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If you're not familiar with this, "god mode" in Win 7 allows the user to access a whole truckload of configuration options from one screen.

It is enabled by creating a new folder named


I have this folder on my desktop, but I'm a little OCD about wanting a super clean desktop, with all my command launching coming from the taskbar or LBC.

So far I have been unable to figure out a way to call "god mode" from within LBC.  Can you take a look?



When "custom fonts" are selected in the menu configuration dialog, the flyout menus do not display the menu items correctly while the cursor is hovering over them.

Using default fonts, the menu item appears in a light color which contrasts with a dark color bar that follows the mouse cursor.

Using custom fonts, the menu item appears in black which is impossible to read while the dark color bar is superimposed over it.

See the attached illustration

It would be neat to have different menu files set up for different groups of tasks.   

And I have menu files on my desktop's hard drive which are different from those which are on my various USB devices carrying portable software.

It appears that launching LBC always launches the most recently closed .mcf file.  What I am suggesting is a command line argument that would permit pathing to a specific .mcf defined in the command line, regardless of what was closed last.

thanks Mouser again for this great proggie....

Is it still the place to go for that sort of thing??  I have one of each....

15 my antivirus app, Vipre Antivirus Premium (Sunbelt Software)

Since I have no reason to mistrust anything downloaded directly from Donation Coder, I disabled the virus scanner, downloaded and installed.  Did a system scan just afterward and everything was OK, including all the new LBC files.  So it appears to be something that's only in the installer itself.

- Jones

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