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Messages - KodeZwerg [ switch to compact view ]

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Do you have an screenshot of the part of the config screen to set up file filters & destinations? At least, I hope that part is configurable... :huh:
I might need to add such possibilties when i pump it to NANY
For now its written for Craig with "*.*" as Sourcefolder Filemask and Destinations you can read in Post #1 (still not implemented, working on it)

after thinking about, i will not hardcode Craigs filesystem instead i will add a rule-set editor for both, Source and Destination.
For Source:
- edit filemasks - limited to extensions (eg: ".hlp;.chm"), for now i do not plan to add "?" / "*" support (those are placeholders for any content) except "*.*"
- "include/exclude" by "datetime/attribute/name"
For Destination:
- "if filename begin/contain" then "copy to specific folder" (with folder-selector)
(Craigs Filesystem will be included as example)

If i missed other useful rules feel free to post wishes!

Keeping in line with my suggest before, I suggest you not have an option to bypass the recycle bin -- at least until the app is well tested (and certainly don't make it bypass recycle bin by default!).  I suggest you change the option to say "Bypass recycle bin (dangerous)."
Thank you for your attention on that!  :Thmbsup: Screenshot - 23_06 003.jpg Gui Redesign, when done, i remove "craig" option and add to NANY  :tellme:

another redesign done, "Recyle-Bin" option is disabled by default aslong not "Move" is checked.

Screenshot - 23_06.jpg work in progress Preview

Wouldnt be a problem to include from my side since i do safeway first custom-COPY then Api-DELETE instead of Api-MOVE.
(i raise a buffered copy thread with cancel ability, in my test it copy faster than api-COPY/MOVE)

added "Auto-Delete" checkbox
added "Delete finished" button
added Delete-Type switch (Recycle-Bin <> instant kill)

Helllo Craig!

I am about to start this Project now, i have some questions.

Should the procedure include sub-folders in G:\SOURCE\ ? If yes, should my App delete empty folders?

Should targetfiles have original fileattributes or do you wish for example remove/set Read-Only/Hidden attributes to a specific attribute?

Must targetfiles have same Datestamp? (ATM target would get a fresh/new timestamp)

What i've already prepared in beta phase:
- Collect all Sourcefilename with Progressbar
- Initiate Copy procedure with Progressbar
- Delete all successful copied files with Progressbar

Whats missing:
- Dialog for Existing files. I could skip this by implenting a "is Source newer than Target" or simply adding a number in filename if you like.
- Bundle everything together (in beta i just test with one file)
- Remove unused debug & testing stuff and clean up source
- your Filesystem ;-)

Are you using a standard text control to show it?
I've forgot to answer that, here we go:
I try to display "colored" either as Text via Edit/Memo or as Bitmap inside Text/Memo. For Bitmap testing i am using an Image control.

I think i have found a solution = Cairo Delphi Api Wrapper
Unfortunately its Download is currently..... lets say the Website has a PHP problem :-)

PHP problem is fixed, download is up again. Lets see if i get it working......

Thank you wraith808, code looks after that many moons quit good! :up:
My bad, i should have written already what i've tried, i've used this method to do Bitmap thingy like you suggested.
Code: Delphi [Select]
  1. const
  2.    CHESS_WHITE_QUEEN = #$2654;
  3.    CHESS_WHITE_KING = #$2655;
  4.    CHESS_WHITE_ROOK = #$2656;
  5.    CHESS_WHITE_BISHOP = #$2657;
  6.    CHESS_WHITE_KNIGHT = #$2658;
  7.    CHESS_WHITE_PAWN = #$2659;
  9.    CHESS_BLACK_QUEEN = #$265A;
  10.    CHESS_BLACK_KING = #$265B;
  11.    CHESS_BLACK_ROOK = #$265C;
  12.    CHESS_BLACK_BISHOP = #$265D;
  13.    CHESS_BLACK_KNIGHT = #$265E;
  14.    CHESS_BLACK_PAWN = #$265F;
  16. function CharToBitmap(sFontName: String; c: WideChar; cBackColor, cFontColor, cOutlineColor: TColor;
  17.   OutlineSize: Integer; bmp: TBitmap): Boolean;
  18. var
  19.   r: TRect;
  20.   OtmSize: Integer;
  21.   pTm: POutlineTextMetric;
  22.   LogFont: TLogFont;
  23. begin
  24.   Result := False;
  26.   //destination rect
  27.   r := Rect(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height);
  29.   //set new font
  30.   bmp.Canvas.Font.Name := sFontName;
  31.   bmp.Canvas.Font.Style := [fsBold];
  32.   bmp.Canvas.Font.Size := 10;
  34.   //fill background
  35.   bmp.Canvas.Brush.color := cBackColor;
  36.   bmp.Canvas.FillRect(r);
  38.   //get font metrics
  39.   OtmSize := GetOutlineTextMetrics(bmp.Canvas.Handle, SizeOf(TOutlineTextMetric), nil);
  40.   if OtmSize > 0 then
  41.   begin
  42.     //reserve memory
  43.     GetMem(pTm, OtmSize);
  44.     try
  45.       pTm^.otmSize := OtmSize; //set size
  47.       if GetOutlineTextMetrics(bmp.Canvas.Handle, OtmSize, pTm) <> 0 then
  48.       begin
  49.         //fill whole height
  50.         bmp.Canvas.Font.Height := - bmp.Height;
  52.         BeginPath(bmp.Canvas.handle);
  54.         SetBKMode(bmp.Canvas.Handle, TRANSPARENT);
  56.         DrawTextW(bmp.canvas.handle, @c, 1, r, DT_SINGLELINE or
  57.           DT_CENTER or DT_VCENTER);
  59.         EndPath(bmp.Canvas.handle);
  60.         bmp.Canvas.Brush.color := cFontColor;
  61.         bmp.Canvas.pen.color := cOutlineColor;
  62.         bmp.Canvas.pen.width := OutlineSize;
  63.         StrokeAndFillPath(bmp.Canvas.Handle);
  65.         Result := True;
  66.       end;
  67.     finally
  68.       FreeMem(pTm);
  69.     end;
  70.   end;
  71. end;
  73. procedure TForm1.Button4Click(Sender: TObject);
  74. var
  75.   bmp: TBitmap;
  76. begin
  77.   bmp := TBitmap.create;
  78.   try
  79.     bmp.width := 100;
  80.     bmp.height := 100;
  81.     //white piece
  82.     CharToBitmap('Chess Merida Unicode', CHESS_WHITE_BISHOP,
  83.       clGreen,
  84.       clBlack,
  85.       clWhite,
  86.       bmp.height div 80,
  87.       bmp);
  88.   Image1.Picture.Assign(bmp);
  90.     //black piece
  91.     CharToBitmap('Chess Merida Unicode', CHESS_BLACK_KING,
  92.       clGreen,
  93.       clBlack,
  94.       clWhite,
  95.       bmp.height div 80,
  96.       bmp);
  98.     Image2.Picture.Assign(bmp);
  99.   finally
  100.     bmp.Free;
  101.   end;
  102. end;
That code would grab a chess figure out of a font file and render it to a bitmap. Adopted to my Emoji problem it result in B/W images (if at all... somehow buggy)
I guess that what i want to do isnt that easy at all :'(
FireFox lead my way to his cairo library wich lead to GTK+ wich lead to more sub-stuff.
For Windows 8.1 i have working code that draws everything like it should be (utilizing Direct2D) but prior Windows Version simply ignore it. MSDN writes same about ColorFonts.

i will start saturday (i am just hobbycoder), if no one has a batch/script or whatever solution you get a Gui App from me with some Progressbar and Cancel ability.
I guess a Commandline switch could be usefull for you aswell if you want to shedule that operation.
As ive read you wish a MOVE and not a COPY, just to be clear.

BTW now i understand your filesystem.

Will a Windows console or Gui application also fit?
Can you give an example from your \Source\ folder for a file that belongs to \\\ghi\HJ-HZ
Somehow i cannot follow your destination paths without information of Sourcenames.
If files actually named "HJanything.123" - "HZanything.123" ignore that question.

Just to be clear, I wasn't asking from an I don't know what Delphi is perspective, but from the perspective of someone that worked in it for years before jumping to C#, so I was just asking if it was in the list of fonts.  :-[
I am sorry if my "In short, yes" reply was rude or did not satisfy. Please give me another chance to answer question more detailed.

Dear wraith808,
thank you for reading, your interest and try to help. Yes my Delphi show up the Emoji Font in Property Editor but cant handle its content correct.
Now i am able to do things with Font like Windows charmap.exe does. (limited/restricted to colorless mode only [black/white])

Living Room / Re: Beware of punycode phishing attempts
« on: June 21, 2018, 10:51 AM »
Cyrillic (<- sorry if misspelled) Unicode to PunyCode Example app.Screenshot - 21_06 002.jpg

Why is my attachment now a .zip? Ive uploaded a smaller .7z !

Developer's Corner / Re: Need Inno Setup Advice
« on: June 21, 2018, 10:03 AM »
Inno Script Studio might worth a try too.

Living Room / Re: Beware of punycode phishing attempts
« on: June 21, 2018, 07:23 AM »
Simple Unicode, by using Clipboard it correctly convert text to  Unicode "0430 0440 0440 04CF 0435", my guess russian (kyrilic?) symbols are used that fake the text to "apple"

oh, i mean separate picture for each monitor.
So , i have to do it twice, quite unconvenient.
You want one-action to do several different seperated things, a bit uncommon.

Suggestion to Mouser: add simple scripting like support where User can run script by Hotkey to capture whatever scriptfile contains?
eg for a Region script: Monitor 1, xPos 50, yPos 100, xSize 640, ySize 480, Interval 0
eg for Grab Window: Monitor 0, GrabWindow_Name, Interval 0

Something like that would make this User happy.

Or way more easy scripting handling, scriptfile just contain "action 1;action 2;action 3" etc
And in your GUI let User define Actions. In my head this sounds nice. :tellme:

Does Delphi show the font in the list of fonts in the property editor?
In short, yes.

Some news update: I am now able to render the emojis correct but Color is missing, look: Screenshot - 21_06.jpg
What i found out is that Font uses Vector-Data to fill painted parts, maby i get it somehow working.

More news, found out that FireFox uses own Library to render Fonts (cairo)..... I'm on it :-)

General Software Discussion / Re: Wanted: Simple EML viewer
« on: June 20, 2018, 08:39 PM »
I'd never saw someone wrote no to TC. Very unusual. I do alot of things with TC, or in fact most of everything. In my case, many years ago, i needed a simple Filemanager like MSDOS Norton Commander. My biggest wish was Ftp support, since then there are so much plugins invented. To your textline "need to copy Text", TC's Viewer has several Display modes, Text also.

UrlSnooper / Re: Help with a link
« on: June 20, 2018, 11:44 AM »
You are welcome! Another Idea would be one of SysInternals Monitors, they display pretty exact to what your machine is connected.

Sorry if i spelled question wrong.

I have already the Font. I am able to attach to that Font. I can show Text with that Font. What doesnt function yet is the part when i try show ColorFonts (like a smiley: yellow skin, white eyes, red lips, black outline).

When i try dispay such it end up with empty space or in bad cases with a transparent rectangle with black border.
After reading MSDN i know that its restricted to Windows 8.1 or higher.

My .exe will work on Windows 8.1, display everything like expected (Direct2d/Win2d used to do it), Windows 7 = white space
What makes me wuzzy is that FireFox can display and i am not able to do, equal how tricky i try.

I am pretty sure i can apopt Code from non-Delphi, i just mentioned it cause i use it  :-* so if someone has an Idea, please feed me  :D

Developer's Corner / Delphi / Windows 7 / ColorFonts like Emoji
« on: June 20, 2018, 05:57 AM »
Hi there,
i could need some coding advice for this problem:
I would like to program an Application that also shows Emoji like used on this Web-Site or WhatsApps or or or, hopefully you know what i mean.

My Problem is native those Fonts are supported by Windows 8.1 or higher (Segoe UI Emoji).
Example: 😱 🤡 👨 👩 🙈 🙉 🙊 🌈 💘 💖 🔞 🇩🇪 👍 🤘

All Windows 8.1+ will display proper Emoji while Windows 7 shows empty rectangle.
If you use Firefox, those Emojis will be rendered on any Machine.

So my question is: How does FireFox render a Font while Delphi cant (or Browsers Opera/IE)

Quick'n'Dirty i solved this by implementing proper Bitmaps, my Goal would be using Unicode ColorFonts.

UrlSnooper / Re: Help with a link
« on: June 20, 2018, 05:03 AM »
Here are some more basic hints collected on how you may get correct URL: how-to-find-the-streaming-url-to-add-as-a-custom-station

First tests finished, both  :Thmbsup: :Thmbsup:
More than easy handling, and what i needed (Capture region with visible Cursor) this App fullfill!
Thanks again for perfect ending my search!

Living Room / Re: Beware of punycode phishing attempts
« on: June 19, 2018, 07:34 AM »
Opera, latest Version, no Unicode Display of Domain-Names, so no problem with Opera.

I guess its exactly what i needed, Thank you!

I would like to capture in realtime a selected region. Similar to many Web-Tutorials where everything visible will be recorded (including Mouse-Cursor).
Any suggestions?

On request added UAC Manifest with requestedExecutionLevel level="requireAdministrator".
Fresh Version in Post #1 avail. Thanks for suggestion!

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