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Messages - James Sterrett [ switch to compact view ]

Pages: [1]
Living Room / Re: So how long IS too long for a thread.
« on: March 25, 2008, 03:18 PM »

  • It's a thread that consists of people complementing boosting the ego of Tinjaw.

These do not exist.  Words cannot describe how awesome you are (ahem), so we never try.   ;)

(Being the screensaver-seeking-colleague in question....)

Thank you!   :D   A screensaver and a free planetarium program as well!  8) 

Finished Programs / Re: SOLVED: desktop icon manager/grouping
« on: February 10, 2007, 07:38 AM »
Perry --  Thank you!

From the site's description, Desksave should do  exactly what I came to this thread looking for.   :eusa_dance:  :beerchug:

Woohoo! :beerchug:

Tinjaw and I had a lot of fun with the contest, and have plans to create more games, including further development of Asteroids of Orion.  In fact, more plans than we have time.    :P  But, our plans are materially assisted by the Torque CP license and the Dark Game SDK!   8)

Congrats to everyone else in the contest - I haven't played all of them yet, but I'm working on it!   There are some really clever ideas in them.  :eusa_dance: 

The test version of friction slowed the ship to a stop in about 1 second.

It was broken because it also stopped the ship from rotating....  which killed navigation.   :( 

However, it also tended to kill the player's score, since it costs 1 point to launch each bomb, and a frictioned ship has to launch bombs to keep moving.

We wanted the bombs to cost something to prevent bomb-spamming as a tactic (spraying bombs very rapidly to destroy everything without skill).

As the proponent of friction, how would you want the scoring changed when friction is active?   :)   Just keep separate lists on the planned high-score table for friction and non-friction games?

Accessibility Game Contest / Re: Special Preview & Beta Test !!!
« on: December 25, 2006, 07:18 PM »
Thanks, Mouser.  :)

We do have plans for some different levels types - no idea if they'll be completed in time, but they include race/navigation levels, and a secret "pool table" level in which you have to sink the asteroids....   :)

Accessibility Game Contest / Re: Special Preview & Beta Test !!!
« on: December 23, 2006, 09:23 AM »
its so damn hard to keep from spinning out of control..
maybe some high friction would help?

It seems to me - the documentation guy for AoO - that you don't entirely "get it" - which is my problem, not yours, because it's my job to help people "get it".  (Tinjaw just does that coding stuff.   ;)  )

So I'm curious how I can improve:

Section 1:

Assumption in Section 1:  Controlling the ship is the major challenge of the game, followed by getting the bombs on target on rocks.  :)   

- Did you read the readme?  If so, was it clear?   (If not, where not?  What was missing?)  Should it have included a Tips section on controlling the ship?

- Would Tips on startup be useful? 

- Would an easier mode earlier on (easier to kill the asteroids) be a good thing?

- Would you want to be able to select your initial rate of spin?  (A planned feature.  :)  )

- Should the documentation, or startup tips, spend more time pointing out this is intended to be a vector-driven game and explaining the implications of this?  (I assumed everybody remembers Asteroids...  not necessarily a valid assumption!)

Section 2 (Adding Friction) :

Can you be clearer on what you want in terms of "friction" - the ship slowly slowing down, the rate of spin changing, ???

How fast should this change take place?

Should friction affect the rocks and bombs as well?

Apologies if this is not a fair question for you to answer for a contest submission....

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