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Screenshot Captor / Re: Problems with Opera
« on: August 28, 2007, 12:08 PM »
I also just noticed that you can't capture the "content area" of Opera using the object selection capture. It just does nothing when I try to capture that.

Edit: Just noticed that disabling Red Box fixes the issue.

Foxit just released version 2.1 the other day as well, and has several new features.

Glad you like the signature. :)

It actually just uses our FeedBurner feed to rotate through our items. It's a feature FeedBurner offers called Headline Animator:;jsessionid=9AD90C566F4648F2378E19529782B35E.fb1

You can use a custom background with it, and rearrange the positiong of items. It only takes a few seconds to make after you've created your background image.

Living Room / Re: How do you organise your 'My Documents' folder
« on: August 27, 2007, 10:23 PM »
I actually create another subfolder called "Ryan's Documents" which is where I place everything you would expect to find in My Documents. This is because a lot of applications like to create folders in My Documents, and every night I have an automated backup system scour my "Ryan's Documents" folder for backups. I would hate for it to backup the folders left behind by meaningless applications.

Within the Ryan's Documents I have a ton of subfolders that are crazily nested within eachother in hopes of maining organization between school work, work stuff, and other items that are important to me.

I think this does have it's place in the photo editing arena, and is something we could see in future versions of Photoshop or even better Paint.NET. It's not something the people would use on a regular basis, but look at how easily and cleanly people can be removed from photos.

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