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Mini-Reviews by Members / Re: List of disc catalogers
« on: April 29, 2008, 10:17 AM »
I have four of them installed in a virtual machine which is open on my screen right now.

Disk Explorer Professional
Virtual Cat

I don't see a way to get any of them to open a window that browses the whole database.  I can run a report query that lists all files in the database which meet selected criteria, but that's not exactly the same thing as browsing all records across all archived volumes.

I'd really like to be able to do this with WhereIsIt because I like the program in many ways, but from an inspection of the author's website, it appears that the only question he really wants to answer is "how do I pay for the program?".  No contact e-mail other than for bug reports and payment issues, no user forum and a very abbreviated FAQ.

I tried all the links for LazyCat in your list, only one linked to a download ( which shows up on my system as a corrupted file on each of three separate different DL attempts.


Mini-Reviews by Members / Re: List of disc catalogers
« on: April 27, 2008, 09:44 PM »

Just wondering if in your exploration of disc cataloguers you had found any that have the one feature I really want.

Let's say I have cataloged 20 DVD's with 50 files on each.  What I would like to be able to do is open up a single window that shows all 1000 files in a scrollable list, with one of the columns in that list being the ID number I assigned to the DVD containing that particular file.

Every cataloger I have tried so far is "disk centric" rather than "total database centric" - i.e. it will only let me browse one cataloged disk at a time.


Sorry for the delay in replying.  The attached screen captures should convey what I was asking about.  When custom fonts are not selected, the highlighted item appears in contrast to the highlight bar.  When custom fonts are used, the text under the highlight bar stays in its native (black) color and so does not contrast to the bar.

A minor quibble.  I just don't use custom fonts as a result.

OOPS, botched the post, here's what I meant to write!!

...or more likely, a setting that I can't find (the color settings do not seem to be documented anywhere)

Can't figure out how to get an attached image to show up in preview while using this forum software, so I'll try and describe.

Menu flyouts for the Control Panel default icon show with the item name in black text on my defined (light beige) background.  When I roll the mouse over the selections, the targeted item shows up as very dark blue, with the item name now switching to WHITE for contrast.

But flyouts from my own home brewed icons show up when moused with a dark blue highlight bar and the original BLACK text, which is almost unreadable.  How do I get the flyout text to reverse from black to white when the cursor hits it??

...or more likely, a setting that I can't find.

Here's what a flyout menu looks like from the default Control Panel icon:

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