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as you can see, the user/developer/owner/admin of the site can make it be whatever it wants it to be. be it a blog, user community, or other.

I apologize if I sounded harsh, didn't mean to. I've come to realize I asked the wrong question originally. Instead of looking for a content management system, I should have asked if anyone knows of a great but perpetually unemployed web designer, as I couldn't afford any other kind :)


it doesnt work like a CMS as most CMS systems do.
i like it most cause it leaves the foundation of BUILDING A WEBSITE entirely up to you. code and design from the ground up. XHTML compliance is up to you.

EE seems to be another blog/community thing - like anything that gets called a CMS today. It resembles TextPattern somewhat. If what you need is a shop window on the web, the blog/timeline/archive features get in the way. So what's the $249 plus VAT for if I have to do it all myself anyway? :)

If I could design a site to my satisfaction, I would. I could learn some php, there sure is a lot of free code out there to study. One thing I can't do is learn a talent for graphic design. Last time I took two weeks (gulp!) to come up with a color scheme that didn't suck. I don't know the first thing about creating buttons - like the very elegant, simple ones they use at What's the graphics equivalent of dyslexia? - I don't know, but I have that :)


Best Text Editor / Re: Is this serious?
« on: February 20, 2007, 08:40 PM »
One more thing: that keyboard layout for the original Vi is really revealing. I've always wondered why the colon was chosen for the command prefix. It's inconvenient, since you have to press Shift, it slows you down. The semicolon would be much easier/faster.

Well, if you check out the One True Vi Keyboard, typing the colon did not require Shift. So the original choice was reasonable. It just isn't reasonable anymore on a current standard PC keyboard.

Best Text Editor / Re: Is this serious?
« on: February 20, 2007, 08:30 PM »
vim is best used with the keys, that's a _text editor_. When you type, you are using the keys, not the mouse. Leave the mouse out of it, also leave the arrowkeys out of it, it just eats time from your editin.

Check out this Wikipedia entry on Vi. It shows the keyboard layout of the terminal Bill Joy used to create Vi... in 1976. The keyboard did not have arrow keys :) The editor is over 30 years old. All its quirks were not design virtues, they were simple necessities. See what other keys the keyboard was missing that we now take for granted.

In general, the reason you're supposed to navigate with hjkl instead of arrow keys or something more vaguely intuitive is that in those days each computer manufacturer delivered their own keyboard, whose layout and scancodes were largely incompatible with all other keyboards, and each terminal was different, so any application that was supposed to be portable or used over a remote terminal had to be restricted to the lowest common denominator of what machines of the time were capable of and would understand. Hence no "extended" keys, and even today I don't think you can use function keys or Alt combinations over telnet. Well, there is one virtue in that: you can use Vi anywhere, as long as you can telnet to a remote Unix-like shell. And Vi certainly has a powerful command set, but nothing stops programmers from implementing the same power within a modern, more usable UI framework.

Please note the review does not say Vi cannot do any of the things listed; it only says they're too hard to figure out.

According to Wikipedia, "Vi" stands for "visual". I rest my case :)

Very good points all. It's the first I've heard of Xampp, but all the components run on my machine all the time, and local testing is the first thing I do.

Popularity of a package cuts both ways, I suppose: bugs are eliminated faster, but widely used products also get hacked more. But I would definitely feel safer with a widely used version 2 of something than with a 1.x release that's hardly seen mass use yet.

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