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Topics - mahesh2k [ switch to compact view ]

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There is a similar project like Brave. Named BitTubers.

Living Room / Help with VPN Recommendation
« on: November 01, 2018, 11:21 AM »
I have Zenmate subscription for last one year which is due this January. I want to buy alternative VPN subscription that can play Netflix US (my Netflix sub is India specific so I can't watch few US specific shows due to regional distribution limitation). The issue with zenmate is that US based servers are too much in demand and they are extremely slow. Some of them don't work with netflix streaming either.

So any suggestion on VPN? if any VPN has lifetime or 2 or 5 years offer discounted plan that would be good too.

Living Room / Tips Thread Personal Finance
« on: February 18, 2014, 01:16 PM »
I see there are threads on GTD tips, recipes but not on personal finance. I maybe missing something in search. But how about thread on personal finance.

Just want to know the experience of other members on personal finance management or if any tips you have on that. What to avoid, and what to do. :)

Living Room / Mockup and Wireframing Software
« on: December 29, 2012, 11:07 AM »
I am in search of Wireframe, Stencil and mockup design softwares. I only found pencil project (free) for now which fits my needs. I will add more If I find anything worthy.

Pencil is built for the purpose of providing a free and open-source GUI prototyping tool that people can easily install and use to create mockups in popular desktop platforms.

Living Room / Crossover Giveaway
« on: October 29, 2012, 03:01 PM »
Flock the Vote Software Giveaway Announced!

On Monday, 29 October, CodeWeavers' CEO Jeremy White announced to his staff that he would be giving away CrossOver for FREE, for 24 hours, to anyone on the planet. He then locked the server room and fled into the woods. None of us can find the keys, which means that the Software Giveaway is on, whether we like it or not.

That’s right: CrossOver. Absolutely FREE. Here are the details:

    What: A FREE copy of CrossOver, with 12 months support!
    When: Wednesday, October 31, 2012, 00:00 - 23:59, CST (-6GMT)
    Who: FREE to anyone on the planet

Looks like a good deal to me.


The Genius Training Student Workbook we received is the company's most up to date, we're told, and runs a bizarre gamut of Apple Dos and Don'ts, down to specific words you're not allowed to use, and lessons on how to identify and capitalize on human emotions. The manual could easily serve as the Humanity 101 textbook for a robot university, but at Apple, it's an exhaustive manual to understanding customers and making them happy. Sales, it turns out, take a backseat to good vibes—almost the entire volume is dedicated to empathizing, consoling, cheering up, and correcting various Genius Bar confrontations. The assumption, it'd seem, is that a happy customer is a customer who will buy things. And no matter how much the Apple Store comes off as some kind of smiling likeminded computer commune, it's still a store above all—just one that puts an enormous amount of effort behind getting inside your head.

Living Room / txtbeaglr - £10 electronic book
« on: October 13, 2012, 04:18 AM »

A German firm is hoping to radically change the electronic book market with an ebook that costs just £10 to buy.

'The txtr beagle is designed to do best what eReaders are intended for: reading digital books,' the firm says on its website.

To save costs, the gadget has no connectors, and books are sent to it from a mobile phone app using bluetooth.

More : http://www.dailymail...ook-kill-Kindle.html

Living Room / Prometheus
« on: May 15, 2012, 03:37 AM »
I don't know how many DC'ers are fan of ridley scott's alien movie. There is prequel coming up next month. I thought it would be good to post about it in the forum about it.

Trailer looks good to me.

I am tired of google and microsoft starting some services and then closing due to lack of customers. I found that some of the hosting services are coming out with owncloud software.

There are two sites that offer such solutions - getfreecloud and owncube with free plans.

I am using owncube by the way.

I always thought that steve's minimalistic approach towards UI is going to live forever. Just check out this article from elementary OS team. Now like any other linux distro they're after killing the minimize and maximize button. They assume that one must either maximize the app or kill it and put it under dock. Ubuntu is already making changes on these fronts, same goes for gnome. I know this position of "not needing minimize button" can be argued. But the way these guys are putting up case turns me off from their distro. I mean seriously, "save state" and "maximize or kill"  are their options? People are using linux on low end machines to keep them going. Elementary OS dev team is kinda obsessed with apple, ios and their designs and it reflects in their way of handling the distro.

On windows XP, I am running winamp, 6 file manager windows, word, firefox -3 tabs, Iron chrome 2 tabs in the taskbar. I am working in between these windows. I am happy to see they are minimized. I also have virtual desktop but only use it for NSFW stuff and that's all.

I don't understand how "saving state" and "maximize or kill" type of thinking  makes someone more productive. I thought computers were about being multitasking and not about doing 1 thing at a time until you get bored with the machine and look at your girlfriend.

I like changes, be it HUD from gnome or some design change like some os x is bringing on the table. But assuming all personal computers to be like tablet or mobile phone and restricting users to limited options is not cool.

  • Removing global application menu(HUD in ubuntu)- bad idea.
  • Removing minimize button - bad idea.
  • Not allowing folders on desktop - bad idea.
  • Keeping only wallpaper and dock on screen along with always maximized apps - bad idea (not only from casual usage but also from nsfw angle)
  • Removing scrollbar vertical from the distro - bad idea.
  • Assuming Developers knows best - Priceless, bad idea of the millennium.

Some of the linux developers should rename themselves as priests who do over-the-head generalizations. This is one more reason to have windows or mac as an alternate machine to save your brain from such obsessive madness.

Living Room / ROSA - SciFi Short Film
« on: February 13, 2012, 09:29 AM »
Oh don't worry it is free movie, not pirated.  :D

It has kinda dark vibes but it's good.

My friend has gardening blog and she regularly posts text, owned images and videos in her blog. There are some personal images related to her family and friends in that blog. She found her blog scraped by one black hat author who refuses to take down the content. I understand that SOPA/PIPA/ACTA are bad but scraping content that includes your personal property and replying arrogantly to content owner increases the power of SOPA/ACTA/PIPA lobby. I'll not be surprised if many bloggers/content owners support SOPA/PIPA due to this type of abuse.

Here's what she received as a reply for the DMCA take down notice sent to hostgator. I don't know what hostgator did to that site as of now (it looks up for now).

"We've got your copyright complaint by the hosting service. We are not based on U.S.A. and not obligated by United State's laws. But we've got respect for other website and intellectual properties. The content which was related to your complaint was added to our website by our volunteer editors. For us a public content that's opened to world wide web is not copyright protected unless it has a literatural value or including a specific sciencetific reasearch. Any text content is not copyrighted material if it's redistribution of public knowledge without highly literature value. But we are willing to add your name to the document if you permit, or if you will not give permition we will edit the content page properly if you can prove us that you are the copyright owner more than DMCA records. We want to know this is legally your intellectual property in a non-digital legal registered document."

Check the bolded part. You need to be Picasso or Shakespeare or some apple or MS in order to have your content taken down. Sad isn't it? I also came across similar case where blackhat folks refuse to take down personal images and are challenging the original author to prove that in court. So you have to prove that you own your personal images, relations as shown in blog in order for these scrapers to take content down?It's definitely not cool and something that is giving boost to SOPA/PIPA/ACTA.

Name of the site is : ( If you're aware of blackhat stuff then it doesn't take long time for you to realize that this is yet another scraper site).

Living Room / DC Apps alternatives for LInux
« on: January 19, 2012, 02:57 AM »
I am seriously considering switch to linux and so far running few softwares under wine without any issues. As my offline work involves in programming domain, I have nothing to lose by switching to linux. Eclipse IDE and other programming lang sources. are accessible under linux, so there isn't any issue so far. Only thing I am finding it difficult is with some small apps for specific tasks, made in DC or outside DC and are windows only.


  • Find and Run Robot
  • URL Snooper
  • AHK? (not ironahk)

Any other DC software alternative available for linux?

Living Room / Google Kenya Rip -off
« on: January 13, 2012, 02:20 PM »
Something interesting about G on boing boing.

Mocality is an African startup that has a Kenya-wide business directory. There is no Kenyan yellow pages, so the directory was crowdsourced, paying thousands of Kenyans to help create and validate its database.

When the businesses in Mocality's database started asking them about the premium service they were offering with Google, Mocality was puzzled. They had no joint venture with Google, and they had never charged any business for inclusion in their database. When they examined their server logs, they saw a large number of hits to the records for the businesses that had been cold-called from the same IP range.

So Mocality laid a trap: when that IP range next visited the Mocality site, they fed it fake phone numbers that went to Mocality's own call center, where a Mocality operator pretended to be a business-owner and recorded the conversation. In that conversation, the caller identified himself as a Google employee, calling about a joint Google-Mocality venture, and asking the business to pay Google for a Kenya Business Online website with its own domain on that basis. This was, of course, absolutely fraudulent. There was and is no Google-Mocality joint venture.


So my prediction:

Google is going to buy mocality and kenyan government+press to get off the bad rep. Mocality will end up aplogizing google for such accusation. Google fanbois will end up writing big blogs posts saying "told ya, google was innocent".  :P

General Software Discussion / Bitnami stacks alternative
« on: December 20, 2011, 02:06 AM »
I hate to create thread like this but I came across package which was similar to bitnami stacks. It installs apps like fantastico on windows or linux machine and can be used for development. I don't know which package or site that was, I'm sure that it was shared here by some member, any idea ?

Developer's Corner / PHP Frameworks
« on: December 19, 2011, 06:25 PM »
I am using CI (codeigniter) for some time now and want check if there are much better frameworks out there. I'm not much into ajax stuff so not sure if building ajax based app without framework is any better exp or not. I just want to see if there is any other good framework like codeigniter and how you would start with frameworks if you get chance to start over all again?

Developer's Corner / Scirra - Game Creation Tool
« on: December 05, 2011, 11:42 AM »
I dont know if it's shared here already

Create exciting games with Construct 2.
No programming is required! Download the free beta now and start bringing your ideas to life.

Three versions-



Living Room / Linux - yer IE-fected!!!
« on: November 30, 2011, 03:01 PM »
I found this on diaspora, thought worth to share here on DC.

Developer's Corner / Big Brands and Public API
« on: August 31, 2011, 09:10 AM »
Is it just me or most of you who fetch public API from big brands are fed of project dropping and in turn API? Yahoo is closing many developer network API's lately and Search monkey was the one which i used a lot and they shut down last year. Similarly Y!Boss seems to be merging with Bing, so there is no point in creating any app that fetches Y! Explorer data.

Same with google. They're also closing few projects.

Wave, Notebook, Google Labs and Google desktop search(no updates).

Is there any point in relying on these big brands for the data ? I have found that some other less popular brands are more consistent with their support with improvements in API and projects.

Thoughts ?

Living Room / 'Work Done' Lists Sofware, any ideas ?
« on: August 26, 2011, 07:33 AM »
I'm looking for software which works similar to "to-do" lists but also offers logging feature. By logging i mean keeping track of weekly, monthly and daily tasks. For example, you've done 10-12 tasks today and marked them as completed. So this information needs to be accessible in sorted format as per day, week, months. Something like this -

Day 1 :   | Week 1 | Month 1 | Completed Tasks | Pending Tasks
{ Task1 }
{ Task2 }
{ Task3}
{ Task4 }
{ Task5 }

I'm focusing on software that helps me log completed tasks for now. Any ideas ?

Living Room / Do no Evil - Page Speed Service
« on: August 10, 2011, 01:32 AM »
How to kill CDN service competitors like cloudflare,akamai and maxCDN ? Simple. Become powerful search engine and get more fanbois and release anything against your competitors and you'll win. Oh wait, that's not all. Your customers will give you all the data related to traffic with this new page speed service. Win!

Page Speed Service is an online service that automatically speeds up loading of your web pages. To use the service, you need to sign up and point your site’s DNS entry to Google. Page Speed Service fetches content from your servers, rewrites your pages by applying web performance best practices, and serves them to end users via Google's servers across the globe. Your users will continue to access your site just as they did before, only with faster load times. Now you don’t have to worry about concatenating CSS, compressing images, caching, gzipping resources or other web performance best practices.


Good luck to google guinea pigs (erm fanbois) while using this page speed service.  :D

Living Room / 64 Bit OS - When to Switch ?
« on: July 07, 2011, 06:38 PM »
I know that this topic was discussed earlier so let me ask you one question which wasn't covered before. When is the right time to switch to 64bit OS ? Is it when the sufficient drivers are available ? Or is there any benefit of switching to it at the end of 2011 ? I'm asking this because Intel I5 and i7 2nd gen. series processors are powerful enough for 64bit OS. So is it wise move to upgrade ? :tellme:

Apart from that which website or place you look for more information related to 64 bit OS/Errors/Issues etc ?

Developer's Corner / Google Web Fonts
« on: July 06, 2011, 03:48 PM »
Google Web Fonts lets you browse all the fonts available via the Google Web Fonts API. All fonts in the directory are available for use on your website under an open source license and are served by Google servers.

Some cool fonts:

Droid Sans
Open Sans
Droid Serif


Living Room / Response Testing - Kitteh Style
« on: June 07, 2011, 01:26 PM »


Living Room / Daily Autohotkey
« on: May 05, 2011, 05:31 AM »
I don't know if this topic is posted already in some another sub-forum. I thought it's good idea to see what autohotkey apps are most of us are using on daily basis. Or apps made in autohotkey that you can't live without ? Just wanted to see if there are some good autohotkey apps that are missing from my radar or are worth to use to save time everyday on computer.  :-)

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