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Automatic Screenshotter / Re: Add window title to custom naming
« on: March 09, 2021, 01:48 PM »
I was thinking the same thing. I think being able to incorporate more context into the filename as well.   Much depends on the use case, but if I wanted to filter/find an image from a specific email, document, or webpage- having that in the filename would be great.

Living Room / Re: Is is possible to save media from multiple tabs?
« on: March 08, 2021, 01:38 PM »
Did you figure something out?

General Software Discussion / Re: Driver Backup Utility
« on: March 02, 2021, 10:21 PM »
I like this program quite a bit:
It's called Double Driver (you know, like Double Dragon?)

It's simple and straight forward.  No frills, no glitz, all native interface (probably written in Delphi or C++)

Thank you. I will check it out.  From a quick glance, it does not look like it has been updated since 2010.  By any chance have you run it on Windows 10 64bit?

General Software Discussion / Driver Backup Utility
« on: March 02, 2021, 08:04 PM »

Does anyone use or have a recommendations for a utility that can track and back-up the drivers on a Windows10 PC? Last month, my laptop's built in web camera stopped working.  I had difficulty locating the drivers for the camera from the manufacturer website because of the laptop's age and because it was running an "unsupported " OS.  The pc had XP on it when purchased. I then upgraded to Windows 7, and then I upgraded it to Windows 10.  Windows 10 upgrade utility took care of migrating the drivers during the upgrade.  I am not sure if it is using a manufacturer driver or a generic windows 10 driver.

This got me thinking about backing up drivers, after years of being able to find them when I need them.

Interestingly, enough the web cam started working again, and I would like to grab the drivers while it is working and visible in device manager.
Anyone have any experience with this?

5 tools to backup drivers RaymondCC

Sounds interesting.   When I think ledger I think spreadsheet.  Excel/Open office variants are vary powerful tools. I think this is one of the things airtable leverages.
This is not my area of expertise, but I am curious if you are familiar with Microsoft's Power BI, Power Query,  or Excels "get and transform data" features?  It might be nice inspiration, if you are not already familiar with it.  These are ways you can link, utilize and "transform" data from a  variety of sources.  It can be really helpful if you need to transform a flat cvs file.  Open source office applications have similar query features as well.

I believe Office 2013 has "get and transform" data as a addon (I think it is free)
Office 2016 and beyond have various flavors built in under the data tab.
Currently, Microsoft Power BI Desktop can be installed and used free locally.

There is a big move currently to be able to free and transform data from its silos. It is a good thing.

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