1. I managed to fix its BSODs thanks to a member of community.osr.com but now after removing the 4 GB limit it has in place and using a 6 GB drive, I get BSODs when trying to copy files 2 GB or greater in size to it. One of the BSODs I get is one that mentions it trying to access memory that was set to be read-only. The source code and instructions for compiling it are available at
https://github.com/Zero3K/ERAM/ and the Pull Request containing the modifications I did to remove the limit (along with a link to an analysis of the BSOD I mentioned) can be found at
2. Regarding its CPL (which is used to configure it), I tried to compile it using Visual Studio 2017 Community but have ran into some "unresolved external symbols" errors which you can see by going to
3. I compiled the CPL using WDK 7.1.0 and isn't working in Windows Server 2003, etc (It shows up in the list of Control Panel Applets but nothing happens when double-clicked on).
How do I fix one or more of those issues?