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General Software Discussion / Re: Turn off the screen in my laptop
« on: January 10, 2023, 06:03 PM »
Please take a look at Don't Sleep, a small program that can help either prevent or kick off "sleeping" of the monitor or pc. I have used it to prevent the screen sleep when I'm working on multiple boxes and I need to switch around, but also I have used it to make my wife's monitor go to sleep after 10 minutes which, for some reason, it would never do.

Turn on two menu options (Start Minimized and Start With Windows), then use its two tabs (Please Don't Sleep and Please Sleep) to set up the behavior you want by turning the tab options on or off. On my wife's pc I set it to turn off the monitor if no keyboard or mouse events in 10 minutes, but there are several options for what you want.

This doesn't have any effect on your power options, it just makes your PC do what you want.  :D

Fwiw, I use Rexx (specifically Regina Rexx, plus several add-on modules) for a lot of automation because it does not require installation. But if you want something that will do pretty much everything a person might do, with no powershell, no cmd, no installation, and no "executables", then what you want is to hire someone to do the tasks for you.

OK, zip file attached here.

N.A.N.Y. 2023 / NANY 2023: Pingmon (monitor ping status of an address)
« on: December 29, 2022, 09:21 PM »
NANY 2023 Entry Information

Application Name Pingmon
Version 3.9
Short Description Ping an address and send email or save log when state changes
Supported OSes Any modern Windows
Web Page None, just lives here
Download Link Zip file should be attached here
System Requirements
Version History
  • Hasn't been updated in 5 years, don't expect to in the next 5.

I had a need to monitor a specific server that was having sporadic connection issues, and came up with this to watch what was happening. This version can email one or more users on state change, and save a log in text or CSV format. As stated, it uses blat.exe to provide email function, and date.exe from (unxutils) to provide time tracking. You will need to configure blat for your email server, but note it does not support encryption or Oauth2 so you might need to configure a mail relay - we use hMailserver for this purpose (simple but it's beyond the scope of this article).

Monitors an IP address to find if it starts or stops responding to a ping. When the state changes, the bat file will send an email, save to a text log file, and/or save to a csv log file so you can keep track in realtime or afterward.

Planned Features
No enhancements expected, it does what I occasionally need.

It's a batch file doing pings, boring to look at.  ;D

Copy the three zipped files into %windir% (generally c:\windows).
Configure blat.exe (sample config command is "blat -install from@address 35" from an elevated prompt).
The two required exes are included in this zip for convenience but are available on the interwebz:
date.exe   - see
blat.exe   - see

Using the Application
Just type "pingmon" in a command prompt, the usage prompt tells you how to use it...

pingmon: ping an address every x seconds, log/email on state change (3.9)
usage:   pingmon computer frequency emailaddress logfile csvfile [mailserver]
usage:     computer     = computer name or IP address
usage:     frequency    = seconds between ping attempts
usage:     emailaddress = valid email address, or period for no email
usage:     logfile      = complete log file name, or period for no log file
usage:     csvfile      = complete csv file name, or period for no csv log
usage:     mailserver   = optional mail server to override blat setting
usage:   note, use valid email address and file names, no checking is done

Just delete the three files to "uninstall".

Really, just try it and see. Since it's a dumb batch file, make your life easier and do not use any spaces in filenames. Filenames should use the complete path and name unless you want the log files in your current directory. Use a valid email address as a recipient, and following blat syntax you can have multiple recipient addresses separated by commas (no spaces). Note that since it is just a batch file, you'll of course need to leave the window running (minimized is fine). And it does no error checking, so use reasonable and valid values.

Known Issues
The whole script is based on looking for the "bytes=" response for a successful ping, so if a non-English installation uses a different word then it won't work right (but you should be able to edit the batch file for that easily).

General Software Discussion / Re: Lastpass hacked proper
« on: December 24, 2022, 08:12 PM »
Note there are some threat actors that are harvesting possible high value encrypted files to hold onto until the tech is fast enough to do the breaking.

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