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Messages - KodeZwerg [ switch to compact view ]

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All my Sniffer Type applications that are based on usage of WinPcap work in harmony with Ncap. I guess they are all Hardcoded, like UrlSnooper aswell.

(WireShark suggest during installation to upgrade to Ncap if it detect installed WinPcap.)

Just my 2 cents.

I surely have no Idea of what you are talking about,

the parts i understood lead me to two options: Dictate Applications or Karaoke. Does that give any sence?

You should upgrade to Npcap.

It is faster & fully compatible to very old WinPcap.


And it works, since i wrote that it is compatible, with UrlSnooper aswell, i just tested it.

Jesus, you have/had great Hardware.
All we had (middle of 1990) was a lousy Pc acting as Server connected over 16port switch running Linux Bash. My images are real photos, if i find time, i digitalize some and share.
We build with curtains Monitor covers so no one could watch others, dont ask how often curtains torn down in hectic moments (fragged ^^)

Snack plates ohhhh what a memory

@skwire Your setup remind me on my LANparty days with Pc  :-*
CounterStrike, Unreal, Quake, Doom, Duke Nukem and such for violent gaming or StarCraft, Command & Conquer, Empire Earth for gaming with Brain
Of course mostly in dark basement played, while mom served food hehe

Anyway, GoldenEye i've also loved to multi-play, awesome game, for myself, i felt it was unbalanced.
Before all that, Amiga with 4 Joystick Adapter was the thing that consumes alot of time... damn, where is my Timemachine, good old days *miss*

Thank you for this nice memory

That's what the OP said he was using.  Many people are using that on this board, and I personally think it's a good product.
However, the result of a scan via AntiMalwareBytes Premium 3.5.1 indicates zero threats.
Ohh boy, i need new glases. My fault, excuse me, apologies.

Hello, i am using Products from and dont think it is bad. Since Shades did not mention it, it might be bad?

Living Room / Re: Black Ribbon Day (23rd August).
« on: August 23, 2018, 12:21 PM »
+1 for your Heart and post.

General Software Discussion / Re: Download manager
« on: August 23, 2018, 12:16 PM »
If Portable / DiskSize matters, there is jd more than unqualified, i share absolutely your words. If Features matters, (nowaday hd space is verycheap  ;)) i'll stay with jd.

Aslong everything fit your needs, all is cool   :Thmbsup:

General Software Discussion / Re: Download manager
« on: August 23, 2018, 01:31 AM »
Hello there, i know its an older thread,
just wanted to share my experience with Download Managers.
I guess i tried all Major Standalone Tools since Plugins are bound to specific Browsers.

jdownloader aint a must-have, but its best app of that kind. It supports so many great features that you elsewhere miss.
Installation is a bit strange, but when done and it runs you will start to love it as i do.

I admit GetRight and DownThemAll i used for years, both are no competitions for jdownloader.
Only thing that sucks a bit is GUI Speed since all is Java made.

Hopefully this helps someone to find proper DL-Manager. For now i cant think to get rid of JD.
Btw, when installed correct, there is no third-party malware.

There exists some "adware free" installers for JD, i suggest you skip them all and just take original web-installer from their Site and uncheck Third-Party during installation process.
In my experience those "adware free" installers do not show that Third-Party stuff but you need to download/install everything twice because those installers use old files and as soon as you want to run JD it ask to update itself wich leads to another download = in fact it will re-install with the original web-installer.
Same goes to offline Installers for JD.

Greetings from Germany!

Hello again,
from what i've read and by looking Sample Images, that is far beyond my limits.

The .png Files look perfect (i assume that they represent the "after")
The .jpg Files look not perfect (i assume that they represent the "before")

So you want a Tool that produce from your bad image a near perfect one with custom abilities.

Idk if such Graphic Monster like Photoshop can do all that automated, i doubt it but hey, its a large world.
At least this would be my first step, search for a good filter/script for PS.

For myself, i wish you good luck with that issue!

N.A.N.Y. 2019 / Re: This is an entry for NANY 2019 - SCrypt
« on: August 22, 2018, 01:57 PM »
You really should post at least some relevant code fragments, otherwise noone will believe that you´re doing really a usable encryption. I also posted such an experimental (super-)encryption tool a few years ago and it was necessary to publish the source also.
The same problem came up with a game solving AI robot at a coding contest. Nobody believed that I was able to find the best solution within a few nanoseconds while the best were not able to break the milliseconds barrier and some others needed several seconds. They didn´t believe that this is technically possible until I released the sourcecode.
Okay, here we go
Code: Delphi [Select]
  1. type
  2.   AllBytes = array of Int64;
  4. var
  5.   i, NumOfBytes : Integer;
  6.   NextKey, CurrentByte : Int64;
  8. procedure Crypt(var ManyBytes : AllBytes);
  9. begin
  10.   for i := 0 to NumOfBytes - 1 do
  11.     begin
  12.       CurrentByte := ManyBytes[i];
  13. //      NextKey := *removed*
  14.       asm
  15.         MOVQ mm0, NextKey; // <- store NextKey
  16.         MOVQ mm1, CurrentByte; // <- store CurrentByte
  17.         PXOR mm1, mm0; // <- at this point we have XOR cryption done via MMX
  18.         MOVQ  CurrentByte, mm1; // give result back
  19.         EMMS;
  20.       end;
  21.       ManyBytes[i] := CurrentByte;
  22.     end;
  23. end;
That represent main crypto part. Feel free to use or examine. I've slightly commented it.
Only missing Part to get it straight working is my Array for NextKey Values.

Can you provide a "Before" and "After" Image to demonstrate what you are searching for?

A starting point would be Amazon and buy "Mathematics for Engineers" Books.

DC Member Programs and Projects / Re: ZenTweet is Open Source now.
« on: August 20, 2018, 03:39 AM »
Auch wenn ich es nicht benötige, Danke für teilen!

Thanks for sharing  :up:

They only bought it for one reason. To have access to all of that code whenever they please.

This is FUD and nothing else.

@dmd7978: github or no github, as soon as you publish somewhere Microsoft Agents will hunt it and make millions with that *laugh*
What i meant to say: as soon as you put your work somewhere, everyone can access. If this is a problem, dont publish.

Maybe some type of "centrallized" location that I would be able to visit and see how it is progressing...  I have no idea how to do this or where to start and I should have done it long ago.
Hello there, you could try, there you create an account, prepare a local folder the way the end-user should get.
Like splitted folders for "Source only" and "Binary only" things.
If Third-Party is needed to compile "Source only" to "Binary only" folder on Users Pc, document it.
A readme.txt or similar would also be a good thing to document how all work, what Packages are needed, wich Compilers supported, commandline switches etc etc etc
When everything is prepared and tested by yourself and you are happy to do,
upload everything on GitHub and Publish somewhere, like in here, the GitHub Link. You can set a License for the usage of Source in that upload progress.
Afterward Users have the ability to fork your Source, investigate it, enhance it, giving modifications back to you as a request.
If you write in your Project readme that you will not continue Project, the User with best modifications will then kinda lead Project on his GitHub, but you as the Source are always owner/named with link to your GitHub.

Does that match your request?

Hello there, after reading this thread i might have another try out for you.

Get ProcessExplorer or Process Hacker or similar.
Run it.
Let it display its window.
Now do everything you normal would need to do to run that Brother Control Center 4.
Focus PE/PH, hover with mouse over the process of that Brother Control Center 4.
Do a screenshot of that hint thats displayed and share it in here.
That way you might be able to read out process startup parameter to set up Desktop Shortcut.

That way you could also find out if its a sub-process that needed to be invoked and how its invoked.

Hello again,
i have none of that hardware but an idea rumoring in head.

Theory =
Since you said something that may run windows,
my idea would be a folder monitor that notify/push a message if a new file has been created inside monitored folder.
The Window app would wait for such message and execute any command you like/whatever is needed to be executed to fullfill your wish.
The missing part "Execution" that you have to give.

Hello Craig381,

i feel sorry to silent dropped this discussion.
Initial i really felt to help, and it was already finished, at least 95% with maybe 5% bugs left.
But that "do this/dont that" and "use this/not that" has killed my fun in developing it, its already dumped after all those "delete is a no go" texts.

That RoboCopy thing gave me the rest to forget about this project because i would not have 100% control, or i am not skilled enough.

If i am again motivated enough (not now, we had a bad accident in family), i still can do the job by ignore everything and just do my thing.

You can also integrate a function that convert UNC to absolute path.

In Delphi its done like this:
Code: Delphi [Select]
  1. Type
  2.     tShareInfo = Record
  3.         NetName: pWideChar;
  4.         ShareType: LongWord;
  5.         Remark: pWideChar;
  6.         Permissions: LongWord;
  7.         MaxUses: LongWord;
  8.         CurrentUses: LongWord;
  9.         Path: pWideChar;
  10.         Passwd: pWideChar;
  11.     End;
  12.     pShareInfo = ^tShareInfo;
  14. Function NetShareInfo(ServerName, NetName: String): tShareInfo;
  15. Var
  16.     TempPointer: Pointer;
  17.     TempInfo: pShareInfo;
  18. Begin
  19.     GetMem(TempPointer, 10);
  20.     If NetShareGetInfo(pWideChar(WideString(ServerName)), pWidechar(WideString(NetName)), 2, TempPointer) = 0 Then
  21.     Begin
  22.         TempInfo := pShareInfo(TempPointer^);
  23.         Result := TempInfo^;
  24.     End
  25.     Else
  26.         FillChar(Result, SizeOf(Result), #0);
  27.     FreeMem(TempPointer, 10);
  28. End;
  30. Var
  31.     MyInfo: tShareInfo;
  33. Begin
  34.     WriteLn('Getting share information.');
  35.     MyInfo := NetShareInfo('SERVER', 'EXAMPLESHARE');
  36.     WriteLn('The local path is: ', MyInfo.Path);
  37.     WriteLn('Press [enter] to finish.');
  38.     ReadLn;
  39. End.

Hi there,

have you tried Dune Explorer V2.2.0 FINAL - The Video Wall Generator ?

I may have misunderstood your request, if so, i am sorry.

I use IView too, i've configed it to store settings in program folder .ini file (aka Portable Mode).
So deleting "\AppData\Roaming\IrfanView\" would not cause any harm on my system.

You are welcome!

Sorry, after re-reading i hope i have what you want.
Open Registry Editor (RegEdit.exe) and go to "Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Wallpapers"

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