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Find And Run Robot / FARR development in hibernation
« on: March 25, 2008, 02:30 PM »
Looks like development of FARR has spent the last five month in very deep hibernation - no new releases during that time. I wonder if it wakes up with the upcoming spring time?
Well there are no big bugs - at least non that affect my usage of FARR -, but some features and improvements suggested over the last five and more months by different people would be nice.
It would be very sad if FARR died at this stage. It's still called beta, though it feels like production stable most of the time.

Find And Run Robot / Using FARR on a computer of a customer
« on: December 20, 2007, 12:46 PM »

I'm a software developer and currently I develop software on site in an office of the customer. I use a computer provided by the customer. I am allowed to install free and open source software that I feel helps me get my work done.
Now I'm in some kind of dilemma. I'm using FARR on my notebook and my home office computer and would like to install it on the computer at the customer's office. I won't install my own DonationCoder Life time license on it, since it would look strange on that computer to use my private license.
How often will FARR nag me, if I install it without a license. Once a day would be acceptable, but if it nags more often, I'll probably have to consider other alternatives without such licensing restrictions.

@Mouser: Does this restriction really pay off? I think it will prevent quite a few people from using FARR and those other alternatives that aren't as good as FARR will get them as users.


Find And Run Robot / slenderFARR - a new skin for FARR
« on: April 01, 2007, 09:44 AM »

I created a new skin for FARR.  It's meant to be minimalistic or well ... slender  :)


It's also meant to be used with transparency switched on.
Since it's tuned for FARR's popup window, there are some usability issues in the configuration windows of FARR:
  • The close icon is very small and hard to aim at. That's because the title bar of the window is very small and I didn't want to see a dominating  close button on the popup window. The close icon also only appears when the mouse is over it. It is in the top right corner.
  • Text input fields don't have any borders. That's because I wanted the text input field in the popup to be borderless.
@mouser: Would it be possible to have an option to define a skin for the popup and another for the other windows. I would provide a version of this skin without the usability problems for use on those other windows.

The screenshot shows FARR with disabled status bar, disabled tool bar and hidden column headers. The column headers are also skinned. So if you like to have them visible, that should be no problem.

To install the skin copy the skn file contained in the attached zip file to FARR's skin folder and then select it in FARR configuration on the "Display"-page. To get around the mentioned usability problems, you can temporarily change to another skin, make your changes to the configuration and return to slenderFARR before closing the configuration.


2008-01-12 : Added border less variant.

Find And Run Robot / Remove toolbar from main window
« on: October 07, 2005, 01:46 PM »

Now that we can disable the status bar, I'd also like to have an option to disable the toolbar.
So we could have a very minimalistic and therefore sleek F&RR with only the input field and the table. The context menu of the tray icon contains an entry to open the preferences (which are called options here BTW). So it would always be possible to bring back the toolbar.

Hi, mouser!

Please enable skinning for all forms in F&RR not only the main window.

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