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Hi ianhad,

when you installed Screenshot Captor, the installer created a ProgramGroup in your Startmenu. There you can find a "Uninstall Screenshot Captor" entry which will uninstall the program for you.

Normally the installer also creates, as any other well programmed application under Windows do, an entry for uninstalling Screenshot Captor in the ControlPanel->Software Tool. I can't understand what happened when you don't have such an entry. Strange!

If you don't mind to tell us, what you don't like in ScreenshotCaptor, i think we and mouser will appreciate your hints. This will help mouser to improve his program. Would be very kind of you.


Find And Run Robot / Re: Alias sharing
« on: April 04, 2007, 03:47 AM »
Hi there,

the last versions of FARR v2 added some duplicate email-alias entries. That makes me to have a closer look at them all. And then i decided to try to improve the very complicated (at least two different) email-aliases and try to merge them in a "one fits all" one.

This is what i get so far, and it works for me very well. So this version is the one and only email alias i now need and use:

Group Alias Name: email
RegEx Pattern: ^email\s+([a-zA-Z0-9._%-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,4})\s*(.*)
Result: Email to $$1 with Subject $$2|mailto:$$1?subject=$$2

It accepts:

email [email protected]    (Brings up the default email editor with only a receipent - no subject)

email [email protected]  bla1 bla2 bla3 ... blaN  (Brings up the default email editor with a receipent AND a subject with all the words from bla1 upto blaN)

(For [email protected] also nicknames can be used that your email editor then understands and can expand it to real adresses)

If s.o. finds a bug or can improve, i would be glad to hear about that.


Forgot to implement the lowercase letters in the character classes. So the first version will only work if regexmatching is set to case-insensitive. With this version it works in both modes.

And there are exactly 2 Statements that are true for every situation that nobody can deny:

1. Mouser is telling always the truth (on ALL Days of the year) and
2. The Earth is a flat disk and not a sphere

Srikat got me as a fool already in the irc channel with another horror message about, no...NOT AGAIN!


A wise man said: Got me fooled once, i have to blame YOU. Got me fooled twice, its ME that have to be blamed. :-)))

General Software Discussion / Re: Fun Quiz
« on: April 02, 2007, 02:34 AM »
Hmmmm...i have to go with mouser to the "cheaper seats" here. Also only 5/10. :-(

That really makes me scratching my head! :-(

Hi Curt,

i've posted this link 4 months ago. And at this time the link worked fine. Its the primary Domain for SIW from the author. It seems, he has a bit trouble with it, as i can read on his fallback, secondary homepage, that i found after 10 sec. of googling.

I added the second link to my post, for convinience for all and leave the primary one, as i suggest that it will be up again sooner or later.

Sorry for the broken link, but i can't guarantee the validity of my posted links over a longer time period, as i have no influence on all pages in the internet (even if wish i would have  ;D ). But thanks for pointing out the broken link.


Developer's Corner / PHP Class "SendFileAndLog"
« on: February 22, 2007, 06:15 AM »
Hi DCs,

a few weeks ago i was in need of a possibility to log downloads that happen on my webpages.

As i don't find one that fit my needs, and was interested in the "how to do it" thingy too, i decided to write my own php class for that. And while working on it, i was asked by another DC-Member if i know a way to log downloads on his webpage, and then mouser told me that he can use one too.

So i decided to expand my quick and dirty class for my private usage to a full featured, well documented and customizable class. Then added some whistles and bells (ideas coming from mouser) and now make it available to the public.

Some of the main features of the class that i and mouser had in mind are:

  • Get a detailed log for every download with many informations
  • Get statistics that is updated leightweight and fast and can be shown "live" on a webpage
  • Easy to use for novice users but customizable enough for experts
  • Use it from plain html without any php coding (via an included helperscript) or from your own php script
  • Log files are kept in plaintext csv format for easy manual manipulation and analysis, so no database is needed
  • Hides the true download location of the file to prevent direct linking if you want
  • Preserve counters even when file names change
  • Safe and Secure

For more Info, all features, documentation and download go to the SendFileAndLog homepage:

Of course the class is free (Donationware).

A sample of the "live" statistic embedded in a webpage

If you have some comments, suggestions, bugreports or feature wishes, please contact me. I'll appreciate any feedback.

I hope s.o. will find the class useful. And again many thanks to mouser for his ideas, contributions and support while developing the class.


I have known that there are answers for this topic on DC.

Many many thanks cthorpe.


Hi DCs,

today i need your help. A friend of mine asked me if i am aware of a good screen magnifiying application as he needs one for a also, like me, visually impaired friend of him.

As i own a hardware solution (my graphic card has a built in magnifying option), i don't use a software app for this. But i bragged, when my friend asks me, that i know the best place on to ask for such things. DONATIONCODER!!! :-))

Using the same graphic card for his friend is not an option as she is using a laptop with a built in graphic card.

The app don't have to be totally free. A reasonable price, up to $50 or so, is acceptable.

But there are two kinds of magnifying applications out there.

Kind 1
Showing a small window on the desktop with the magnified content of the area under the cursor or a fixed area of the screen.

There are a lot of this kind out there, so i need recommendations for "what is the best" or "what do you use" or "what is your favourite one". Testing all of them by myself is nearly impossible.

Kind 2
A magnifying application that magnifies the whole desktop e.g. by 2 or 4 (like my hardware solution do), showing only a part of the desktop on the screen and scrolls the screen contents (the magnified desktop) up/down/right/left when the mouse touches the corresponding border. So it's like i have a very big desktop that don't fit on the screen and hides the "outside parts". (I hope you understand what i mean).

I have no real idea for this kind of app. I only saw this feature, beside in my hardware solution, in an app named "Zoomtext". But this app is veeeeery expensive and has a lot of whistles and bells beside the magnifying feature (e.g. a Screenreader that reads the screen content aloud a.s.o.) that makes it so expensive and is not really needed.

So, do anyone know about a reasonable priced magnifying "Kind 2-App" that do this?
Or do anyone know a site with a "Magnifying Application Comparison/Review"?

I really appreciate any hint and recommendation. I am grateful for everyones time spent for writing me a reply. TIA!


Hi Mouser,

what is wrong with my MusToe Homepage? What dislike you when you request a "nice" homepage instead my actual one?

I'm not a good layouter and not very creative in art and beautiness. So every suggestion is welcome.

PADFile is on the way. I wanted first to get the download logger get working so that i can track the downloads better. But V1.0 of the download logger class is ready now and now comes the padfile and submission. :-))

Thanks again for the kind words and improvement suggestions to make the Homepage more so that you find i nice.


New Version 1.1.0 (14.01.2007) released.

For Download and History please read first post in this thread.

Have fun

N.A.N.Y. Challenge 2007 / my Nany Cody Mug
« on: January 14, 2007, 07:47 AM »
Just got Mousers parcel with my two Cody Mugs in it.

One for me and one for my buddy Rambo that helped me with my N.A.N.Y. app "MusToe" contributing ideas, graphics and betatesting.

We both LOVE the Mugs as you can see on this photos:
JoTo and his MugRambo and his Mug

Thanks to mouser for the great N.A.N.Y idea and all his effort.

JoTo and Rambo

Living Room / Re: Enigma - One of my most favourite games
« on: January 05, 2007, 01:29 AM »
Hey mouser (and fodder the original poster :-) ),

it's incredible that if you post sth. on DC you get another good idea of the same type back.

Thanks for pointing...i'll give WithinADeepForrest a try too.


Living Room / Enigma - One of my most favourite games
« on: January 03, 2007, 06:37 AM »

today i received a very good message. After 555 days of waiting, one of my most favourite games "Enigma" has got an Update to V 1.0. With additional 200 levels, making now over 900!

As the DC-Forumsearch shows nothing up for this freeware pearl, i decided to post it.

What is Enigma?
You rembember Oxyd on Atari or Rock-n-Roll on Amiga? That together is Enigma. plus much, much more.

Main thing is, to move a little ball (or more than one even smaller balls) with your mouse through levels. Solve puzzles, touch and match hidden colored blocks, find your way through mazes, move certain blocks to other locations to solve the level or get through to other parts of the level or even build bridges with them to traverse water. Then find keys and open doors, find other things that can help you solve the level up to magic wands that converts blocks into other material, search for secret pathways, don't fall in holes, switch lasers on and off, turn mirrors to redirect the lasers, beware of deadly blocks, take care on what floor material you are (influences the movement of the ball) or put and hold the even smaller balls in given positions.

You see: Oxyd and Rock-n-Roll plus a little bit Sokoban, a little bit puzzlegame, a little bit dexterity needed, a little bit actiongame, a little bit platformgame a.s.o. You can't explain it fully have to try it!

And you can now submit your Highscores to their website to compete to all other Enigmians and rate the levels.

The whole game is non-violent, family friendly and so sth. for young and old one's.

You see, i love this game, therefore i gush over it. But i have to stop now to let you try it at your own.

But be careful Addiction Rating for this game is: Super Hyper Mega Universe HIGH! Don't blame me for wasting your whole day or missing your dates while you play Enigma! ;D

Get it from here:

Here are some Screenshots as teasers:

Part of the "Select Level" WindowLevel: Lasers and MirrorsLevel: Annoying little balls

Hope you have as much as fun as i have with this masterpiece.

    HiHo all,

    here is my entry for the DonationCoder N.A.N.Y. project.

    A "Tic-Tac-Toe" game variant for two players with an audiophile twist. Download MusToe, unpack it, start it without any installation, select your MP3-Collection folder, find a buddy as an opponent, turn on your speakers and let's go.

    A detailed manual with the rules is included in the program.

    I hope, everyone has so much fun playing this game as i and my buddy Rambo have had while testing the game.

    Get it from:

So open up your ears and have fun.



Version 1.1.0 (14.01.2007)
  • Added a new gamerule, that if an orphaned (not yet owned by anybody) tile is selected and the buzzing player don't guess the title right, this tile now goes (as a penalty) to opponents ownership. This avoid players to buzz in too early or only for cheating (don't give the opponent the chance to guess).
  • Added a new gamerule, that always the loosing player of a round starts the next round selecting a tile.
  • Added more keyboard shortcuts, so that now the running game can be played without using the mouse anymore (if it is desired).
  • Added advanced caching of the musictitles. Now MusToe remembers the state of the library and the already used titles over program sessions (exiting the program). So, if you now exits the program and play again next day, the already used titles in the last program session won't be available for guessing until all titles were used and/or the musiclibrary has changed. That avoids, if only using a small musiclibrary with few titles, that the same titles are selected for guessing again and again with every new program start.
  • Clarified, improved and extended the game manual

Version 1.0.0 (01.01.2007)
  • First public released Version

I develop "MusToe" for N.A.N.Y. :-))

My thanks go to FARR (Find and Run Robot).  :huh:

YES FARR! Because a google search for a program like FARR lead me to DC. And therefore my thanks goes to mouser as well for creating FARR and founding DC.  :Thmbsup:

To make a long story short, i agree 100% with jgpaivas post. And i can't live without my daily dose of DC anymore!  :Thmbsup:  :Thmbsup:  :Thmbsup:

[JoTo stands up...looks at all the others, wait until he gets attention from all people here and start to say...]

Hello, My name is JoTo and i must admit i am a DC-Holic!

[JoTo sits down]

But beware! No-bo-dy should try to start to cure me from this addiction.  >:( He/She will have no success...PROMISED!!!   :P

Thanks again mouser and to all the other great people here that allow me to be a part of DC.


[JoTo lifts his right hand]
I swear....with the help of the mighty make an app from scratch and release it on Jan. 1, 2007 on DC!

... Hmmm....Not so ceremonial?  :huh: OK! :-[
[JoTo lowers his right hand again]

Guys...I'm in too!  ;D


Just to keep up-to-date...seen today on OrbitDev-Blog:

Orbit V1.0.3 is released

We has released Orbit v1.0.3 yesterday.

* Add a manual setting to enable/disable p2p connection.
* Fix a bug in Drop Zone.
* Fix a bug in Orbit update.

I just downloaded and installed the new version. The promised "disable p2p" setting is there. After switching it off and restart OrbitDownloader there is no more "orbitnet.exe" process and after exiting the main program no "orbit*" process is left over anymore.

So thanks to the Orbit-Devs to respect the wish and the OrbitDownloader. I am using OrbitDev now for a while and i am sure the Devs are serious and kind and OrbitDev is a great and free DownloadManager.

I only have still a little problem with OrbitDev ("How to download temporarily without it, when a download with it will fail"). In FreeDownloadManager i can click on "Cancel" and the Download will be handed over to normal IE-Download, what not happens in OrbitDownloader. But i am sure i can clarify this in near future with the Orbit-Devs.

CU all

Stumbled upon this today. Find it very interesting or kind of funny ... i cant stop reading all through.

Have you ever wonder:
    • What Makes No. 2 Pencils So Darn Special?
    • Is There One Move That’s More Likely to Win a Game of Rock-Paper-Scissors?
    • Can a Pregnant Woman Drive in the Carpool Lane?
    • Which Came First, the Can Opener or the Can?
    • and 21 more interesting questions

    Then head toward it and get the answers to the 25 most important questions in the History of the Universe.  ;D

    Hope you like it too

    Today in the IRC Channel, Ken was in need of a System Information Tool that tells him about his installed memory a.s.o. He got "Everest" that does the trick, but is no longer freeware.

    So i jumped in and told him about my favourite System Informationtool for Windows (SIW), that is very good one and free (Donationware).

    After that, Ken "forced" me to post this goodie on the forum, even if i replied that SIW is a long time companion, everybody knows about it and it was surely mentioned here on DC a lot of times. But nothing helps...he insisted that i have to post.

    After a forum search, i found only one thread that mentioned SIW and in a completely different context (as a revealing password tool - what SIW can do, but it is not its "general idea").

    At this point i was conviced that i have to post it. :-)

    From the site:
    SIW  performs computer configuration analysis and diagnostics. It gives detailed information about your computer properties and settings, detailed specs for:
     - Software (Operating System, Installed Programs and Hotfixes, Processes, Services, Product Keys, Serial Numbers, Users, Open Files, System Uptime, Passwords hidden behind asterisks, Installed Codecs),
     - Hardware (Motherboard, Sensors, BIOS, CPU, chipset, PCI/AGP, USB and ISA/PnP Devices, Memory, Video Card, Monitor, Disk Drives, CD/DVD Devices, SCSI Devices, S.M.A.R.T., Ports, Printers),
     - Network (Network Cards, Network Shares, currently active Network Connections),
    as well as real-time monitors for CPU, Memory, Page File usage and Network Traffic.
    SIW can create a report file (CSV, HTML, TXT or XML), and is able to run in batch mode.
    SIW is a standalone tool that does not require installation - one less installed program on your PC as well the fact that you can run the program directly from a USB flash drive (Portable Freeware).

    Hope some find it still interesting...

    I laughed tears...Hope you'll like it too.


    Hi IconBoy,

    i have made a quick and dirty script for you in PHP, and compiled it also to a standalone windows executable, so you can use it normally and without the need to have PHP installed on your PC.

    It does what you requested (as far as i tested it :-)) ). But dont expect too much. Its only a quick and dirty 20 min. hack and not a fully bloated application.

    So you have to use the console window and enter the following commandline

            touchfiles <SourceDir> <StartDate> <StartTime>

    e.g.   touchfiles c:\mypics\vacation 2006/08/25 11:20:13

    to start setting the files in c:\mypics\vacation to date 25th August 2006 beginning at 11:20:13 am...11:21:13am...11:22.13am... and so on.

    It then does basic input checking, gets and sorts all files in SourceDir alphabetically in natural order and sets their datestamps to StartDate and the Timestamps to StartTime. For every next file StartTime is incremented by 1 minute (as you wished). If StartTime reaches 23:59:59->00:00:00 StartDate is incremented by 1 day.

    If you start the program with no parameters or wrong or invalid ones, a detailed usage message is printed in the console window.

    Both, the last accessed and last modification date/timestamp is set. Cannot help for creation date/timestamps. Havent found a function that will do this in PHP. But in Explorer the files are shown with the correct timestamps as set by TouchFiles.

    I include the SourceCode of the Script also in the ZIPFile, in fact you are a PHP-Programmer and want to modify sth. Feel free to do that.

    Hope it will help you in your task. Have fun!


    Living Room / Have you ever been on a trampoline - NUDE! ???
    « on: September 26, 2006, 02:42 AM »
    If not, try it out how it would look like in the flash diversion "Nudist Trampolining".

    Tsk, Tsk! There is nothing you can't find on the internet, can you?  :D

    Found today!

    "Group Shot"
    A free Tool from the Microsoft Research Group.

    A product of Microsoft Research’s Redmond lab, Group Shot was developed by Alex Colburn, Matt Uyttendaele, and Michael Cohen of the Interactive Visual Media group over a period of six weeks late in 2005. Group Shot has the express purpose of helping a user to improve a flawed group photo to the desired state envisioned when the picture was taken.

    “Photographs are instants of time,” Colburn smiles, “but we don’t necessarily remember an instant in time. We’re actually remembering a moment, and our brains backfill in the details. For example, you don’t remember your family portrait as a moment when everyone has their eyes closed and their mouths open. You remember a moment when everyone is smiling and looks good. With a camera, it is hard to capture those perfect photos, because those moments might not have existed, or you may have just missed them.”

    “What we want to do is to use multiple photos to help reconstruct a moment.”

    Group Shot, available for download, makes it easy for a user to take a part of an image from one photo and replace a similar but flawed part of an image in another photo, thereby creating a composite shot better than either original and more approximating what was seen in the photographer’s mind’s eye.

    Not tested yet by myself, but it sounds interesting as you not only can change persons. You can also clip out unwanted parts and/or take a photo with and one without flashlight and compose a new image from that two with any lightning level that looks best for you.

    There are many more (mostly very weird) projects to download from the Microsoft Research Group under

    Hope this post is useful to someone out there.


    Find And Run Robot / Re: Problem with white on black windows themes
    « on: August 11, 2006, 05:26 AM »
    Sorry, cant follow your bug report and cant reproduce this behaviour here.

    I use Kontrast#1 Theme all the time and have problems with maaaany programs in the way you mentioned. But not with FARR. All works great here and is very readable.

    See my screenshots:

    Screenshot - 11.08.2006 , 12_20_45.jpg

    Screenshot - 11.08.2006 , 12_21_01.jpg

    Cant think why it wont work at your pc. Maybe mouser have an idea.


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