« on: June 21, 2007, 02:21 PM »
OOPS, botched the post, here's what I meant to write!!
...or more likely, a setting that I can't find (the color settings do not seem to be documented anywhere)
Can't figure out how to get an attached image to show up in preview while using this forum software, so I'll try and describe.
Menu flyouts for the Control Panel default icon show with the item name in black text on my defined (light beige) background. When I roll the mouse over the selections, the targeted item shows up as very dark blue, with the item name now switching to WHITE for contrast.
But flyouts from my own home brewed icons show up when moused with a dark blue highlight bar and the original BLACK text, which is almost unreadable. How do I get the flyout text to reverse from black to white when the cursor hits it??