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Topics - mahesh2k [ switch to compact view ]

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Living Room / Open Donation Platform -Concept
« on: April 19, 2011, 05:58 AM »
The system needs to be based on the following principals:

A) Open: both with source code and the people. There is no anonymity. When you request help your name, - information about you, and the money you receive (if any) will be public record.

B) Decentralized: no single person makes the decision to award a donation. And likewise, no single person will receive a direct donation.

With these principals, combined with the collective intelligence of a social network, the system has hope of achieving the primary objective.

More on ODP

ProcessTamer / Tooltip Hide Option
« on: April 10, 2011, 03:42 AM »
I'm running process tamer to control firefox and my other apps from getting out of control. I just want to know if there is anyway i can disable tooltips ? because it is annoying sometimes to see tooltips while you're typing or doing some art related work.

Is this implemented and missed by me ?  :tellme:  if not then consider this as my request for next update :-)

Living Room / Amazon Clouddrive Sync Clients
« on: April 06, 2011, 09:11 AM »
I'm sure you know about amazon's new cloud file backup service-clouddrive. It offers 5GB free for users and you can buy more capacity for less than the price of Amazon S3. Right now i'm looking for 3rd party sync clients to upload the files from my disk. Any suggestions ?

Living Room / Video Games and Mythology Campaigns
« on: April 01, 2011, 11:11 PM »
I'm not sure how many of you enjoy mythology plots in video games. I'm playing 'age of mythology' (plus titans expansion) for quite some time. I like campaigns based on mythology stories. Not looking for MMORPG games because i prefer to play solo due to lack of fast internet connection.

I was looking for games (for single user) with mythology campaigns - something like Age of mythology, Master of olympus, darksiders.  :)

Any other suggestions for these type of games ?

Living Room / [Linux] Illustration and 2D animation Software
« on: March 23, 2011, 11:29 AM »
I know Pencil and synfig which are used for the illustration and 2D animation. Is there any other software which is much better on learning curve than these two ? I'm in search of both illustration and 2d animation software. I don't mind using if there is any commercial software that works on linux.

Living Room / Note taking Methods and Software
« on: March 06, 2011, 01:24 PM »
I'm sure you're aware of some of the note taking methods like Cornell etc. I'm focusing entirely on students and note taking programs which are helpful for them. Both web based and desktop. I know we have big review of text editors but i'm in search of note taking softwares like evernote(which can be used for Cornell note taking method).

Any suggestion for note taking softwares ?

Post New Requests Here / IDEA: Index Card System Organization
« on: March 01, 2011, 11:10 AM »
I found mouser's index card system very effective but the problem is that there is no software version for it. I think it is possible to code it in simple way but with OCD mind here i have hard time doing that.

Anyone here know similar software or can point to such system ? :-)

Living Room / Any suggestion for 3G Phone
« on: February 09, 2011, 11:52 AM »
I'm currently using Sony z550i and with low speed GPRS to connect to internet. I can't access video sites and can't download and do rest of the activities at such low speed. So i'm planning to ditch this carrier and get 3G on another network. I also want to get rid of this phone because it's condition is like it's going to grave yard in next few months .

What i'm looking for is simple phone with -
-No slider
- No flap
- No touchscreen

But with glossy screen and all the features like (3G/EDGE/Wifi/Bluetooth etc). Storage requirement and camera is not necessary and i want this phone just for connecting to internet. I can adjust with slider phone but i use mobile to listen to radio as well before sleeping so there is chance of rough usage and so avoiding those type of models. Another important requirement is 3G, which is the only way to get rid of 6kbps speed limit that i have currently.

Any suggestion from personal experience ? I know i can compare mobile these days online but looking for personal suggestion or model suggestion.  :)

I found this forum while browsing fluxxbb related discussion. It can be integrated with wordpress to use the same usernames for author and forum users.

Developer's Corner / Please Test this Wordpress Theme
« on: January 15, 2011, 01:51 PM »
Hi, I'm trying to get this minimalistic theme done for doco users and i need your opinion.  :up:  Not going to stuff much into this theme but soon going to add more features in dashboard later. Please try this theme and let me know the feedback.  :)

Developer's Corner / Ironpython IDLE
« on: November 09, 2010, 10:08 AM »
I've ironpython installed on my computer and i found out that there is no IDLE for it. They do have visual studio integration option but i can't install VS on this computer. is there any other ironpython IDE/IDLE option available ?

N.A.N.Y. 2010 / NANY 2010 Interviews
« on: January 19, 2010, 02:56 AM »
Just like last year, i'm posting interviews of NANY coders.

Developer Interviews:

1)  Jonathan Prater

2)  Stoic Joker

3)  Pyrohacker

I'll update this thread as soon as get response from other participants. More interviews of Developers from DC and outside DC are posted here : Onecore | Interviews

Hope you enjoy these interviews  :)

Living Room / IE 8 Textbox Issue
« on: August 04, 2009, 06:22 AM »
Recently, i upgraded IE to version 8. And now i'm facing problem of text-boxes. All of the text-boxes are cut down to some small size. as you can see in image attached it is very small to enter any query. Only textboxes that can be seen are gmail/yahoomail,yahoo search boxes.

Any idea on how to fix this ?

Developer's Corner / Forum suggestion
« on: April 20, 2009, 09:52 AM »
My friend wants to setup forum on his college website and he asked me for which forum software to choose from. Some of the options discussed by department are: Simplemachines, PhpBB, MyBB, and AEF. First question from my side to him was why isn’t dept going for invision board? But that’s their internal issue, so returned to the question and tried to compare these options on forummatrix site but unable to give him good suggestion on which one to choose among these.

Some of his requirements are:

- RSS/Atom so that individual threads of each department could show up in page of that department.

- Code highlighting Mod, it is needed especially for boards related to electronics and computers department.

- Abusive language filter

- SPAM control.

There are some other requirements as well, but i guess those are common in most of the forums like maintenance, upgrade and etc.

So what do you think which one is good forum out of these: Simplemachines, PhpBB, MyBB, AEF?

N.A.N.Y. 2009 / NANY Developer Interviews
« on: February 15, 2009, 06:46 AM »
Sorry for posting this late. I'm still sending interview requests to NANY authors and waiting for their emails as well. So this thread will be interview set 1, second set will be posted when i get response from rest of the other developers. Hope you've nice time reading it.

Developer Interviews:

[1]Simon Giesemann

[2]Ralph R

[3]Chris Wuestefeld

[4]Jody Holmes

[5] Oldrich Svec

[6]Karol Jan Kaminski

[7]Carl Danley

I'm waiting for response from other NANY develoeprs, So i'll update this thread soon. More interviews of Developers from DC and outside DC are posted here : http://www.onecore.n.../category/interviews

Hope you enjoy these interviews :)

General Software Discussion / Google Online Apps Alternatives
« on: January 27, 2009, 09:03 AM »
Now that Google is shutting down their online apps one by one. Can you suggest alternatives for these :
Google Notebook, Google Docs, Google Calendar .

Found Deals and Discounts / Giveaway of the Day
« on: December 28, 2008, 08:46 AM »
I found this Site from the Official support forum of my webhost. I'm not associated with this site. Today i found the software "Win utilities" so thought i could share this with DC members!  :)

The idea behind this initiative is that many sites and publishers offer trial downloads; but only we offer giveaway downloads. What does that mean?

Basically, every day we nominate one software title that will be a Giveaway title of that day. The software will be available for download for 24 hours (or more, if agreed by software publisher) and that software will be absolutely free. That means - not a trial, not a limited version - but a registered and legal version of the software will be free for our visitors*.

The software product will be presented in its full functionality, without any limitations save for those mentioned in Terms and Conditions.

Another site is for games, where they offer games totally free of cost.

N.A.N.Y. 2009 / NANY 2009 Release: Feedr
« on: December 26, 2008, 07:33 AM »
    NANY 2009 Entry Information

    Application Name Feedr
    Version 1.0 Beta
    Short Description Feedr - Simple RSS Feedreader application
    Supported OSes Windows and OS that is supported by Adobe AIR
    Download Link

    Feedr - Simple RSS Feedreader application
    Enter the RSS URL into the address bar and then read the feeds by selecting title.

    The Application's features.
    - Reads RSS Feeds

    Planned Features
    My first intention behind this application was to read plain RSSfeeds. Then i decided to import feed subscription from multiple feed-reader sites. So I'm currently trying for google feedreader and will try to add more reader-sites. So this application will be in 1.0 beta for long time :p

    Install AIR environment from Adobe's website. Then Run the Feedr.air executable. Follow the instructions.

    Using the Application
    Enter the URL in address bar and hit Load button. Read the posts by clicking onto title/date fields.

    Uninstall Program from Add/Remove application in Control Panel (WinXP)[/list]

    Developer's Corner / Programming Contests & Puzzles
    « on: December 01, 2008, 03:28 AM »
    My intention behind this thread is to list/link to the websites related to programming puzzles and contests.

    I'll try and post links to most of the contests organized in universities.

    Starting with University of Waterloo. (Canadian Computing competition )

    You can link/add to more such resources. Let this thread be informative. :)

    Developer's Corner / Ehterpad - Text Document Collabration
    « on: November 20, 2008, 08:28 AM »
    This is something that can help all DC Developers and users for collabrative project. Good thing is you can chat/Save revisions at the same time while collabrating.  :)

    More from website:
    With EtherPad, anyone in a meeting can contribute to the notes, or watch them as they're typed. This means more efficient meetings, more useful notes, and fewer misunderstandings.

    EtherPad literally keeps everyone on the same page.

    Try Etherpad :

    Developer's Corner / Processing
    « on: October 20, 2008, 08:54 AM »
    Processing language has been designed to facilitate the creation of sophisticated visual & conceptual structires.

    The Processing environment is written in Java. Programs writen in Processing are also translated to Java and then run as Java programs. Programs written in Java and Processing will usually run faster than programs based on scripting languages like ActionScript and Lingo, which is important for many graphics applications.

    Processing is completely free of cost, opensource & it can be easily embeded in webpages.For more inforamtion :

    Anyone tried it? :up:

    I’ve decided to launch new website for the game development. My intention behind this website is to help newbies, intermediate users & hobbyists with game development. This website will discuss various issues of game development like graphic libraries, scripting, engines, tools etc and more on game developement.

    Currently I’m in search of Content Contributors a.k.a Writers as I can’t do this huge work all by myself.So jump in, and write some how-to article or code-snippet for the site and send it to me. If you’re interested in any one of the following category, please let me know.

    •   Graphic libraries
    •   Engines(2D/3D)
    •   Scripting

    Other than above mentioned categaries we have lot of other categaries like AI,Math,Physics,Sound,etc. So absolutely everything will be covered if we found content contributor in the category.

    About site:
    You can check the site with demo GML article:

    If you’re interested in writing article or want to contribute in anyway,please let me know. PM me or reply here. If you need more information about this project please drop reply here.

    Living Room / Winamp 5.53 Release
    « on: May 07, 2008, 12:22 PM »
    I was pretty excited to download the Winamp's new version.It looks more like Windows media player..And hell it is...they even made their web page title about "Windows Media player".... Funny but glossy and attractive looks are in winamps new themeing engine with release of skin"botha"....
    Other features like tool-tip when songchanges and new visualier and media library stuff sounds cool..but i want my old-winamp switching back to old skin.... :D

    So i ask you to download and give your opinion about it.What makes u like new or hate new version of winamp...

    Living Room / Windows Live Skydrive: Tried Anyone?
    « on: February 22, 2008, 08:40 AM »
    I'm not advt for MS.There is no need to tell why? But i've found online storage service from ms.
    MS arrived here bit of late so any way here is there service.So check it out.
    They are offering 5GB of Online storage for Music,Image and documents.
    Beware no mp3 dwnload : or RIAA will sue u.

    Let me knwo your thoughts.

    Living Room / Intelligence in Sandbox
    « on: February 13, 2008, 05:08 AM »
    I came across mintpages forum site so many times.I've not signed up for the service as it takes only design professionals in it.(Maybe they are picky about the user on the site) I was confused about this buisness
    strategy or the very purpose of it.

    So I've done some research on this topic.This post is all about discussion on exploring the intelligence & preserving it.Here i'm using term sandbox so that it refers to place which is restricted to like-minded or talented people in some niche area or simmilar.If you don't
    understand or comprehand anything please let me know.Just make sure instead of questioning the thoughts you can place your own questions or perspective about this topic.Please forgive the typography,i've written this in bit hurry & late at night.

    Opening sandbox style forum without General public could have few advantages like :

    1. Leech attacks - Newbies & Purpose suckers,any community or intelligent person degrades becasue of such leeches on the web or in the society.Most of the time leecher approaches the intelligent being for sake of it's own work otherwise they don't even care for intelligent person.Purpose suckers are type of entities as they carry some knowledge about the things & they're with intelligent being till they get their outcome.

    2. Less knowledgeble user could steer the discussion in another direction (Even It may or may not benefit the discussion depends on situation)

    3. Criticism (It kills creativity & hurts programmers & esigners,scientists) Most of the social crowd (Make it 80%) in society never give any credentials,respect to those who spend most of the time on research or creative acts.They value film celebs & sport player than any

    4.SPAM -It is not under the categary of leech cause these guys wants to get rich quick,on any forum you go u'll see them.They'll hunt for blogs,websites,email address or anything that is valuable to them.

    There are maybe more advantages on not opening to general public but i've managed to gather the list of these only.

    Restricting forum to particular users have Advantages (in my opinion)
    1. Most of the intelligent crowd on the internet is protected from Average society which forces them to reinvent some things,which is painfull for designers,programmers or scientist.

    2. Most productive discussions can be generated by tossing idea into like minded peoples.

    3. Sometime it is good to keep the general public away from innovation or such acts as it may affect the very cause of it.( Area51,SETI is example of this) Media,press or whatever social medium can cause the problem as well (You don't want to have story of your personal
    pictures on Digg)

    4. It gives Intelligent users Freedom - to experiment,talk,share views with like minded people oer even fail while experimenting.

    Intelligent community in the society should be carefully reserved.They're contributing to the world by sacrificing their time,familly,emotions & much more.Such sandbox can play good role of tieing various talent pool for some good cause,or creative act.

    Intelligent people can't be categarised by the profession or the domain they can be doctors,engineers,artists,writers,designers,hobbyists, or those who are doing tech things as freelance or even part time.By saying intelligent i didn't mean it for any perticular domain,every domain has its importance & can't be underrated.I mean things get mixed up when one domain connects to another,Like on the internet there are plenty of user who are using computing as medium than as dedicated domain so their views on the subject or domain can mix things up positively or negatively.Sometimes lot of serious discussion can be easily

    mouldable if less knowledgable person tosses an idea,so our ears supposes to be open for new ideas.

    Sanbox like mintpages can be useful in such case which helps intelligent people gather at place to share thoughts and ideas.This'll even help
    such peroples psychologically as most of such people are tied by society,and not alllowed to experiment as everyone is behind money.Most of the things on the planet gets saturated if money plays more role than satisfaction in it.Such sandbox can be used rationaly if the most of knowldge inside such disussions can be taken outside in form of articles,pdf or technical papaers so that newuser who wish to seek the same or those who need can use it.

    My questions to you are :
    What makes these sandboxes think that perticular person is ready for getting in it.? (By person's achievements or knowledge)

    What a newuser should do then,as knowledge will be trapped inside such sandbox how new generation should step up?

    P.S.I've posted this on 9rules as well but afraid i won't got any reply.

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