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Thanks for the compliments Nosh! I wish I could post here more often, but we are definitely pretty strapped for time. We've never really posted what our schedules are like for working on the site, but here's a quick run down:

Note: All times mentioned are in central time

  • Ashley and I are both working by 7AM each weekday, and are done around 7PM
  • The first two hours of our day is typically spend finding what we consider to be the best news, and for that we go through close to 500 different feeds. In a days time we normally look through 10,000 to 20,000 feed items. It's really disappointing when we go through all of the feed items and don't find a single thing that interests us, which happens more than you would believe. :(
  • We normally keep up on the news feeds throughout the day checking them periodically. In all we probably spend about 3 to 4 hours everday just going through feed items.
  • We are normally done writing articles for the site by 3PM, and then...
     - on Mondays we do some general maintenance to the site that typically takes a few hours.
     - on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays we knock out the CyberNotes articles for the next week. Yep, these are all written at least one week in advance.
     - on Friday we write extra articles that are posted on the weekends. We try not to write on the weekends so that we are able to get a break from the site.
  • Our day kind of ends around 7PM, and that's when we normally eat dinner, watch a little TV, and such. Around 9PM or 10PM we will go around replying to the people who have left comments on our site and our forum, and that's normally when we stop at other sites as well. About an hour is spent doing this.

So we are definitely busy, but we're having a good time trying to build up the site. Hope I didn't bore anyone with this post, but I thought some of you might find it interesting as to what actually goes on in a day's time for a fulltime blogger. It's not quite the cakewalk that some people make it out to be. ;)

Thanks Mouser! We actually found a really useful article that you wrote a few years back, and we referenced it in a giveaway we have coming next Tuesday. So thanks for all of your great product reviews as well because it made writing our article a bit easier. ;)

Oh, yes this can be done very easily in BRU, Curt! The editing I've done to this screencap is decidedly amateurish, but does the job:
 (see attachment in previous post)
The interface on that proram is just, well, it needs a little TLC.  :-[

General Software Discussion / Re: New interesting features for Firefox 3
« on: September 12, 2007, 09:25 PM »
Moar features! They've just post a mockup of the long awaited "Places" functionality in the Mozilla wiki. Here you have the boring details, for those who don't want to see the mockup ;D, and here the actual mockup, for those wishing to skip the useless jabbering of the wiki (hey, if you're not a Firefox developer, you shouldn't be seeing this ;)). Looks pretty cool, although it strikes a strong resemblance of certain Microsoft application...
Don't get me wrong...I love Mozilla. But part of their problem is that their interface mockup designer, Alex Faaborg, is overly talented and often gets people too excited about what may come in Firefox. In the end I don't think the stuff looks quite as good as what he initially designed.

Living Room / Re: Firm sues over comments
« on: September 12, 2007, 02:24 PM »
If people got sued everytime they said something bad about a product... :-\

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