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Living Room / Re: DC's "EVIL DEAD" Get Together
« on: August 14, 2006, 07:09 AM »
I only suggested that cos I've access to a station (ranch for USA people) here in australia for free and thought I could win

Living Room / Re: DC's "EVIL DEAD" Get Together
« on: August 14, 2006, 06:59 AM »
I think there's a coding snack approaching ....
From a list of potential travellers, find a point on earth which
a. minimizes travelling and accomodation costs
b. maximizes pleasure (eg no one wants to go to new zealand, so that's a neg, etc etc)
c. affects any other parameters that can be dreamt up.
Just maybe, mouser's world cup program could be tweaked?


...and I'm guessing you haven't played with it before...
or since! I installed the demo and that was that... locked out.

Thought I'd download and try photoimpact on the strength of that. Unfortunately, when I tried to run the demo version I got a really curious message:
"limit users can not try this product. You can use normally after successful activation"

Odd! Although the same problem (although with a different ULEAD product) was reported here. I don't know if that helps or is the same situation as yourself?

- Perry

yair, I saw that plus a couple of other references, but none had an answer unfortunately.

that would be fine, except I have admin privs.
I'll try actually being admin next/later.

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