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Messages - ich thys [ switch to compact view ]

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General Software Discussion / Annoying McAfee refuses to quit
« on: July 16, 2023, 10:37 PM »
I'm running Norton on a Win11 OS. I had decided to totally uninstall McAfee. It's all gone, except for 11 visible files that show in a program called 'Everything'. All gone except for 11 png suffix files. They defy uninstallation. Worse, a McAfee pop-up appears several times every day, and I use 'close window' to get it off of Desktop, but it always comes back later, saying I'm unprotected, and I need to buy McAfee again. I also tried the McAfee 'uninstaller' but without success. What can I do, please (and thank you in advance).

Thank you. By the way, do you or anyone know the name of that program that keeps Desktop icons neatly arranged the way one wants it to stay?

Only one I've used is DesktopOK, doesn't keep icons in position but it does allow you to save/restore their positions.
Yes, that's the one. Didn't realize it can't  keep position, but at least it can save/restore position.

edit: For Windows x64 looks like the extracted subfiles are all titled in Slavic or something.

I'm glad I saw this. Been having trouble with my vision and new laptop screen displaying text a little smaller than I can comfortably read without squinting. Your problem is my solution, in a sense. I've tried your ctrl plus mouse wheel, and so far it works to enlarge text in Brave and Edge (which seems to stay that way until deliberately changed), as well as MS Word 2003 (which reverts with file switching).
My plain Jane mouse; Amazon Basics 3-Button USB Wired Computer Mouse (Black).
Even better yet, the browsers don't add an unwanted bottom scroll bar in the process; they just make text more readable. Thank you.

There's also the standard hotkeys, Ctrl++, Ctrl+-, Control+0 ... Zoom in, zoom out, and zoom 100%.
Thank you. By the way, do you or anyone know the name of that program that keeps Desktop icons neatly arranged the way one wants it to stay?

I'm glad I saw this. Been having trouble with my vision and new laptop screen displaying text a little smaller than I can comfortably read without squinting. Your problem is my solution, in a sense. I've tried your ctrl plus mouse wheel, and so far it works to enlarge text in Brave and Edge (which seems to stay that way until deliberately changed), as well as MS Word 2003 (which reverts with file switching).
My plain Jane mouse; Amazon Basics 3-Button USB Wired Computer Mouse (Black).
Even better yet, the browsers don't add an unwanted bottom scroll bar in the process; they just make text more readable. Thank you.

General Software Discussion / Re: Need help finding file on my PC
« on: February 19, 2021, 04:26 AM »
hi ich thys, try some dedicated search software like "Everything" -- makes it easy to find anything on your PC. Very quick too.
I found it.
The 'Everything' software cracked the case, even helped me track it down when target file was masked by tongue-twisting foreign spelling. Awesome.
Original title: Jesus Christ Superstar.
Title as found on Youtube mis- or foreign-spelled, possibly to fool YT admin into not deleting it; Jézus Krisztus szupersztár; I had kept the oddball spelling.
I had visually opened and searched that folder by roaming through and barely giving it a second look half a dozen times, using search terms like 'superstar' and just 'super', and no surprise that the foreign spelling failed to trigger a 'hit', and threw me off-track again and again until I was beginning to doubt my own sanity.
I have since retitled it to include both foreign and English spelling.

General Software Discussion / Need help finding file on my PC
« on: February 19, 2021, 02:43 AM »
I am just a teensy bit frustrated. I cannot find a particular musical movie file on my laptop; I cannot get the 'search' function to stop including the whole Internet when I try to search for it exclusively on my laptop, Oh no, it wants to show me where I can find it in the whole Internet from here to the Moon, but not on my laptop (that would be too easy, right); I can see in VLC's 'history' dropdown menu that I did find and play it a while back, but I cannot get it to show me where it is being read from in VLC's history dropdown menu, so I can go to it and play it again.

General Software Discussion / Re: youtube downloader?
« on: February 19, 2021, 12:56 AM »
4K still never works anymore. I reported it to them; no response.

General Software Discussion / Re: youtube downloader?
« on: February 14, 2021, 04:16 AM »
I just updated 4K Video Downloader to v4.14.3.4090 x64 and tested it on this video and it worked without issue. I'm using the free/unregistered version.

I noticed in the changelog that it said "channel fixes" were coming soon. Are you trying to download from an individual video link or are you trying to download from a channel link?
I just tried to download the link you gave, with my registered version, first with mp3 selected, then mp4, and failed both ways.
Not sure what you mean as per channel vs individual link, but it sounds like you're onto something.

edit: Individual, I think. Channel is multiple?

General Software Discussion / Re: youtube downloader?
« on: February 14, 2021, 02:22 AM »
Just ran an update on 4K Video Downloader;  still doesn't work with youtube.

General Software Discussion / Re: Brave browser not deleting history
« on: February 13, 2021, 10:33 PM »
Did you try to get support on their site? I just tried it on one of my boxes, and it worked.
I went there (I think), and wasn't sure what to pick. Then I finally noticed the little dropdown menu box that was set to 'last 1 hour', reset it to 'all time', and it worked. Many thanks.

General Software Discussion / Brave browser not deleting history
« on: February 13, 2021, 09:03 PM »
After I tried to erase my browsing history from Brave it is still there.

General Software Discussion / Re: youtube downloader?
« on: February 10, 2021, 01:20 PM »
As of today, 04-10-21, my registered and paid version of 4K Video Downloader gives me an 'error' message now and won't download anything.
What's a good youtube video downloader?

YouTube constantly changes (breaks) things. 4K will surely have an update soon that makes things work again.
That's what I keep thinking. So far, it's been an increasingly long hiatus.

General Software Discussion / Re: youtube downloader?
« on: February 10, 2021, 03:08 AM »
As of today, 04-10-21, my registered and paid version of 4K Video Downloader gives me an 'error' message now and won't download anything.
What's a good youtube video downloader?

PopUp Wisdom / Re: New books wanted!
« on: January 25, 2021, 06:13 PM »
I have already published an ebook on, and I would like to add a few modest revisions to it. The problem is, I published it a number of years ago, and since then, I have gone through the failure of four or five successive computers, and I have made a zoo-like collection of different file backup saves. So that I am not sure which copy of the book is the most recent and up-to-date. If I unwittingly work on revising an earlier save, I could lose the improvements made in any subsequent backup saves. The only way I would feel absolutely sure of getting the very latest copy of my own work, would be to download a copy directly from Amazon. I have Windows Office Word 2003. The ebook ms. -manuscript- contains dynamic Chapter to TOC -Table of Contents- interlinks. I don't mind the thought of losing those, so much as unwittingly losing the odd gem or two of those highly prized little 'intuitions' that make a good book shine and sparkle, by working on an older backup copy. Can I download my own ebook copy from Amazon, open it in Windows Office Word 2003, work on it, and then simply reupload it to Amazon? Or is there going to be some kind of file software mismatch? 

General Software Discussion / Re: Windows 10 Announced
« on: January 08, 2021, 02:58 PM »
You can't set microsoft accounts to be no password enabled.  The best you can do is set it to use a Pin.
Well that's good to know anyways. Thank you. :)

General Software Discussion / Re: Windows 10 Announced
« on: January 08, 2021, 10:39 AM »
I set my new HP laptop with Win10 to 'no password',

Elaborate on what you did so far to accomplish that, so we know what not to suggest..  :D

Historically, that always been done using control userpasswords2 (from either run or command prompt)
I start with Desktop and go to Sign-in options.

Is a local account, or a Microsoft account?
It appears to all be Microsoft, in a HP laptop. I had to log in to some kind of 'S' account and turn something off so I could add non-Microsoft apps.

General Software Discussion / Re: Windows 10 Announced
« on: January 07, 2021, 11:21 PM »
Also, what's that Windows dimmer function that works like f.lux,

Night Light - Open the Notification area, right-click in the tile area and select Edit, then Add it.
Thanks! :)

General Software Discussion / Re: Windows 10 Announced
« on: January 07, 2021, 02:52 PM »
I set my new HP laptop with Win10 to 'no password',

Elaborate on what you did so far to accomplish that, so we know what not to suggest..  :D

Historically, that always been done using control userpasswords2 (from either run or command prompt)
I start with Desktop and go to Sign-in options.

General Software Discussion / Re: Windows 10 Announced
« on: January 06, 2021, 08:16 PM »
I set my new HP laptop with Win10 to 'no password', and it persists in halting boot-up just before reaching Desktop to require it. Is there some extra option I'm supposed to enable, or is there a DonationCoder fix for this?
Also, what's that Windows dimmer function that works like f.lux, and which is more preferable, and is there a way to set it to go 'on' all the time and not just when it gets dark outside?

Living Room / Re: Interesting "stuff"
« on: August 29, 2020, 07:34 PM »

Fundamental Literature


Rusty maze

'Rusty maze' reminds me of core Portal levels, which I absolutely loved.

Living Room / Re: Interesting "stuff"
« on: August 16, 2020, 01:56 AM »
Notice: I've replied in Basement to 'Riddle' again;
(removed Link).
I hope it will seem fair-minded to post a simple 'Notice' here, but the more substantive content in the Basement 'Riddle' thread, which gives registered DonationCoder members a fair chance to take a whack at solving the puzzle. BTW, it is not political.
What is it? What is 'Riddle' describing?  8)

Living Room / Re: Interesting "stuff"
« on: August 16, 2020, 12:40 AM »
Yikes! My bad. 'No political posts at all in the regular sections.' Got it.

Living Room / Re: Interesting "stuff"
« on: July 23, 2020, 03:12 PM »
Looking at the contents of the 'riddle', I think it was in the right place.

Tired of the real world's shabby tirade of false 'virtue signalling'?
Any time that phrase is used unironically it's a red flag to me.
Sorry, I should have looked closer...
Thank you. You're right, the Basement wasn't giving 'Riddle' enough exposure. Now that I've 'surfaced', I would like very much to try returning there again, at least, for the time being.

Living Room / Re: Interesting "stuff"
« on: July 22, 2020, 11:18 PM »
I've posted 'Riddle', here;

So far, no one has cracked it.
Maybe the right person hasn't seen it yet.
So I'll post this link to it here,
with another 'hint';
Original: and 2 + 3 = 5 it's true,
but the way they're meant 2 B.

Hint: and 2 and 3 are 5 it's true,
but not the way they're meant to be.

Given the right visual cues, I suspect a kindergartener -albeit perhaps an especially  bright one- could find the answer.
But nobody has figured it out yet.

Living Room / Re: What books are you reading?
« on: July 18, 2020, 04:31 PM »
Found an online full-text book site;

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