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This app was inspired by both your random sound application and also your random sample application.

It makes sense to me for the spreadsheet/notes entry GUI to also control some of the actions so I am calling it the Action/Spreadsheet Entry GUI for the sake of this description.  So I guess that means there would be two parts of the GUI. The action/selection part and then the notes/entry part.

User Experience:  The Action/Spreadsheet Entry GUI pops up at user defined intervals/random intervals that allows user to select from a number of pre-loaded files from watch folder(s) similar to the Random Sample App.
-A hotkey/button can postpone the Action/Spreadsheet Entry GUI.
-A hotkey/button can re-populate the list.
-A hotkey/button to select from favorite folders.
-A hotkey/button to open spreadsheet
-Clicking on a file from the pre-load list will open that file and pull date/time and file information into the entry part of the GUI.
-Right clicking on file takes you to file location.

The entry portion of the GUI would provide a place to enter notes alongside the date, time and file name. I am imagining it having several fields.   Being able to edit the text that the app enters would be helpful to correct or clarify entries.

-Set watch folder(s) for application to open/play.
-Set random intervals
-Set Postpone GUI time
-Set file selection bypass (just opens a random file without the pre-load/without entry)
-Set how many random files to “pre-load” in GUI. (like random sample app).   
-Set what file information, time, date etc is pulled into spreadsheet entry.
-Set save location for spreadsheet.
-Set hotkeys for app if that is possible. (launch, postpone file)
-Set file extensions (and maybe application to open file)
I am trying to imagine how the spreadsheet entry will work.  I am not sure if you had ideas about how you would do this.

Other thoughts:
-I am not sure if it would be possible for the user to define some short text entries in the settings, that could then be selected from a drop down menu for the spreadsheet entry.
-Move file to a different folder after it has been loaded.
-Setting to remember last location GUI opened on desktop
I am assuming that the files would be opened using Window’s default application associated with the file type, however, it could be helpful to set what program is used to open a file.  Then the faster program could be used if the default application is slower to load.  This also means that work in that default application at the time of launch is not affected.

That is all.  As I mentioned to you, this was inspired by your random sound and your random sample app.  I certainly will understand if any of this just is not possible or within the scope of what you want to take on.   

Hi! RandomFilesApp pledged @

Stay tuned for first ALPHAS, on its own thread :up:
-publicdomain (April 16, 2022, 12:42 AM)

Thats great. I have been thinking about this.  I can share the thoughts in the thread as soon as I see it.  I am  assuming you want to create it.

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« on: April 14, 2022, 09:47 AM »
I know a number of people who use this software professionally in their firms. I am considering buying it.  Figured I would share it here.  Maybe others have experience with it.


Glad you're liking it!  :)

How about creating that new app to fit your brainstormed requirements?

Most importantly: would you like a specific app for exercises or a generic "run random files" program (with spreadsheet reporting). I'm fine with any one you choose since it's basically the same app :up:
-publicdomain (April 13, 2022, 04:16 PM)

That would be great for me!! I am not sure which would be better.  I believe the "run random files" would be of more use to me and to others because it is more versatile. Like someone else in this thread. I do have alot of random audio and video clips from movies etc that a generic run random file program could bring back to life.  I also think the open random files in the folder could be helpful for going through some old pictures I have and getting descriptions into a spreadsheet.  However, there might be better tool for that task.

I imagine that if it were geared towards exercise it would make sense to have the spreadsheet reporting centered more around the exercises and stretching. So quickly entering how many repetitions were done with some stock answers.  However, if it were a generic run random files with tracking it might be nice to have the ability to enter what stock answers can be selected when reporting.  I need to wrap my head around this.

Whatever it ends up being I think it would be nice if the file name could entered automatically in the spreadsheet.  The nice thing for my use case with the random files for exercise and stretching is that I do not need to spend alot of time filling in some sort of exercise template. I have alot of video clips already, then I have various pdfs and jpgs.  I just drop them in the folder and it will pop up and nudge me eventually

Thanks in advanced   

I really like this application.  Very cool!

I am curious how difficult it would be to make this so that it could open other types of files (video, audio, documents) or even from a list of links. I am using this as a reminder to stretch and exercise during the day.  The sound triggers me to refer to a list of stretches/exercises I have as various different files on my PC.   It would be nice for the file to be pulled up from a list of different exercises or stretches I have videos, jpegs of the exercises/stretches I am suppose to do.

Even better if I could track which stretches I have done in a spreadsheet, though that seems like a different program all together.  This is a great help, just wondering how easy it would be to tweak to my use case.     

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