WorkRave fit your requirements? It doesn't have as nice statistics that
WorkPace has, but it's free (Open Source, actually), and that can't surely be said of WorkPace :(
I've been using it for about 5 years now, as a restbreak timer, and have been pleased with it from the start. (After using WorkPace for about 1 year, which is also quite Ok, except for the pricetag)
The always on Top requirement can be filled by the display as a Toolbar in the Windows taskbar. (If that's not set to autohide)
It doesn't show the exact counters mentioned, but you can display most of that on demand, from the systemtray menu.
The main purpose of WorkRave is to try to avoid RSI related injuries, and I assume it's what you eventually want this utility for?
The WorkRave website is rather Dutch (sorry) but most should be able to find the Download link...