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Messages - Antonimo [ switch to compact view ]

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N.A.N.Y. 2013 / Re: NANY 2013 PLEDGE - Contractor's Work Log
« on: January 14, 2013, 05:40 AM »
I like what I have seen very much indeed.
Where can we buy and download the stand-alone version for hosting on our own server?

Living Room / Re: I'm Going to Build a PC. Suggestions?
« on: April 04, 2012, 01:32 AM »
So, how much did that PC cost you, if you don't mind me asking.
-MilesOhToole (April 03, 2012, 01:48 PM)

AMD Bulldozer FX-8120 8 Core 3.10GHz - Asus M5A78L-M USB3 HDMI Motherboard - 8GB DDR3 RAM Bundle cost £222 + VAT and delivery at

Practical experience is a good teacher. If you can, get a domain to "play" with and a simple reseller hosting package. Even better if you can get a dedicated server, but that would mean learning all about the server too.

A cheap reseller hosting with WHM/cPanel is a good place to start. You can cancel most of them with a month's notice but you will have the chance to play around with a real domain.

With cPanel you can also get a lot of support from their user forums. Then, there are plenty of sites that help you to look u+ information about DNS such as

General Software Discussion / Re: Anyone on DC do Actinic (UK)?
« on: April 03, 2012, 06:41 AM »
If the e-commerce is important, I would suggest starting again with Magento.

You will not lose search engine rankings if you plan the migration and most importantly, plan the permanent redirects from the old urls to the new ones.

By all means PM me for more information.

General Software Discussion / Re: best WYSIWYG html editor
« on: April 03, 2012, 06:35 AM »
HTMLKit is good, but you can't beat a text editor with a few extra features. I use PSPad (save direct to FTP, syntax highlighting, code cleanup etc.)

BlueGriffon is good, but BlueGriffin charges for plugins that do the useful bits.

Amaya is still a good editor and is my favourite free WYSIWWG editor -

Living Room / Re: I'm Going to Build a PC. Suggestions?
« on: April 03, 2012, 06:25 AM »
For good up to date information about processors, go to http://www.cpubenchm...t/high_end_cpus.html

For the money, the Intel Core i7-2700K @ 3.50GHz is a very good performer.

I just built a system using AMD FX-8120 Eight-Core on an ASUS M5A786-M/USB3 motherboard with 2 x 4GB DDR3 SDRAM. With the included software, it can be easily overclocked. It is not as good as the Intel I mentioned above, but I shall be passing it on in about 6 months.

Word of warning about the case - Don't get a really cheap one as everything will be more difficult to fit. Especially look for the front connectors that you will want to have.

Many thanks for this app Mouser.

It is very useful and I can see ways to use this for website SEO and to help in domain name registration.

Is it possible to add a different version of google such as to compare the results against the results that come from

Skwire Empire / Re: Release: sWeather (tray-based weather app)
« on: March 31, 2011, 12:21 PM »
The ANSI version does???  Did you mean the Unicode version?

You're right - I did mean the Unicode version.

Actually, both of the executables display the name correctly. I did a CRC check on both executables and from the results they look identical. The Help > About shows that they are both the Unicode version though.

Skwire Empire / Re: Release: sWeather (tray-based weather app)
« on: March 31, 2011, 12:31 AM »
Thank you very much - this a superb app.

I have never bothered with weather apps before because Yahoo never had the data for my town. Now they do and the ANSI version displays my town name correctly.

I am very happy :)

Skwire Empire / Re: Release: sWeather (tray-based weather app)
« on: March 30, 2011, 04:28 AM »
Very nice app - Only "issue" that I have noticed is that the special characters used in my town's name is displaying very strangely.

The letter - ö - is displaying as ö

In working with websites, this is an issue with character sets. Although it does not affect the function of the app, it does look a little strange like this.

Hi Giddy,

I like this app very much; it is a really useful little tool for saving the palettes for various projects that I work on.

When you right-click a colour, I think it would be cool to offer a few copy-to-clipboard options such as HTML colour code, RGB values, etc.

I would also find this feature to be very useful, but I particularly wish to express gratitude for the app itself.

N.A.N.Y. 2011 / Re: NANY 2011 Release: List Numberer
« on: February 02, 2011, 01:43 PM »
This is a very helpful addition to this useful app.

Thanks for the update.

N.A.N.Y. 2011 / Re: NANY 2011 Release: List Numberer
« on: February 01, 2011, 09:47 AM »
Great app! Thanks for sharing.

Is it possible with this app to remove numbers from a list?

General Software Discussion / Re: have you tried mind maps?
« on: March 10, 2010, 02:55 AM »
Been using FreeMind for many years. In my opinion it is most useful for organizing information. I almost always use FreeMind to plan projects and take notes.

With a short learning curve, FreeMind offers advanced attributes and notes to each entry (node) as well as calendar and scheduling.

Furthermore, there are a number of excellent import / export filters.

The Mind Maps themselves are stored in an XML format meaning that the data is not hidden inside an impenetrable proprietary file format.

It is also very easy to search within MindMaps across folders using the FreeMind Search tool.

Coding Snacks / Re: Maximize Windows "partially"
« on: August 24, 2009, 12:51 AM »
I use Autohotkey for resizing windows all the time. I have several different hotkeys that will resize to different sizes and positions depending on the window I am moving / resizing.

For example:
WinMove A, , 300, 50, 1024, 1001,
will move the active window 300 pixels in from the left and 50 pixels down from the top. It will resize the window to 1024 pixels wide and 1001 pixels high.

The hotkey combination is Windows + 1

I use this particular hotkey to resize my browser.

If the window is already maximised when this hotkey is used, it remains maximised in the new position and size so that clicking on the maximise / restore button in the top right will restore the window to the previous non-maximised size.

Very nice little improvements.  :Thmbsup:


This is really useful for me, especially with data on so many drives.

I am wondering, is there a facility to clear the lists? I can delete the text files in the app's folder, but an option on the traybar icon would be cool.

Now I come to think of it, having a setting to decide how old entries are before they are automatically removed would be very nice.

Nevertheless, I am using it all the time.

Thanks for the app!

Very, very nice!  :Thmbsup:

Not sure if the OP is still interested, but ABC Amber PDF Converter might be worth a look. They make converters for almost anything - I have used / bought several in the past and they have been excellent.

Here is their opening blurb:
ABC Amber PDF Converter is a powerful tool which allows you to convert PDF to any document format (HTML, CHM, RTF, HLP, TXT, DOC, DBF, XML, CSV, XLS, MDB, DB, etc.) easily and quickly. You can export all pages or just selected pages, as plain text or as preview pictures.
Price: $12.95

General Software Discussion / Re: How do you manage your email?
« on: September 14, 2008, 02:14 PM »
I use The Bat! because I have to manage multiple account (currently about thirty accounts).

I have a number of sub-folder beneath the in-boxes that receive the message based on rules and filters. The original poster mentioned that he uses The bat! at home so he is aware of the extremely powerful filtering.

The most important part of my e-mail system is that The Bat! allows one to create a global rules and "share them" with whichever accounts one likes.

I have a global rule that BCCs every message that I send to my Gmail account.

Added to a second global rule that "redirects" a copy of every in-coming message to my Gmail account and I find that I can search and find e-mails considerably quicker through Gmail than I can using the Bat!'s own search feature.

Furthermore, Gmail also offers very useful filters and sorting facilities.

If you are only using one POP e-mail account, you can set up Gmail to send out e-mail and make it appear to have come from your POP account. You can further recieve you POP e-mail via G-mail so everything is backed up on Gmail with the added advantage of Gmail's e-mail servers will not likely be blacklisted for spam.

One final point about The Bat!. I use it in combination with ABC Amber The Bat Converter which lets me archive old e-mails in PDF, CHM, HTML and a number of other formats. Excellent for storage and retrieval.

The Bat! and ABC Amber are two of only three programs that I have gladly paid for. I believe they are worth a total of $30. Otherwise, I strongly advocate donating to and using open source software wherever possible.

Seedling's Software / Re: New App! File/Folder Date Organizer
« on: August 15, 2008, 08:01 AM »
Very useful app especially, as pointed out by lanux128, for sorting digital photos.

Further to other suggestions, might it be possible to sort the files after the "date created" or the IPTC date info?

That would make sorting digital photos downloaded from my camera such a breeze. In fact, the "Date Created" would be better than IPTC as digital cameras do not save IPTC date info for videos.

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