Messages - ibay770 [ switch to compact view ]

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Or they're just not interested because it's of no benefit to them ... you could always hire a freelancer.

Don't equate lack of interest, (or anything else), with lack of ability.
1. I tried that, but he ended up not being able to do everything I asked of him.
2. Okay.

I would hire someone else then. For the right price you can get almost anything done.

Right now the only browser which syncs most stuff would be Firefox but even then, not fully. I'm  wondering if it's possible to backup all chrome (and similar browsers like Vivaldi) profiles, extensions, user scripts and gestures and save it to the cloud if they wish as well as a.restore function to import all of this in a new browser.

Sometimes you see a good post on reddit/quora with alot of comments but want to read it later on. I was wondering if its possible to make something that grabs the post along with all the comments linked to it. and save it as a PDF/txt file.Saving the page as pdf doesnt help it just saves the page sans comments.
Thanks in advance

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