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Living Room / Re: Weird websites
« on: December 19, 2008, 01:23 PM »
I came across the following funny website. According to its description you can buy time??? OMG!  :D

These guys must be insane :)

A year has passed and no-one posted anything. Does anybody use this tool? I'd be very curious of experiences.

Best Text Editor / Re: Boxer Text Editor
« on: March 20, 2008, 01:59 AM »
Yes, I certainly do have UTF-8 support on the to-do list.
-Boxer Software (January 07, 2008, 12:10 PM)
Hahaa, it's there, really. Will give another try.

Best Text Editor / Re: Boxer Text Editor
« on: January 08, 2008, 12:56 AM »
Programming languages should only accept US-ASCII for variable names etc., and imho shouldn't support any of UTF/UCS even for literal strings. It's plain evil. If you want internationalization, do the proper thing and use external files.
Consider that the so-called 'internationalization' is interesting if your native/target language does not need any extra characters and to support other languages is an extra. But for those who develop software primarily not for English area (and for them to support e.g. English is an extra if they add it at all) then they do need UTF/Unicode. Of course, not for variables (even for me it seems useless) but for strings for sure. If you write some special stuff for a local company where everybody prefers one language only (and if it's not English) then you maybe don't want to be bothered by external resources.

Best Text Editor / Re: Boxer Text Editor
« on: January 07, 2008, 04:08 PM »
Obviously, I hope you didn't get me wrong.
Furthermore it's better not to have some functionality than to have one suffering from several errors. And especially Unicode support is quite sensitive... There are a big bunch of soft on the field who claim support for that but in real they do not.

2. I saw there's project handling in Boxer. Is it possible (even through macro script) to jump to the definition of a function from the place of its call?

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