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Thanks for this, Ryan. I already have a lifetime licence so will let others more needy than myself post on your thread. I love ultraedit and use it primarily as a more powerful text editor (ie don't code with it or write html).
No problem, I didn't actually realize that they do lifetime licenses. Must have been a thing they did in the past?

General Review Discussion / UltraEdit Review and Giveaway ($50 value)
« on: October 16, 2007, 10:44 AM »
I normally don't post links to our own articles, but when mouser was on the hunt for the best text editor he gave the top award to the UltraEdit application. We decided to thoroughly review the application ourselves, and thought it would be fun to start a giveaway.

All you have to do to enter is head on over to the article and tell us how you would use UltraEdit:
Just make sure to enter in an email address!

Can't get much simpler than that, and you surely can't beat the chance to get a $50 app for free!  :-*

Post New Requests Here / Re: IDEA: Anotate Photo's like flickr
« on: October 12, 2007, 10:50 PM »
Something like FotoTagger?

I definitely haven't grown fond of the online trend either mouser. Gmail is really the only online service that I use to store information, and aside from that there isn't much of my info online. The more things I have stored on my own computer the more control I have over them. If I had to access a document and a server was down I would definitely be frustrated, and that's not something I want to go through.

I do, however, use Flickr as a backup source for all 6,000 of my photos. They are among the most important data that I have, and it would truly be disappointing to lose those. Because of Flickr Pro's unlimited storage/quality/bandwidth I felt compelled to upload all of my photos there. That's one service that I really believe you get the most bang for your buck.

I voluntarily restarted my computer after the update, and my settings remain unchanged. All five of my computers weren't affected by it, so it must have been isolated incidents?

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