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I am curious what you ended up doing?   I have been meaning to look into programs that help determine what applications are contacting what IP addresses to keep tabs on what programs are "phoning" home and elsewhere.

Here are the programs I have on my radar to check out. 
(Edit: Looks like the links did not paste)

Traffic monitoring

TcpLogView - Creates TCP connections log from Nirsoftr
TCPView for Windows - Sysinternals | Microsoft Learn (as mentioned
Microsoft Network Monitor 3.4
and wireshark

Windows Filtering Platform

Simple Wall (uses windows filtering platform)
GitHub - henrypp/simplewall: Simple tool to configure Windows Filtering Platform (WFP) which can configure network activity on your computer.


Firewall App Blocker (Fab) v1.9  Apparently good at blocking  programs)
TinyWall - A free, lightweight and non-intrusive firewall (can work along side other firewalls)

NetLimiter - Features
Windows 10 Firewall Control: Sphinx Software

Hostfile managing
BlueLife Hosts Editor v1.5
HostsMan ยท

Also learned how useful mindmaps can be sometimes. Which switched me back to Mindomo, which produces a brilliant export into docx (hadn't noticed it before since I wasn't then writing in Word) which even includes comments and notes. Mindmaps/Concept Maps; playing around with ideas and structures; it's just one stage but I automatically do that in Mindomo now. It's also functional for tasks, which I'll add in if they are related and breakdown into a sequence.

I am curious about mindomo.  It looks like the desktop app is free, and only limits the number of "topics" to 40.  But then they charge for their cloud services.  Is that correct?

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I found something similar I forgot to say, but not enough for me. PBOL result the winner in compare.

Who is the developer of the countdown timer you shared a picture of?

General Software Discussion / Re: Accessing articles from many pdfs
« on: September 23, 2023, 06:42 PM »
Thanks Target...that sure looks worth following up!

I would look into zotero. While it is often categorized as a citation manager, it is possible to do alot more with it.    I would looking into its ability to extract pdfs through a plugin and also how people use it in conjunction with other applications, like mind mapping applications. There was an application years ago that was mentioned here (qippa I think) that did some interesting things when analyzing the citations.

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