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Topics - mostlytyping [ switch to compact view ]

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I'm experimenting with storing bookmarks in folders and using FARR to access the bookmarks rather than browser menus and toolbars. Recently I changed from Firefox to Chrome and I'm finding it a problem because Chrome has very limited support for multi-row bookmark tool bars. As I find using FARR to be quicker than using the mouse, it would seem sensible to rejig my system so that it is not dependent on the particular browser I'm using at any one time.

What I had in mind was a base directory such as "C:\FARR\URLs" containing subfolders such as "news". The subfolders contain actual .URL files, saved in the file system itself. "Google News.URL", for example, consists of the following:

So far, I have a search folder set up with "C:\FARR\URLs" as the path to be searched and (because FARR seemed to be searching in other areas as well) "+C:\FARR\URLs" in the restrictions box below. Finally I have an entry "uu uu = +uu" in the Quick Search Words box.

This has all been a bit complex, and it's still not working quite as I would like. For instance, if I enter "uu news" FARR shows me a couple of the URL files from the "news" subfolder but it also shows as the first choice the built-in "news" alias as well as a "newegg" alias that is also apparently built-in. At the end of this list of five items it also shows the "news" subfolder, but if I select this it simply opens that subfolder in Explorer.

What I would like FARR to do is show me (in a FARR list) the contents of the "news" subfolder straight away when I type "uu news" and the contents of other subfolders in the URL directory when I type e.g. "uu sport" and so on.

Can anybody give me some pointers as to how I should achieve this?


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