be to download Stepmania, remap the arrows to the keys you wanna practice, and play a hard song :D

General Software Discussion / Re: MIDI to MP3
« on: January 09, 2010, 11:39 AM »
- no, I simply didn't dare to!  :D 

The author never made it to a retailed version - any test person will have to decide whether to get a beta or a beta - and even though WinGroove still is a shareware product (registration: $20), it hasn't been updated for nine years (come March)!

Why update something that Just Works (TM)? :D

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