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If you insist on using regexes for the conversions, then sed can do it. When downloading sed for Windows, be sure to get the latest updated version. A GNU version of sed is required as BSD doesn't support the lowercase conversion \L.
This script should be saved as an ASCII/ANSI file for the y command to work properly, when saved as UTF-8, sed will complaint about the original and replacement strings not being of the same length :huh:
# Save this file as ANSI or the y command will cause an error
# Convert to lowercase
# Convert all spaces to _
# Remove special characters (][ must be first in range, - must be last in range!)
# Replace diacritics by non-diacritics (to be completed)

I tried to find all diacritics I could enter on my US-international keyboard layout, I may have left out some you might need. Please add what you need and is missing.
Separator character used is : on all script lines

Command-line should be something like:
sed -r -f above_script.txt <input.txt

Living Room / Re: When you make your 100'th Post
« on: December 07, 2019, 01:57 AM »
 ;D :Thmbsup:

Living Room / Re: Buying a 2TB SSD to replace my 2TB HDD
« on: November 28, 2019, 01:17 AM »
If you really want a 2TB drive for less money, then get this Samsung 970 EVO Plus model (The 970 EVO Plus is the successor of the 970 EVO)

Living Room / Re: What are .rsf macros?
« on: November 26, 2019, 01:06 PM »
Because any additional info isn't supplied, I tried a Google search and found this rather informative page

Find And Run Robot / Re: Possible new facility: runas for aliases
« on: November 20, 2019, 01:19 AM »
Where is FARR more secure in asking for a password opposed to entering it in a Windows CMD prompt (without any character echo'ed)?  :huh:  If a keyboard hook would be installed on your system it could see the password in both cases. And I don't know if it's even possible for an application to induce the standard Windows popup-prompt for a password.

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