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Messages - KodeZwerg [ switch to compact view ]

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I attached a testing tool that help quick identify status.
Screenshot - non-elevated.jpg This i want to achive
Screenshot - elevated.jpg This is what happen

Hello Coders!

I have the following problem that i somehow can not solve on my own due lack of experience.
I have written a Program that is executed with Admin-Rights.
From that program i run other programs, but i do not want that others get same execution-rights as my own program has.

So my wish would be a little App-Starter where i have an command-line interface like
Parameter 1 = "Application Path + Name" (<- this will be executed)
Parameter 2 = "additional parameters" (<- this could be parsed to Parameter 1 if it helps)
Parameter 3 = True/False "Run As Admin/Run not as Admin" (<- this is most important)

What i tried on my own was a creating a batch file:
cmd /min /C "set __COMPAT_LAYER=RUNASINVOKER && start "" %1"
but target is executed with same Rights that my Application got.

(a wish would be some Delphi Snippet with such ability, but anything that does this job is more than welcomed!)

Can some more experienced help me please?

I havent tried out alot of such tools since i done my own BUT if your tool would monitor in realtime i would have a wish what for myself wasnt able to do:
- Set a folder to be monitored (that is the most basic feature)
- ability to intercept modification/deletion before changes happen <<< here myself has failed
Monitor Folder "X:\YZ\" if now user delete/modify/add a file i want a Message Box pops up to confirm that action

So you tried using the DLL in Delphi and calling functions and it unloaded correctly?  Where you dynamically loading the DLL or did you statically link it?
Static, unloads without error on Application Close.

If you like Python, here is a project that does what you wrote = WatchDog.

If you ask 10 people wich Manufactor of Harddrives is bad you have at least 5-7 different choices.
My 10000 rpm Seagate Barracuda (SCSI) is more than 10 Years old without any issues, Western Digital Drives are the bad ones for me.

To your Windows Problem:
Why dont you just run Windows 10 within VirtualMachine? This way you can easy (if such feature is activated) roll-back to any prior state.
This works way better than, excuse me, dumb restore points that to 90% does not do what you try to do.
If update/software you installed in VM seems to be okay you can start thinking about to make it real.
I configured my VM to never save anything unless i want to save changes.

Please do me a favor, create a new VB Project, just include a Button and do a fake DLL call. (fake = just fill parameter with something to be able to start that function)

Does that sample Application hang too?

This way you can verify if it is VB code in main Project (what my feeling tell that there is something wrong) or if VB has a generic problem with that DLL at all.

Find And Run Robot / Re: How to display Thai language
« on: July 21, 2018, 08:06 AM »
I have set Thai fonts in the font overrides section, but still no luck.
My guess would be that FARR does not support Unicode. (or dont handle it correct)
In that case you can override whatever you like but program still doesnt know Unicode (Multibyte Chars).
You have to wait for a Unicode-Version.

634 offers it too; very cheap, i dont know if it same due $ <> € .

Hello Phil,

with Delphi there happen no error (okay i cannot argue with that dll correct since i absolutely have no idea what you are doing there at all, some kind of calculation happen and a file is generated).

So i've tried to analyze your main executable. Running with two different debuggers = no real result.
Problem is that VB generate strange code, very hard to debug for me. I get alot of floating calculation errors even before the main executable is loading dll.

From my point of view the problem is somewhere in VB main executable and not DLL.
I have same result, closing App wihtout using DLL = no Problem, running DLL once = App crash on exit.

Please go through this checklist: (i hope VB code is same like other languages)
every "Open" needs a "Close", every "Create" needs a "Free", every "Allocate" needs a "DeAllocate", every "Attach" might need to be "Dettached" and so on.
Take a close look with everything that happen inside VB when DLL is used (ie: generate a picture, allocate stuff to do that, create image etc) and if you really "close/finalize" everything what was used during DLL interaction.

I am sorry if my english is bad/hard to read, but i hope you know what i try telling.

I wonder if they, deep down, really just want Delphi to die...
This opinion i share since i begun working with Delphi. Anyway still using it :-*
but there's so many other (and better, IMHO) platforms around.
Sure (thanks that you excluded "and better" for yourself), in this Thread i just wanted to announce that it exists, if you are willing to tryout for free or having personal reasons to not, both is total okay for me, really.

Sorry my comment was wrong.

I was bored @work, quick get your download, by reading the source (i just guess whats what in that language) things that i found remarkable:
good news, i figured out that dll is just one function. *hoorray*

in that function are many "write()" commands, i guess that you develop a console application then, right? for me it would be bad to call write() events from dll.
-Okay, now i know that it writes a file, sorry for that.

what i think is way critical, if it is a console dll, there are "call timer()" events, my very first idea = bad. (i should need information what that language means with "call timer()")
-Okay, no console App, sorry for that, i investigate that deeper.
-My stomach tells me that dll could hang in one of those many repeats and loops and for and goto things when you try to close calling application.
-If you are able to Thread it, i would thread that operation. A dll is not the best way to accomplish what you are doing.
-My suggestion would be: rewrite that dll method so you get as result whatever content you wish to write to file inside your VB App and apply the file-writing -stuff there. Most important would be something like a "i am ready" message/boolean/whatever that your VB need to wait for.

next i see alot of "Allocate()" commands but somehow no "De-Allocate()" or however its name should be.
-Sorry, now found some DeAllocate().

Bad because i'd thought and wrote that its for Updates not for developing. I just corrected myself. "Bad KodeZwerg, News" i should have written.

AFAIK all free editions however Name is/was (Turbo, Personal, Educational, Starter, Community etc) are 1 Year Licenses with easy ability to subscribe another free Year. That belongs in most cases just Software Update not the Product (CE in this case). I will ask that @Embarcadero and tell you answer.

Bad News, developing is bound to license, so that version is really just valid for one year, the IDE shows soon enough a pop-up reminder to either update another free year or upgrade (buy) License.

PS:  The app closes fine -unless- the DLL is executed.  If the DLL is executed, it hangs the app when trying to close the VB app.
I apply download this evening, tomorrow i should be able to give you a statement.
I will debug and see what this dll does during execution. I will try rebuild your Post #1 to Delphi and see what happens.

Up to some days ago the only free thing from Delphi was "Starter Edition" what is very crippled and beginners cant really learn since no sources are shipped with that edition.
Delphi CE is similar to Tokyo Professionial, here and there some license limitiations but product is full. (ie: you can develop for Win32/Win64/OSX/Linux/Android/iPhone)

Last i can do:
If your dll is available somewhere and you have full headers to it, i could check-out with Delphi if error is in dll or your Application.

N.A.N.Y. 2019 / Re: This is an entry for NANY 2019 - SCrypt
« on: July 18, 2018, 04:28 PM »
Why does that change anything?
Source now dont belong to me anymore. It is now part of another Application/Company.

Wow, you are FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAST. Even faster than my "Save" -> "Modify Message" -> "Save"
At first clicking "Save" most of your statements rushed through my brain so i've removed my Message.

Big thanks for explaining!

Download is avail there.

Delphi Community Edition is the next step for Embarcadero for hobby programmers or small companies like Startups.
Delphi Community Edition is similar to Delphi Tokyo 10.2.3 Professional. Read Limitations on website.
You even get Mobile Add-On for free (Android/iPhone development).

Have fun trying it out, before you develop something, read Embarcadero License Text!

How would you use it ... show me some code.
-OptimalDesigns (July 18, 2018, 10:57 AM)
Hello Phil,
thanks god wraith808 answered, i would have wrote something like that
Visit MadExcept Homepage to get an idea what it does, look at screenshot collection.
Sorry i have no idea if such exist in VB since it isnt my programming language.

How i use it? I just include a file in my project, set up a define, thats all. MadExcept works automatic.
When a program of me crashes where i've included MadExcept, you get a fancy MessageBox with more options and informations.
For your case i would enable a "ReportMemoryLeaks" define, thats all what i need to do in my code. As soon as i quit my App and something isnt free'd yet, MadExcept show me what, the "why" you have to investigate afterwards.

Same Results you get if you debug your code. I would do something like that: (in hope VB have such features)
 - Set up a breakpoint on first line of your exit code
 - Run program normal (inside VB-Studio), work a little with dll functions, close app
    in theory now your debugger should pop-up at first line of your exit code.
    from there trace into code, step-by-step, watch whats on stack
    step so long into; up to the moment when it crash, since your in debugger you see everything in realtime and should be able to locate error.

At least this way i would do it.

For Delphi i can use MadExcept to show me easy Errors or non-free'd objects.
I aint program in VB, does it provide Stacktrace? If so, what does it tell?

My guess is that you have some object open that raise a conflict at youre exit-code.

Living Room / Re: Movies you've seen lately
« on: July 17, 2018, 08:33 PM »
DETROIT ROCK CITY for the music and SPACEBALLS for the fun :-*

baddest movie ever: (i think this one exist just in german) "Der Kanibale von Rothenburg" if you dont puke while watching you are hardcore!
This is a documentary like/realistic looking picture of actual happened things in Germany. Canibalism.

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