N.A.N.Y. 2024 / Re: NANY 2024 - Network Adapter Info by KodeZwerg
« on: July 14, 2023, 04:31 AM »FWIW a little bit of PowerShell:Code: PowerShell [Select]
(Get-NetAdapter -Name * -Physical | % { Get-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily IPv4 -InterfaceAlias $_.Name }) | Format-Table -Property InterfaceAlias, IPAddress
Output:Code: Text [Select]
InterfaceAlias IPAddress -------------- --------- WiFi Ethernet 3 (July 14, 2023, 03:24 AM)
I am working on it and get already same result within my test application but I am not that familar with PowerShell yet, your "script" works well and display me exactly what you've posted.
Now here's the $1 million dollar question, how do I need to modify your PowerShell call that it just return me the LAN IP (exclude the wrong "WiFi"-IP)?
Since you get ATM 2 results, I would not know how to seperate them, but I would be able to have them shown in my tool.
With a little help we get this thing working correct! :-*