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41 my antivirus app, Vipre Antivirus Premium (Sunbelt Software)

Since I have no reason to mistrust anything downloaded directly from Donation Coder, I disabled the virus scanner, downloaded and installed.  Did a system scan just afterward and everything was OK, including all the new LBC files.  So it appears to be something that's only in the installer itself.

- Jones

Hi Mouser - I posted about this some time ago, it may have inadvertently dropped off your bugfix list.

When using the standard font, the selected item is properly reverse shaded in the menu flyout (see picture "flyout1")

But when using a custom font, the selected item keeps the same color as non selected items, making it harder to read (see picture "flyout2")

Not a four-alarm bug, take a look whenever......

LaunchBar Commander / Re: Mouser - need help on LBC portable use
« on: June 18, 2009, 01:02 PM »
Mouser, got the new version this morning.  Appdrive works a treat.  Thanks!

LaunchBar Commander / Re: Mouser - need help on LBC portable use
« on: June 17, 2009, 11:56 AM »
Hey no problem, a one day turnaround on a bug fix is many light-years short of being an "inconvenience" !!!!

LaunchBar Commander / Re: Mouser - need help on LBC portable use
« on: June 17, 2009, 10:39 AM »
No other problems, LBC does not hang and can be closed.

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