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Mouser: I do this every day.  I set aside the last half hour of my day at work and then the last half hour before bed and write an assessment, and a plan for the next day.  Lately I have been using Wikidpad as the tool for this, mainly because of the strength of its todo function.  Basically, I write stream of consciousness, and when I get an idea for a task I just type todo: and the idea.  I have added Christian Ziemski's GTD patch, which basically created a page that collects all the todo statements I have made anywhere in the Wiki and allows me to add filters and date assignments.  All very text feeling, and simple, but I create tomorrow's todo list as I go.  Take a look and see what you think.

Living Room / Re: One answered question before you died
« on: October 08, 2008, 03:05 PM »
how about:

<b>can AI eventually demonstrate sentience/consciousness.</b>


<b>can humans (as a species) move beyond superstitions</b>

Or the other way around?

Living Room / Re: What are your favorite gadgets and gizmos?
« on: June 22, 2008, 02:35 PM »
Yeahhh!!!!!.....a furby!!!! Finally there is still one left for target practice!!!!!  :P
My daughter was just the right age when this little monster hit the market.  The stars aligned and she ended up with 8 of them all at the same time.   :'( :o  I wish I had been properly armed.

Found Deals and Discounts / Re: GemX Crazy Summer Specials
« on: June 22, 2008, 02:19 PM »
I have to say that I visited the "missing in action" topic, and I was stunned by the negativity there :o.  This is such a nice place ordinarily that I thought it significant.  After all, if a company can pi** off that many of the people on this forum, they must be really baaaad.  Still, I had played with the do-organizer software in an earlier version, and was fairly impressed.  I was also impressed with the price of the entire package.  I liked the software, but not enough to justify $165 US to get the parts I liked.  At $60 US however, I had to download the new version.  So, don't anybody throw anything at me, but I kinda like it :tellme:.  It imported my outlook stuff seamlessly, everything can be linked to everything else, and all the pieces seem to work.  That is to say that I have been playing with it for a couple of days and nothing has failed to perform as I expected it to (except the license, which seems to be a decimal point off as noted above.)  Also, it lives on my thumb drive, giving me a portability I need.  Wherever the bugs are, I don't think they cause the program to be unstable. 
I never visited the Gemx forums, and I have had no occasion to interact with their tech support, so I can't really address those issues.  I do feel like the summer sale might be an attempt to make amends for former poor performance, and I think everyone deserves the chance to redeem themselves. 
Just my 2 cents, but I will probably buy the license. 

Living Room / Re: LibriVox: Free Audiobooks
« on: May 16, 2008, 02:32 PM »
WOW, really cool find app, thanks for sharing it. :Thmbsup: :up: :Thmbsup: :up:

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