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Clipboard Help+Spell / Re: DBISAM Engine Error # 9732
« on: July 23, 2021, 09:10 PM »
So I am having a similar problem.  I realize this is an old thread, but since it was useful to me, I thought it best to reply here.

I am using the portable version.  I was unable to navigate to the program option to try and fix the database, so I followed the instructions in this thread. I made a copy of the database and the backup folder, and then deleted the folder contents. I restarted ClipboardHelpAndSpell and did not receive any error. Then, I selected a backup to restore from, and then clicked apply. I was expecting the restore to take longer.  I think the backup might have been from after I initially had the issue because it is only 1,060kb.  When I copied the contents of the database folder it was much larger.

In anycase, it did not bring back anything.  So I closed the program and then I copied the contents of the database folder back.  When I did, I got the same errors.  Any other ideas?  Any way to use the database files to rebuild?

  ClipboardHelpAndSpell error.JPGClipboardHelpAndSpell error2.JPG

Wow. Definitely gives me something to work with.  Working on exploring them now.  Do you know if any of these allow you to load multiple xml files simultaneously?

Had not thought about nirsoft for this.  Thanks

I will look into Universal Viewer Pro and Editpad pro.   Looking through the forum, it also looks like Ultraedit is highly regarded.  Have also been looking through this  list.

In searching I came across XMLSPY which is known for its “grid view”

Xmlspy is very expensive. 

Ideally a single application that allowed you to not only edit, but build the viewer data table.  I looked to excel/libre calc because most people are more likely to be familiar with them  I know I could map the cells in a spreadsheet to the data in the XML file, but I need to do this with 100s of files.

Something like powerquery might work.

I would like to be able to point the application to the directory with all of the xml files (within folders) and have ti automatically build the editable table.  I realize that might not be possible without the use of a database or some other methodology.

I am stretching my knowledge some with this search, which makes it difficult. But I am enjoying broadening my horizons.
 Thanks for the help!

General Software Discussion / XML Viewer editor with exporting?
« on: June 08, 2021, 01:48 PM »
I am trying to replace a viewer that is now longer working.  I need a user friendly program that can open many xml files organized in hundreds of folders that were generated daily.  After opening them, I would like to be able to view, edit, and export the data as well, if possible. 

The viewer that is no longer working used to display all of the xml information in a table consisting of 9 columns, though from looking at the files in notepad, the viewer ignored alot of the data.

Once it loaded the data, it would be displayed in a a table and could be sorted by column, edited, searched and exported.  It would be great if it would be possible to do that with another application, but just being able to view the data and edit it would be a great help.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

Any suggestions or ideas?

General Software Discussion / Re: What's the future of OneNote?
« on: June 05, 2021, 10:36 AM »
It's scanned paper forms for reports and such. Works really well for it- one of the things that many find annoying (the fact that the page is nothing but elements) works really well for random forms as you just have to click where the field is and start writing or typing.

I see.  I could see that working. Are you actually  typing into the pdf forms fields?

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