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Living Room / Re: 150 Hours of TV / Month?
« on: December 29, 2010, 10:33 AM »
Sounds like they averaged the hours per actual users, instead of the US population. Marketing figures, it's all a bunch of ... (fill in your favorite term on the dots)

N.A.N.Y. 2011 / Re: NANY 2011 Release: Park Cursor Aside
« on: December 29, 2010, 10:26 AM »
Thanks Ath for the feedback and suggestion   :).
You're welcome.
Like the dual monitor, I do not have such facility neither any of my colleague, so may have to go by the books and may need someone's help here in testing it.
Count me in 8)

Doesn't it have a command-line parameter to force direct update? Might be it's 'poking' directly into graphical memory, and the output is delayed/buffered by windows before being channeled back to your app. Maybe an update-rate can be set/increased somewhere? (Just some blind hints, sorry)

N.A.N.Y. 2011 / Re: NANY 2011 Release: Park Cursor Aside
« on: December 29, 2010, 08:07 AM »
I've been using it for about 1 day now, and to my own surprise I even like the concept :o

A few adjustments would be nice though:
- Allow for more then 5 keystrokes before the cursor is moved away, ~140 would be nice so a quick tweet wouldn't move away the cursor, while scribbling in some code would. That makes my app white-list a bit more specific: A keystroke-count per app on the white-list, and -1 for infinite, effectively turning it off ;)
- Allow for non-ascii keys to not count as keystrokes (and maybe cursor-keys should be a special case also). I'm using keyboard navigation a lot in a lot of apps, and reading the next news/e-mail using Ctrl-U moves away the mouse cursor after 5 keystrokes.
- The cursor is always moved to it's parking-position on the main screen, even when working on a secondary monitor. It would be nice if it stayed on the same screen.
  But then I'd also like a location setting for each screen as well... (scenario: my secondary monitor is to the left of the main monitor, so I currently park the cursor on the left side (4), but when working on the second monitor I'd like to have it moved to the right side of that monitor. If I were to add a third monitor, that would be placed to the right of the main screen, and I'd park my cursor on the left side when working on that 3rd screen, and at the bottom when working on the main screen)
- A nice to have feature would also be if keystrokes where only counted when in some kind of editing mode/control

Looks like this has way more potential then I though at first sight :Thmbsup:

Unfinished Requests / Re: Program Idea: Commandline Table Printer
« on: December 28, 2010, 03:06 PM »
But it so old 16 bit that it won't run on x64 Windows, what a pity, it was looking so good :o

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