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Screenshot Captor / Re: I have a new problem“memory is out”
« on: March 30, 2022, 05:51 AM »
My computer use eight display monitor(all is 4K 3840X2160)

That will most likely result in a screenshot larger than 2GB, but SSC can only allocate up to 2GB of memory, as it is a 32 bit application. That's not easy to change.

You can screenshot each monitor separate and stitch the images together.

Wouldn't it be easier to use a simple xpath expression to extract the matching element(s)?
Select-Xml -XPath "//variable[id='this-is-the-node']"

All of your design skills in one place ;D

No kidding, I like it for it's plain vanilla interface. :Thmbsup:

Guess the name should start with a lower-case s, as that's a common prefix for many of Skwire's specialist tools :Thmbsup:

I'm pretty sure you can rework that SAS script to accept a filename in a variable (never used or interpreted SAS script, but did a quick google search on it), so executing the script while passing the filename(s) should be really doable.
This is only to avoid getting stuck with a 'one trick pony' tool ;D
And adjusting the script will improve someone's skills, if not yours :P

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