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Find And Run Robot / Re: Another FARR similar app - Executor
« on: August 21, 2008, 01:45 PM »
 ;D I think the final battle between launchers is who opens source first.

Currently I am still using Farr. Not perfect launcher I must say, but zippy enough.

Living Room / Re: Favorite part of the Beijing Olympics so far?
« on: August 15, 2008, 04:00 AM »
electronixtar - boycotting the Olympics is as easy as changing the tv channel!

haha very interesting...

I think faking the fireworks and not letting the little girl singer sing because she wasn't as pretty as the other at the opening ceremony were the highlights, captured the modern day Olympic spirit perfectly I thought.

IMHO 'fake' fireworks is very understandable. No chopper could fly that fast and steady, and it's not safe to fly through fireworks exploding around your helicopter, not saying live video. The fireworks on TV is CG, but it's real in Beijing that day. Check this out: . And I heard that on NBA the narrator clearly stated that the footprints are CG. Personaly I found out it was fake on that evening live broadcast, 08/08/08. Haha. I knew the little girl is lip-sync, too. It happens a lot in China.

I think it's a HUGE improvement for China government to admit something first.

In fact the whole opening ceremony is somehow too romantic/fake, like flying Li Ning lit the flame. He used wires. :-)

I feel sympathy for the little girl who did the actual singing, too. Our government officials said it's for 'national image' considerations, haha, the exact image of China is fake. Also the critisim inside China is more severe than foreigners.

Living Room / Re: Favorite part of the Beijing Olympics so far?
« on: August 13, 2008, 10:30 AM »
I didn't know it's so easy to boycott something ;D

as a Chinese I support Olympics. The fireworks are not fake, just the footprints on TV is pre-recorded and CG

Hmm, no option for Phelps?


Can I post it here?

Just few steps. First download est's version (no ads, no spyware) of PPLive. This version is the earliest version of PPLive(aka Synacast, aka SynaLive), a well-known free P2P Live Streaming service in China. CCTV give PPLive rights to broadcast Olympics. So it's totally legal. Too bad CCTV do not provide English commentators. :-(

Second, unpack, and run PE.exe. If you see Chinese characters jut right click the icon on your system tray, choose Languages - 1033 English

Next, copy paste these URL in your browser. If it doesn't work just restart your browser for syncast:// schema activation

CCTV-5 (Sports Channel & Olympics Channel) Hi-res

CCTV-1 Hi-res

CCTV-5 for Low-bandwidth

CCTV-1 for low-bandwidth

Finally, when buffer is 100% complete, ignore everything PPLive says, open the streaming in VLCPlayer or Windows Media Player with the address:
http://your_IP_address:8888/1.asf for your LAN friends, yes you can install PPLive on one machine and streaming for whole LAN. If you open multipule channels in PPLive, just change the :8888 port to :8889. e.g.

Living Room / Re: The InfoWorld Programming IQ Test
« on: August 02, 2008, 01:44 PM »
I got 30  ;D
-electronixtar (August 01, 2008, 03:05 PM)

You probably did better on it than SCO CEO Darl McBride would have.

Check out this article:

SCO CEO Darl McBride takes the stand

McBride said that SCO holds the rights to UNIX and that "many Linux contributors were originally UNIX developers." Specifically, he said, "We have evidence System V is in Linux,"—directly contradicting what Sontag had previously testified. Due to the witness exclusion rule invoked by both parties, McBride was not present during Sontag's testimony and wasn't aware of what had been said. McBride's claims also directly contradict internal SCO memos from 2002, which reveal that the company's own extensive source code audits had uncovered no UNIX code in Linux.

McBride attempted to reinforce his argument with analogy. "When you go to the bookstore and look in the UNIX section, there's books on 'How to Program UNIX' but when you go to the Linux section and look for 'How to Program Linux' you're not gonna find it, because it doesn't exist." Then came the real humdinger, and my jaw dropped when I heard the following come out of his mouth: "Linux is a copy of UNIX, there is no difference [between them]."

Here's McBride's compensation package info:

So take heart. A 30 should qualify someone to become a $500K CEO at the very least! (I knew I should have gone into management instead of tech...) ;D

LOL. Very funny.

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