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Living Room / Re: The problem with online ad alternatives
« on: February 27, 2012, 02:29 PM »
It doesnt look all that shady to me - this is seed capital we're talking about, and a lot of it even in the valley is not full VCs but a network of angels. Angel funds are quite common, after all.

So if you are a blogger and your income is safe, why would you not be tempted to invest and participate instead of only just watch. And why would you not be courted as a way to gain cred/cash/connections for a startup, when there are so many.

Even journalists need to buy products and make savings and investements and it's not necessarily a loss of integrity to do that

Living Room / Re: Firefox and LastPass problems
« on: February 27, 2012, 02:24 PM »
Very odd - never had an issue with lastpass. Have FF 9 and the up to date lastpass. But then FF is my secondary browser so I would perhaps not notice

I left Acronis a while back - when they changed their type of licenses and took away some features from me I cared about unless I paid full corporate price.

I now use Paragon - incidentally they seem to now have a free version of their backup, that could be interesting I need to check it out

Paragon backs up and restores from local, network, usb and CD/DVD and has different types of boot media to make sure you always can boot back up. I have used their hard disk manager and their rescue kit products a few times to get out of some self-created messes.

And according to the the Genie Timeline Pro release notes the last version released was February 2, 2011 - Genie Timeline

I have on my machines - so not much has changed.

I find it a nice continuuous backup and inobtrusive, although when I had it using a isb drive it would complain after about 10 days of not connecting and that got annoying. Now that it uses the NAS I hardly ever notice it.

I didn't like the out of the box profiles - for me they backed up too much. And one annoyance is there was no easy automated way from the main interface to remove files that were backed up but one didnt want anymore. That'd be my top item on the wishlist. But it does nicely backup files with version and has a reasonably convenient way to go back and look at snapshots.

Note: I use this on my additional and family/friend PCs - a good way to pick up new folders with document/settings and not be surprised - my core machines have Paragon on top for full images and recovery.

General Software Discussion / Re: Anyone on DC do Actinic (UK)?
« on: February 27, 2012, 02:01 PM »
*sigh* tell me about it...

Got to move carefully on this one not lose the rankings - site might be a bit ugly and not all that good at selling as it could be (an euphemism) but it does come up in the first 3 spots in Google on a lot of its rather niche products. So I need to improve what I've got and evolve it slowly first, then replatform very carefully

Maybe I'll do a DC rebate once I have understood my margins :)

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