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N.A.N.Y. 2019 / This is an entry for NANY 2019 - SCrypt
« on: June 16, 2018, 06:21 PM »
Hello all,
i like to introduce a small tool that i just finished and Contribute to Nany 2019.

Toolname: SCrypt.exe / Small File Cryptor
Target: Console Application
Compiler: Delphi 7 32bit
Whats the Point: It'll encrypt/decrypt a file
Project-Status: early Release, Basics should be final
Extras: Utilize MMX features, wasted time display for encoding/decoding
Limits: Untested max. Filesize, my guess is 2GB Limit, keys are fixed ATM (internal using a set of 4)

Source: not included, not avail by request.

SCrypt.exe FileToTest.Ext

My App will never change Original File!
It will produce/overwrite two new Files:
1. FileName_ENC.ext = Original File in encrypted Format
2. FileName_DEC.exc = restored encrypted file

Tested with Windows 7 x64, Application might need Admin-Rights to create Files.
If you have wishes, suggestions or found a bug, drop a line, thanks!

!!!Attention Interested SCrypt Users:
This tiny tool does NOT provide much security!
Everyone who has this App can reverse any crypted file back since i do not provide Password crypting!!!!
For myself it was educational testing of MMX Chipset features to benchmark vs other Cipher/Crypter methods.
Anyway, decrypting a file by hand it is still not that easy like someone might think.

My Tool-Name has nothing to do with anything else called SCRYPT, its just short for "Small File Cryptor".

Try the "Grab Windows Object" capture type.
Found feature, thats perfect if i just want capture only popup, or other seperate controls, thanks it works great!!

Thanks for tipps!
Accidently i figured out another method wich works very good, or better, it works perfect!
I do Screencapture whole screen, here a save-Dialog popup (in my configuration),
i do leftclick trayicon so main window appear, the power relies under the hood, and this one is mighty!
In my case it already has pre-selected my target window,
i click on crop to selection,
Sorry for asking i should have tried more first. (before i tried all combinations with grab window/grab region, no success)

And if you need an idea for a new feature, i hope that isnt included and i just did not found it, add something like a drag-crosshair that can be moved by mouse. Idea would be a feature that highlight any found [Control].[Handles]. I am bad at explaining but i hope it is understandable.
For example, dragging into a TotalCommander window would enable to grab region of control under mouse, like left or right files view.

Screenshot Captor / need advice to capture specific things...
« on: June 16, 2018, 02:08 AM »
Hello there!
I havent figured out yet how to capture

1) when i hover mouse in an application over entries and that entry display a tooltip, how can i capture window that the shown tooltip is included?
On my Pc, as soon as i invoke hotkey to capture window the tooltip hides.
Using Coolbar would close tooltip because mouse isnt over entry anymore.
2) when i open a popup menu in an application, how can i capture window with shown popup menu, or just the popup menu if avail?
On my Pc, as soon as i invoke hotkey to capture window the popup menu hides.
Using Coolbar would close popup because i click mouse.

Any advice would be great!

Aslong its useful to anyone i try "to give working code", for myself its just educational.
Feel free to use code in your own projects, you are welcome! (Delphi or compatible required)
One little fix needs to be done, if CDDRIVE has no Disc, the Display is wrong, rest should be final.
I dont know yet if i'll update it, seems unneccessary.
btw. if anyone find anything could be done better or a bug, i am open for such, just tell  :D

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