Dear DC Members,
as promised, now a bit more detailed and longer catch up about my
actual situation and in the last weeks, inclusive scans of the
postcards i got from members.
First let me thank you all again for all the kind words. It's a real
good feeling that there is somone out there that cares.
This time i got the same problem as in 2007. A pus filled abscess that
grows inside my belly. The difference to 2007 is, last year i got 2
smaller ones in the left and right chest while this time it is 1 big
one in the middle lower belly.
The first week (from 24th, Nov. 2008) i stayed at home with care of my
normal doctor. On 1st, Dec. 2008 she saw that it grows instead of
healing. So she decided, that we can't wait any longer and sent me to
hospital. I was so dizzy and exhausted from the infection and
inflammation, that she called an ambulance for transport. After 10
min. i was in the emergency department of the hospital. (That was a
first time ride in an ambulance car for me. Interesting i must say!

They have to make an operational cut of about 11 inch wide
and 3 inch deep. That size of the wound explains why i had to stay in
hospital for about 8 weeks. In that 8 weeks i got a total of 11
operations, all with full anesthesia. That was a bit of stress for my
physis and psychic of course.
But after the first operation the pain stops immediately. So i felt
good after a few days and the boring waiting phase in hospital starts.

Now (since 23st, Jan. 2009) i'm home again. But the wound is still
wide open. It has to heal slowly from bottom to top and that takes its
time (at least another 1 or 2 months from now on). I get visits at my
house from a nurse every day to change the bandage and inspect the
wound so it didn't get infected again. So far the wound is still clean
and begins to heal as expected.

Looking back it was a very good decision from my doctor to sent me to
hospital. The abscess was grown so big in the meantime, that only 1
inch of meat seperates the pus from the abdominal cavity. If the pus
would have entered this, some of the inner organs would have been
infected (a so called Sepsis) and that would have meant serious lethal
danger to me (dying rate of sepsis patients are about 70%!).

thanks god this was prevented just in time. So i wasn't in real lethal
danger at last.
The bad thing is, that nobody knows if this shows up again in the
future and nothing can be done to prevent it actively. So the only
thing i can do is to hope that this time was the last time i got such
a crap.

Please keep fingers crossed for me for that!
I don't have to go to work at the moment until the wound closes at
least mostly. So, at the moment, i enjoy a kind of vacation.

That completes my actual situation description.
At last i want to send special thanks to the postcard senders for the
good wishes. It was really fun to get the cards in the hospital and
they made some of the long boring days a bit brighter. Thanks guys!!!
A side effect was again the bragging i can do when the nurse brings me
the cards from all over the world with a headshaking, wondering where
i know from all this people from all around the globe. Felt like a VIP

Thanks also goes to all others who sent me PM on the forum or yells
cheers for me when i re-enter the IRC channel first time again.
At the bottom of my post please find the scans of the postcards i got.
Greetings to the most kind and best Community on the web
Postcards from members i got(in alphabetical order)
[attachthumb=#1][/attachthumb] from Computerfritze
| [attachthumb=#2][/attachthumb] from Cranioscopical
[attachthumb=#3][/attachthumb] from Ehtyar
| [attachthumb=#4][/attachthumb] from Mouser
[attachthumb=#5][/attachthumb] from Tomos