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Can anyone tell me please how to find a regex in a file and append it to a file? Also, how to loop that? Last, how to find the next regex match in the file?
Well, the trouble is you'll have to do it in some script or programming language, as regex is actually a selection mechanism using pattern matching ('regular expressions').
For such a task I'd advise to use sed, the Stream EDitor, originally from unix, but also available for Windows, that is built for jobs like this.
I've made a Sed-Tester tool for NANY a couple years back, find it from the link below this post and try it out, it includes sed.exe, and has a link to sed documentation in the gui.
You can also continue on the PS-script 4wd gave here earlier, but that doesn't go through the data sequentially in the way sed does.

If I could convert the XML file in a flat structured file
Converting your .xml to .csv is a quite easy one-liner in Powershell, assuming a single xml file, into a single .csv file:
Code: PowerShell [Select]
  1. $([xml]$(Get-Content .\kalos-data1.xml)).SelectNodes("/CATALOG/PLANT")|Export-Csv .\kalos-data1.csv
The reason it wasn't working for you was probably that you didn't account for xml to be case-sensitive.

Parsing an .xml file containing CDATA tags with a regex is close to impossible to get right, as nearly any content is possible inside such CDATA tag, including valid xml...

Guys, the more I am looking on it, the more I am convinced that Regex would be the best solution.
Please listen to people with more (programming) experience than you have, you are really trying to hammer round screws into square holes here, don't do that, you'll hurt yourself.

it will limit my learning a lot
Well, please first try to learn how to describe your challenge well, a tutorial was linked earlier by 4wd, then we will try to teach you how to best solve your challenge. It may not need regex at all.

A common saying about regexes goes like this: You try to solve a problem with a regex. Now you've got 2 problems...


 <BOTANICAL>Sanguinaria canadensis</BOTANICAL>
 <LIGHT>Mostly Shady</LIGHT>

A couple of questions:
  • In what way do these totally different types/forms of data relate to each other?
  • Are they from different files?
    • Is the first file some sort of definition file and the second the actual data?
    • Is the first part embedded in a CDATA tag like this: "<![CDATA[ your non-xml-formed data like in the first quote goes here ]]>" ?
  • Please provide the exact filenames.

Now we are getting somewhere, sort of.

You only didn't tell what other parts of the data you need extracted from each record, besides the ui_mode field, and what the identifying field is that should go in the first column of the csv output you suggested earlier.

Is your second line a question?
Yes, 2 actually.

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