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It would be nice if someone could make one that fills a file (in the root directory) with the word Dummy and deletes it then repeats the process until it is closed.

I am looking for someone to fix TardsPlaya. It is a program written in Delphi that buffers Twitch Streams and sends them to external media players (such as MPC-BE). Right now it isn't compatible with the new URL format used by the streams and it also doesn't skip the parts of the stream that contain advertisement. Its source code is available at

1. I managed to fix its BSODs thanks to a member of but now after removing the 4 GB limit it has in place and using a 6 GB drive, I get BSODs when trying to copy files 2 GB or greater in size to it. One of the BSODs I get is one that mentions it trying to access memory that was set to be read-only. The source code and instructions for compiling it are available at and the Pull Request containing the modifications I did to remove the limit (along with a link to an analysis of the BSOD I mentioned) can be found at

2. Regarding its CPL (which is used to configure it), I tried to compile it using Visual Studio 2017 Community but have ran into some "unresolved external symbols" errors which you can see by going to

3. I compiled the CPL using WDK 7.1.0 and isn't working in Windows Server 2003, etc (It shows up in the list of Control Panel Applets but nothing happens when double-clicked on).

How do I fix one or more of those issues?

General Software Discussion / CPix v1.2.0
« on: August 26, 2017, 09:03 PM »
CPix - A compact and fast photo viewer that supports MPO, encryption, format conversion, resizing and more


    View images in popular formats: JPEG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, BMP, WBMP.
    MPO(a Multi-Picture file format): View, Create from JPEG files, Extract JPEG files from MPO file.
    EJPG(the Encrypted JPEG file format): View, Convert to and from JPEG files.
    DualPhoto(a file format that contains two JPEG images in a single file, the 2nd image is encrypted): View, Create from JPEG files, Extract the 2nd image, Remove the 2nd image.
    PL(the Photo List file format): View, Create from JPEG files, Extract JPEG files from PL file.
    EMPO(the Encrypted MPO): View, Convert to and from MPO.
    EPL(the Encrypted PL): View, Create from JPEG files, Extract JPEG files from EPL file.
    Format Conversion: GIF/PNG/TIFF/BMP/WBMP to JPEG (All frames of GIF/TIFF are saved).
    Format Conversion: GIF/TIFF to PNG (All frames are saved).
    Format Conversion: Create multi-frame TIFF from BMP/JPEG/PNG files.
    Image Resizing: JPEG, BMP, PNG.
    Photo orientation (JPEG/TIFF) is supported in loading and format conversion.
    Background color: you can either select one of the predefined colors or select your own favorite color.
    Auto-play: you can let multi-frame images (TIFF/MPO/EMPO/PL/EPL) play animations automatically or not.
    Animation speed: animation speed of multi-frame images (GIF/TIFF/MPO/EMPO/PL/EPL) can be changed.
    View images with effects: eg. you can increase brightness of the image to view dark regions of the image more clearly, or you can view it in warm/cold color, etc.
    Maximal memory: you can set maximal memory used by this program.
    Switch directory: you can switch images in sibling directories.
    Frame by frame viewing: you can view multi-frame images (GIF/TIFF/MPO/EMPO/PL/EPL) frame by frame.
    Lock display region: this can be very useful when you compare two images of the same size.
    Rotate or flip the image without affecting the image file.
    Image order: by file name, file format, file size or last modification date and time.

Size: 597 KB (Compressed) - 1.41 MB (Uncompressed)
License: Freeware

 It charges my Acer Iconia One 8, etc. a lot faster than the previous charger I was using (which was an ARCHEER 17W 3.4A Dual USB Port Wall Charger Adapter for Smartphones and Tablets, Black, 1 Pack). So, I highly recommend using it to charge Android Tablets, etc. You can find more info about it and buy it by going to

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