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I only use Windows and Linux, I hate Apple/Mac (I only use iTunes, and its...well I am forced to use it- the only reason I do). Too limited and over-rated software.

This might be a good alternative:

"YamiPod allows you to manage the content of your iPod without the need to have iTunes installed. You can copy mp3 and AAC files to/from your iPod, import and export playlists, search for songs, remove duplicates, create and edit notes and much more. The program runs completely standalone and can be copied directly to your iPod and run from there"

The best summary of how I think about the Apple/PC issue was in one of Fred Langa's newsletters:

If you get the feeling I dislike Apple's marketing, you're right. The wonderful thing about personal computing is that it places enormous power in the hands of us all. Companies that pursue elitist policies--- and Apple is far and away the worst in that regard--- work against the democratization of high-technology; and also appeal to some of the basest of human instincts: "I'm better/cooler than you because I 'think different'," or some such. Apple's technology is fine, but their approach to marketing just rubs me the wrong way. It always has.

Bottom line: Apple's move to Intel is NOT for the end-user's benefit. It's solely for Apple's benefit. If your interests align with Apple's, then you'll do great with their hardware and software. But if things like "bang for the buck" or wide applicability and broad compatibility are important to you, Apple has *never* been a good choice. And I'll be very, very surprised if that changes any time soon.

I never met a computer I didn't like - though there have been several I wouldn't have minded tossing out the windows at times - and it would be a much drearier world without all the software that is written by individuals and small groups. That's creativity and problem solving on a level that Apple, Microsoft and Adobe don't, and can't, operate.
They all have great people working for them, but they aren't going to make a Ccleaner or Mouser's Screenshot Captor, things that make my life easier.

I like Linux since the interface is becoming more graphical. Mint is one I've been using lately.
Linux is growing and its great to watch.

By the way, there's a good boot loader called GAG (weird name, great software) if anyone is looking for a good one.

I don't know where its going, but its fascinating to watch, especially with all the computers being shipped to um, so called Third World countries where the kids take to them like water and they take them around on carts to the villages and run them on solar power.

Living Room / Re: Links page - suggestions wanted
« on: June 10, 2007, 08:18 PM »
a few more, then I'll retreat to my usual haunts......

Process Library

Bleeping Computer Startup Programs Database:


yep, a theme there, identifying what's running........

Living Room / Re: Links page - suggestions wanted
« on: June 10, 2007, 03:57 PM »
Two more that might be helpful:

Portable Apps:
Great list of apps you can carry around with you. Uses Open source, free.

I don't know if this blog fits in here, or not, but I find the most interesting things on it.
Really a great resource about a number of things.
Its called etc.

Living Room / Re: Links page - suggestions wanted
« on: June 10, 2007, 03:47 PM »
In addition to addall, I like fetchbook:

And Zoho is turning out some great programs like Zoho Notebook in addition to their other offerings:
some people like Zoho Notebook better than Google Notebook.

Media Convert , while an online converter, will convert some less known files:

I've found some answers to some fairly obscure technical questions here:

This site is a good resource for rootkit information:

This site has absolutely nothing to do with technology per se but its a great site anyway:
Kevin Kelly Cool Tools

Two other favorites:

Of Zen and Computing

Freeware Genius:

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