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Automatic Screenshotter / Re: Add window title to custom naming
« on: April 12, 2021, 12:20 PM »
Organization by application exe name is nice, but I'd really like to add more context to the filename.  Is it possible to add the window title to the file naming patterns?  Ultimately it is to help name by the browser tab name, which seems to be passed along in window title. 

I'm looking at autohokey for inspiration  [ Invalid Attachment ]
I just wanted to make sure you saw that window title has been added to a new beta of the app.  It was posted in this thread: "Topic: Automatic ScreenShotter Thoughts"

New beta with %winTitle field you can use:
Beta download of v1.20.01:

Been a while since I updated my software so I'm a little rusty and thought I'd try a quick one-feature beta release.  Let me know if the new %winTitle does what you want/expect.

Automatic Screenshotter / Re: Automatic ScreenShotter Thoughts
« on: April 12, 2021, 12:12 PM »
New beta with %winTitle field you can use:
Beta download of v1.20.01:

Been a while since I updated my software so I'm a little rusty and thought I'd try a quick one-feature beta release.  Let me know if the new %winTitle does what you want/expect.

I have been able to do some testing and this seems to work. Sometimes  Automatic Screenshotter mis-names a screenshot, but I believe this is because I am in the midst of toggling windows or changing focus window quickly and it just grabs the wrong name.  Being able filter by a certain window name,  like a libre writer/ word document is nice.
I need to fine tune the pixel changes and get it just right.  I think that will be the best way to limit the number of captures I accumulate.  I am curious what others have it set at?

 :Thmbsup: I would like to be entered to win! Also appreciate this post because it alerted me about Scrivener 3 for windows.

Very Interesting Idea

...Each note should be distinguished (by color/icon?) as a quote, a summary, or an idea and have a title and a "body" (like in Biblio) but some other "types" could be glossary, images, and general. Each note should have the possibility of having given tags and linking to other notes for easy cross-referencing and searching (which is the key here and which is what I haven't found in Biblio). I also think it would be great to have the possibility of having hotkeys to create new notes, etc....

When I've finished creating an outline of each book, article, webpage or whatever, I should be able to export it or save it as an RTF or DOC. I should also be able to move around the notes so I can export or print my own mental maps using various notes from various lists (that is, using any note from any book or article). In this case the bibliographical reference should travel with the note and I should have the option of also exporting the reference with the page number at the end (see below).

I am old school. I remember using index cards to make notes.  Each card had the source and page number so that you could take reference/note cards from different sources and  mix them and arrange them manually based on what you were working on be it organizing a paper or mind mapping. Being able to do that on a pc would be nice.  I have experimented with some options, but it is time consuming entering the text for each file especially when reading articles on the internet.

I think the key here is tagging and linking. If there would be a way to link each note to its reference, and you could create a system of tags, this would help you out in organizing your thoughts and creating effective outlines for your paper.

Often I've seen a lot of software created for almost futile reasons. I think something like this could help a lot of students in effectively organizing their thoughts and their research and be useful in their writing projects.
Hope to find a positive response! All the best!

In addition to linking between notes, it would be great if you could link back to the resource. 

Very cool idea

Automatic Screenshotter / Re: Automatic ScreenShotter Thoughts
« on: March 22, 2021, 03:16 PM »
I also stumbled upon this.
C# FileSystemWatcher listens to the file system and places a watch on a directory, its subdirecttories, and files and notifies if any changes are made to the directory. This class is useful when you need to auto update the updates in a directory. For example, if you want to create an auto backup of a folder, you can implement a File system watcher service that watches a directory or entire machine and find when and what changes are made and copy the changes to the backup device.

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