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Messages - brahman [ switch to compact view ]

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VueScan will be able to do the job of scanning a book and at the same time convert the book into a searchable PDF, without needing an extra step.

Furthermore VueScan will allow you to use a timer to start a new scan, so you don't have to press a scan button or make a mouse click every time you scan a new page. Also VueScan will most likely scan significantly faster than other 3rd party software.

PDF capabilities have expanded significantly in the last updates of Vuescan, though they were very good to begin with.

Here you will find a review of an old version, though keep in mind this review is 12 years old and Vuescan has improved since then, because development has been consistently moving forward.


When you buy, you need the professional version for OCR capabilities. Unless you want to use it only for one month, do the one time payment over the subscription model.

Possibly there may be a discount available when you do a google search. Maybe code OCT25 will still work for a 25% discount - not sure. If not, please do a search for "VueScan discount".

BTW: Correct - PDF Xchange Viewer has been replaced by Editor and the Viewer hasn't been updated for a long time. Editor is still free, though the free version may be hidden. I would use the free portable version at

General Software Discussion / Syncovery Release v10 Feature Complete
« on: September 13, 2022, 10:24 AM »
The final release of Syncovery v10 could happen any day now.   :D

Tobias reported that Syncovery is now feature complete.

He also announced that buyers of Syncovery v9 on or after September 1st, 2020 will receive a free upgrade to v10 - as usual a very generous offer.  :Thmbsup:

Main new feature of v10 is its ability to combine versioning with block level copying, using the Syncovery Remote Service v10.00 to make a copy of the current version. There is a new checkmark on the Special tab sheet: X Use Remote Service to Copy Files for Block Level Copying + Versioning.

Syncovery is an extremely powerful synchronization software used by many in this forum.

I thought that the new feature set in v10 could be more elaborate/flashy/helpful - I don't know. Maybe I just don't understand the importance and significance of the new feature matrix yet.

BTW he also has a forum now for news and tech support.

Let's see what he will announce when the final version is released.

Surprise, surprise:
The developer behind WFC - the subject of this mini-review - joined Malwarebytes.

Malwarebytes promises to keep WFC free and continues upgrading it (in the short term).

"Welcome, Binisoft fans

We at Malwarebytes are big fans too. That’s why we’ve asked Binisoft founder Alexandru Dicu to join our team. And not to worry—we will maintain, support, and keep Binisoft products free for everyone in the short term. "

Current Version Windows Firewall Control: from May 10, 2022

I am using TinyWall right now, but from your mini-review and people's comments, this program seems interesting and I will definitely try it. Thanks everyone! :)



I have been using Palm Desktop now for over 20 years, since I have customized the fields so much, that it would be a really big PITA to migrate my data of 5000 contacts to another PIM.

I used Day-Timer Organizer with its superb Palm synch integration having built my database starting with DTOs DOS predecessor Instant Recall, and after Day-Timer Organizer stopped working, I was able to synch the dataset through my Palm with Palm Desktop and then worked with the Palm Desktop ever since even after I ditched my Palms.

Now I bought a new Minis Forum PC and even though it was advertised to have Win 10, it came with Win 11 pre-installed. So I thought I give it a try and I wasn't expecting any incompatibilities but it totally messed up my Palm Desktop database.

Palm Desktop under Windows 11 cannot display Umlauts like Ä or Ö any more. Instead of an Ä I have now Ä in my database, which is getting increasingly worse, since it seems every time I edit the data, some more funny letters are added.

Checking Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support under Windows 11 Settings - Region - Administrative - Change System Locale did not help.

Would anyone know what I can do to make the Palm Desktop work?

It functioned flawlessly under all versions of Window 10. I can't figured out what changed in Windows 11, that I am having this problem.


NetGuard has a lockdown setting. You can set the settings differently for wifi or data if you like. Some learning curve for all the subleties, but it will do the job.

I have it set to block any newly installed app from accessing the internet until I explicitly call up NetGuard and give it my ok. At the same time I can see exactly where the app wanted to call home (Probably a pro version feature - 6$ or something like this life time).

No root required.

Same developer also makes an excellent email program called Fairemail, which is extremely privacy friendly, f.e. the emails are cleansed of trackers and blind pixels etc. before you see the email. I really like it. Just bought it a couple of months ago, after I looked at it a few years ago, when it didn't meet my needs at the time, but now it has come a long way and the developer has put a huge amount of work in it and made it great.

If you want to buy the pro versions, buy them directly from the developer, not from Google, then you get some extra features, the developer gets more money, and you can use them on googlefree Android phones. The developer provides support by email and on XDA.

Both programs are open source hosted on Github.

Daytimer Organizer - my favorite PIM of all times. Never found a PIM so perfect ever again. It seems all PIMs become dumber and less customizable every year.

AMI Pro Word processor, the most easy to use word processor I ever worked with

Quattro Pro spreadsheet - the first spreadsheet that was actually fun to work with.

Synchronize It! and Compare It! - superb GUI design, I still use them to this day for small simple jobs - one can still buy them, they still work, but unfortunately not upgraded for many many years. Synchronize It! can even copy sparse files, which is extremely rare.

FWIW I still dont see any option to modify compression of saved file (it's fairly high).

I don"t know about the standard version, but in the professional version there are several options that modify the file size on the output tab:

Image 002.png

JPG/TIFF/PDF size reduction
JPG quality
PDF compression
PDF file type


I am using the Sandboxie fork from Xanasoft:

There are two versions:
a.) Sandboxie which has the same UI than the old Sandboxie
b.) Sandboxie Plus which uses a QT interface that has more settings for the newer features Xanasoft has developped.

I have not been using Sandboxie+ yet, but I am thinking of switching.

Does anybody have any experience with Sandboxie Plus and would like to share it?

Well, after all these years reading your usually insightful comments on this forum of yours, I finally got to hear your very pleasant voice.

That was very nice.

And I bet many people have told you that already, but you look like a young version of Jeff Bezos.

General Software Discussion / Re: Syncovery - Pro or Premium Version?
« on: October 29, 2020, 03:12 PM »

I cannot find it in the matrix for Pro. Where did you see it?

General Software Discussion / Re: Syncovery - Pro or Premium Version?
« on: October 28, 2020, 08:11 PM »
Ah, yes I got confused by this page:

where it says:
"File System Monitoring Service (for faster Block Level Copying)"

So, I guess I will go for the Pro version. I don't like real-time monitoring services on my PC anyway.

Thanks for your help!

General Software Discussion / Syncovery - Pro or Premium Version?
« on: October 28, 2020, 04:35 PM »
I finally want to buy Syncovery.

I already described my major use case here:

So the question is: Pro or Premium?

The feature that caught my eye was Block Level Copying in the Premium version, apparently not part of the Pro version.

But I didn't fully understand the description. I am familiar with delta copying which was part of the old LapLink (what a great program that was!) or is also implemented in Rsync.

So my main question is: Would this Block Level Copying be useful to me? I plan to synch well over a Gigabyte with my two OneDrive accounts, so if it really would speed things significantly, it would be a blessing. A lot of the big files are videos, VeraCrypt containers, and Drive Snapshot disk images. However, except for the VeraCrypt containers, these file types do not change, it's more of an all or nothing deal.

So, what do yo think?

Would the Premium be worth the extra money?

Thanks for your input!

I was just checking my sticks and noticed, that I have used easy2boot.

When I checked for upgrades on their website, I saw their claim: "More versatile and compatible than Ventoy."

You can also upgrade eas2boot without reformat and upgrade easy2boot without a reformat too just like Ventoy.

Has anybody used both and can give an opinion on Ventoy vs. easy2boot?

Woa! Great! I got sick of reformating USB stick. This may be the cure!

Ok, thanks to the inspiration of the two of you, I got it done. It was actually quite easy, after I found the well hidden encryption settings.

I have read many tutorials on the internet, some very complicated and many pages long, but basically it was a simple 3 step process, which I would like to summarize for people that come here for help/reference:

1) On Win 10 box install SMB 1.0 feature. Run Appwiz.cpl and click "Turn Windows Features On Or Off" and check everything that says "SMB 1.0/CIFS"  (NOT "SMB Direct"). - thanks to x16wda

2) Assign fixed IP addresses to both computers in the same private network. Put any Gateway address from the same network, so that the Network will be recognized as private by the OS, and not public.

3) Open Control Panel > Network and Sharing Center > Change advanced sharing settings > click on "All Networks" and activate "Enable file sharing for device that use 40- or 56-bit encryption". (inspired by Shades comment)

Now one can share folders between the XP and WIn10 computers.

Example for static IP address setup (thanks to Shades):
Win10                    XP  (IP address) (Netmask) (Gateway) (Primary DNS. Optional, because machines are not being used to access the internet)    (Secondary DNS. Optional, because machines are not being used to access the internet)

Hint: If you want to easily save and later revert to your initial TCP/IP options, the wonderful tool NetSetMan is extremely helpful. Free for private use.

Thank you so much for your help!

Unfortunately that didn't do the trick. :(

I have all the 3 SMB 1.0 boxes checked now (the last one wasn't) but I don't see the SMB Direct entry. Probably either because it is a home version of Win10 or because it is a German version and they renamed it without using the letters SMB, I don't know.

The story is that I can ping the Win10 from the XP, but I cannot even access the Workgroup from the XP. It shows the workgroup name but when I click on it I get a message that I don't have access to the workgroup.

But from the Win10 I have full access to the shared files of the XP machine.

I would appreciate some more suggestions.

Thank you so much!

What a blessing!

I will try it today!

Hello everyone,

last night I worked until 4am to connect an old XP machine with a Windows 10 laptop.

The units and the network have no internet connection and they are connected by a dumb hub completely isolated from the world (that's why we still feel safe using the XP).

The Win 10 computer is actually replacing another XP rig. That setup worked ok in the past.

Now however, I can get access from the Win 10 machine to the XP, but I cannot access the shared folder on the Win 10 from the XP, which is basically the sole use of this setup to access MS Access database files on the Win10 and design and print a daily schedule on the XP computer.

It is driving me crazy, I thought it would be simple.

My guess is that the Win10 has stronger security which the XP cannot handle. I can see the Win10 machine name from the XP in the workgroup, but I can't get any further. No shared folders or files are showing up.

Do you have any suggestions, please!?

Android Apps / Re: Checklist DC (Android app) - v1.23 Aug 20, 2018
« on: January 26, 2020, 09:09 AM »
Very nice app.

Very clearly structured an easy to use.

I especially like that it can synch with dropbox and not with google.

May I give one suggestion:
The categories will be easier to use in a hamburger menu at the left side. This way the labels have more screen estate. If a user has many categories, they will also be easier to see/select and scroll through.

It used to be a great editor. I bought a version before, but cannot remember which, in fact I don't have any documentation about it any more.

i think I will give it a try again.

The deal has been extended another day and expanded to the Premium editions too (see comment section on BDJ)

Ok, the deal is on TODAY, 19th December!!!

BitsDuJour announced: "Deal Coming Soon!"


This promotion includes the following:
Syncovery for Windows - Professional Edition ($29.95)
Syncovery for Mac - Professional Edition ($29.95)
Syncovery for Linux - Professional Edition ($29.95)
Syncovery for Mac & Windows - Pro Edition Family Pack ($59.95)

If you order the Family Pack for Windows & Mac which can be used on up to 5 computers, you are entitled to request a Linux license by emailing [email protected].

General Software Discussion / Syncovery 9 Beta1 is out
« on: October 22, 2019, 12:29 PM »
Syncovery 9 Beta1 is out here:

Major features (so  far):

Dramatic speed increase for SFTP.

SZ usage is expanding.

I can add 2 suggestions to the list:

Info Select

Super cool fast searching wonderland. But not cheap. Trial version available.


I switched to it, because I wanted to save some money over Info Select, and since I don't have a business anymore, NoteCasePro will do. But I am still using a very old version of IS, because it is so good.

NoteCasePro is also very powerful, just not as slick.

BTW, Anthony, it would be nice if you can give us some feedback.

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